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Last active November 13, 2020 00:56
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Angular directive for jQuery sparkline
// Requires jQuery from
// and jQuerySparklines from
// AngularJS directives for jquery sparkline
angular.module('sparkline', []);
.directive('jqSparkline', [function () {
'use strict';
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ngModel) {
var opts={};
//TODO: Use $eval to get the object
opts.type = attrs.type || 'line';
scope.$watch(attrs.ngModel, function () {
scope.$watch(attrs.opts, function(){
var render = function () {
var model;
if(attrs.opts) angular.extend(opts, angular.fromJson(attrs.opts));
// Trim trailing comma if we are a string
angular.isString(ngModel.$viewValue) ? model = ngModel.$viewValue.replace(/(^,)|(,$)/g, "") : model = ngModel.$viewValue;
var data;
// Make sure we have an array of numbers
angular.isArray(model) ? data = model : data = model.split(',');
$(elem).sparkline(data, opts);
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Hmmm ... can't seem to get it work. I notice the module/directive to get loaded, but the rendering never gets triggered.

In my HTML code, I've set this up as a

Any ideas? Thanks already!

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Ercenk commented Apr 7, 2014

wim, try setting the objectEquality flag of $watch for the ngModel to true, if your ngModel is an array, and you are changing it programmatically.

e.g. if you are adding elements to the model array pointed to by the ng-model attribute, change the code to:

scope.$watch(attrs.ngModel, function () {
}, true);

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I don't suppose anyone has a JSFiddle of this working, do they?

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If it helps anyone who uses coffeescript... Here is a version of the above that is working for me in a project:

  .directive "mySpark", ->
    restrict: "A"
    require: "ngModel"
    link: (scope, elem, attrs, ngModel) ->
      opts = {}

      opts.type = attrs.type || 'bar'
      opts.barColor = attrs.barColor || '#ffffff'
      opts.height = attrs.height || '35px'
      opts.barWidth = attrs.barWidth || '5px'
      opts.barSpacing = attrs.barSpacing || '2px'
      opts.zeroAxis = attrs.zeroAxis || 'false'

      scope.$watch attrs.ngModel, ((value) ->
      ), true

      scope.$watch attrs.opts, ((value) ->
      ), true

      render = () ->
        angular.extend opts, angular.fromJson(attrs.opts) if attrs.opts

        model = ngModel.$viewValue

        if angular.isArray(model)
          data = model
          if model?
            data = model.split(",")
            data = []

        $(elem).sparkline data, opts

Using it:

<div my-spark ng-model="daily_meter_uptime.scaled_historical_values"/>

used a deep watch on the values and it is working great. Thanks for taking the time to write this up!!

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Thanks !! works like charm :)

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Wrapping the jquery bit in $timeout() helped me.

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This is great! But how can I use this directive to create a Composite inline graph? For example two line in one graph. I tried many way but failed. Thanks

Sample image:
download 1

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adanylov commented Jun 7, 2016

In case of composite sparkline:

function compositeSparkline(): ng.IDirective {

    function link(scope: ng.IScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attrs: ng.IAttributes) {
        var getOptions = () => {
            var options = {
                chart1: angular.extend({ type: 'line', data: [] }, scope.$eval(attrs['chart1'])),
                chart2: angular.extend({ type: 'line', data: [] }, scope.$eval(attrs['chart2']))

            return options;

        var render = () => {
            var opts = getOptions();

            // draw chart1
            (<any>jQuery(element)).sparkline(, opts.chart1);

            // draw chart2
            (<any>jQuery(element)).sparkline(, opts.chart2);

        // Watch for changes to the directives options
        scope.$watch(getOptions, render, true);


    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {},
        link: link

angular.module('sparkline').directive('ngCompositeSparkline', compositeSparkline);

It is less flexible because you need to pass arrays of integer for chart1 and chart2 options into the directive... But it is just a starting point for the extensions

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May i know where can i find the implementation code? Its a big help.

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May I know how to make this work for angular 4, thanks in advance.

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