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Created December 19, 2010 13:15
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Connecting to AVR NET-IO with python with a graphical user interface –
#-*- coding:utf8 -*-
# Connecting to AVR NET-IO with python
# with a graphical user interface
# Funktionen:
#+ Grafische Benutzerschnittstelle für AVR NET-IO "out of the box"
#+ Auslesen und Anzeige aller verfügbaren Eingänge und Schalten der Ausgänge mit Schaltflächen
#+ Zugriff über LAN (mit Telnet)
#+ Logging aller Werte mit Timestamp in Logfile, kann mit Schaltfläche gestartet und gestoppt werden
#+ Option: Logfile zum Anhängen geöffnet lassen / bei jedem Loggen neu öffnen
#TODO: Diese Software ist noch ziemlich ausbaufähig:
#- Anzeige von Firmwareversion und Verbindungsdaten (inkl. Port und MAC)
#- Logfile-Optionen: Bei jedem Log-Start neue Datei beginnen mit Timestamp/Nummerierung / Überschreiben (Warnen) / Fortsetzen
#- Preprend file info as comments at beginning of logfile if newly started
#- Button "Logfile schließen und neu beginnen" (mit neuem Dateinamen/oder nicht, je nach Überschreibmodus)
#- Festwert-Buttons für Abfrageintervall
#- Abfrageintervall genauer machen (time.time()-Abfrage zum Auf-Feste-Sekunden-Legen, gemessene Korrektur (s.u.), Zeitgeber...
#- count errors
#- Different interface size: small, normal
#- class version (enable controlling several devices)
#- color selectors
#- .rc file for saving configuration
#- Lineare und andere Transformationsfunktionen für ADC-Werte
#- Transport: Seriell, Telnet, TCP/IP, I2C, CAN, USB, Andere, ...
#- Sensorprotokolle: AVR NET-IO, Ethersex, Voltmeter (z.B. McVoice M-980T TRUE REMS MULTIMETER)
#- Webserver integrieren, um Werte anliefern oder die Software fernsteuern zu können
#- Anzeige der Werte als laufend aktualisierte Kurve.
#- Anzeige der geloggten Werte aus der Logdatei.
#- Skalierungsfunktionen, Auto-Skalierung anhand der aufgetretenen Werte.
#- XY-Anzeige (z.B. Temperatur über Licht), für Kennlinienschreiber o.ä.
#- Kurven als Grafik speichern.
#- Eigene Bezeichnungen für Ein- und Ausgänge definierbar machen
#- Andere grafische Widgets: Digitalanzeige, Analoganzeige usw.
#- Anwendungsbezogene Spezial-Widgets, z.B. Tür-Reedsensor => Türsymbol offen/geschlossen
#- Widgets anzeigen oder weglassen, anders anordnen, Auswahl unterschiedlicher Widgets
#- Fehlerbehandlung bei Verbindungsausfall
#- Fehlerbehandlung bei Logfile-Problemen
#- Umstellung der Netzwerkparameter auf eigene Wunschwerte
#- Bedienung mehrerer Boards
#- Weitere (alle) Funktionen der Pollin-Software nachbilden
#- Umdefinieren der Portfunktionen (dann ist es nicht mehr der AVR NET-IO "out of the box" und benötigt eine andere Firmware)
import time
import telnetlib
import Tkinter
#AVR NET-I/O Default Parameters:
#IP =
#TELNET PORT = 50290
# SETIP x.x.x.x
# SETMAST x.x.x.x
# SETGW x.x.x.x
#Default network parameters
telnethost = ''
telnetport = 50290
outfilename = 'avrnetio.log'
Standard_Interval = 100 #in 1/100 seconds
#Set this to False if you want to reduce disk access
#Set this to True if you watch the output visually with "tail -f" or if you want to save avery query immediately
Logfile_open_close_for_each_entry = True
# Connecting to device / initializing:
print 'Connecting to AVR NET-IO with telnet at IP %s on port %d' % (telnethost, telnetport)
#Connect on telnet port
netio = telnetlib.Telnet(telnethost, telnetport)
#send command and get results
def sg(netio, cmd):
netio.write(cmd + '\n')
return netio.read_until('\n').strip('\r\n')
#get version
def version(netio):
print 'Version info:'
print sg(netio,'version')
print netio.read_until('\n').strip('\r\n')
print netio.read_until('\n').strip('\r\n')
#get ipparams - but they are known when you can connect with telnet.
def ipparams(netio):
print 'IP parameters:'
print 'IP: ', sg(netio,'getip')
print 'Netmask:', sg(netio,'getmask')
print 'Gateway:', sg(netio,'getgw')
#Get values of all ADCs and Status
def adcs(netio):
for i in [1,2,3,4]:
print 'ADC' + str(i) + ': ' + sg(netio,'getadc ' + str(i)).rjust(4) + ' -',
print sg(netio,'getstatus')
#Get value of specific ADC
def adc(netio,i):
return int(sg(netio,'getadc ' + str(i)))
print 'Blinking outputs...'
#Some blinking of outputs, for fun
for i in range(1): # Set higher value for longer blinkery
sg(netio,'setport 1.1')
sg(netio,'setport 1.0')
sg(netio,'setport 2.1')
sg(netio,'setport 2.0')
sg(netio,'setport 3.1')
sg(netio,'setport 3.0')
sg(netio,'setport 4.1')
sg(netio,'setport 4.0')
print 'Done initializing.'
# For automatic logging:
#Connect and get AD values and Status of inputs
def getads(netio):
netio = telnetlib.Telnet(telnethost, telnetport)
a1 = int(adc(netio,1))
a2 = int(adc(netio,2))
a3 = int(adc(netio,3))
a4 = int(adc(netio,4))
s = sg(netio,'getstatus')
flag = 'OK'
a1, a2, a3, a4, s = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
flag = 'Error'
return a1, a2, a3, a4, s, flag
print 'Starting graphical user interface (GUI)'
#Farben für digitale Buttons
color_off_bg = 'green'
color_off_fg = 'black'
color_on_bg = 'yellow'
color_on_fg = 'black'
def Exit():
global Continue
print 'Exit requestet. Stopping program.'
Continue = False
window = Tkinter.Tk()
window['bg'] = 'blue'
#window['command'] = Exit
window.title('AVR NET-IO')
#window.config(width = 200, height = 200)
ADC = []
Input = []
Output = []
#Exit/Logging/Refresh block
f1 = Tkinter.Frame(window)
f1.pack(fill = 'x', side = 'top')
#ADC block
f2 = Tkinter.Frame(window)
f2.pack(side = 'top')
#Input/Output block
f5 = Tkinter.Frame(window, bg = 'blue', padx = 10, pady = 10)
f5.pack(side = 'right')
#Refresh slider
refresh = Tkinter.Scale(f1, orient='horizontal', length=400, label = 'Refresh interval', cursor = 'hand2', command = window.update())
refresh['from'] = 0
refresh['to'] = 200
refresh.pack(side = 'right')
#Exit button
x = Tkinter.Button(f1, text = 'Exit!', background = 'grey', cursor = 'hand1')
x['command'] = Exit
x.pack(side = 'left')
#Log start button
log = Tkinter.Button(f1, text = 'Start logging!', background = 'red', cursor = 'hand2')
Logging = False
outfile = None
def logtoggle():
global Logging
global outfile
#Switch logging flag
Logging = not Logging
if Logging: #so we just turned it on
if not Logfile_open_close_for_each_entry: #(In that other case the file is opened and closed for each log entry)
#Open output file in current directory
outfile = open(outfilename, 'a')
print 'Logging started into file:', outfilename
if not Logfile_open_close_for_each_entry: #(In that other case the file is opened and closed for each log entry
print 'Logging stopped.'
log['command'] = logtoggle
log.pack(side = 'left')
t = Tkinter.Label(f1, text = "Timestamp: ")
t.pack(side = 'top')
d = Tkinter.Label(f1, text = "Data: ")
d.pack(side = 'top')
l = Tkinter.Label(f1, text = "Logfile: " + outfilename)
l.pack(side = 'top')
f3 = Tkinter.Frame(window, bg = 'blue', padx = 10, pady = 10)
f4 = Tkinter.Frame(window, bg = 'red')
#Vier Regler-Widgets für die vier AD-Wandler definieren
for i in range(4):
ADC.append(Tkinter.Scale(f2, orient='horizontal', length=1024, label='ADC ' + str(i + 1), foreground = 'blue', background = 'green'))
def toggle1(): sg(netio,'setport 1.' + ('1' if Output[0]['bg'] == color_off_bg else '0') ) #einschalten
def toggle2(): sg(netio,'setport 2.' + ('1' if Output[1]['bg'] == color_off_bg else '0') ) #einschalten
def toggle3(): sg(netio,'setport 3.' + ('1' if Output[2]['bg'] == color_off_bg else '0') ) #einschalten
def toggle4(): sg(netio,'setport 4.' + ('1' if Output[3]['bg'] == color_off_bg else '0') ) #einschalten
def toggle5(): sg(netio,'setport 5.' + ('1' if Output[4]['bg'] == color_off_bg else '0') ) #einschalten
def toggle6(): sg(netio,'setport 6.' + ('1' if Output[5]['bg'] == color_off_bg else '0') ) #einschalten
def toggle7(): sg(netio,'setport 7.' + ('1' if Output[6]['bg'] == color_off_bg else '0') ) #einschalten
def toggle8(): sg(netio,'setport 8.' + ('1' if Output[7]['bg'] == color_off_bg else '0') ) #einschalten
#Acht Buttons für die acht Digitalausgänge definieren
for i in range(8):
Output.append(Tkinter.Button(f5, cursor = 'hand2'))
Output[i].pack(side = 'left')
Output[0].config(text='Output 1', command = toggle1)
Output[1].config(text='Output 2', command = toggle2)
Output[2].config(text='Output 3', command = toggle3)
Output[3].config(text='Output 4', command = toggle4)
Output[4].config(text='Output 5', command = toggle5)
Output[5].config(text='Output 6', command = toggle6)
Output[6].config(text='Output 7', command = toggle7)
Output[7].config(text='Output 8', command = toggle8)
#Vier Kontrollkästchen zur Ausgabe der vier Digitaleingänge definieren
for i in range(4):
Input[i].config(text='Input ' + str(i + 1))
Input[i].pack(side = 'left')
print 'Displaying values... (abort with Ctrl+C)'
Log_count = 0
Continue = True
while Continue:
timestamp = time.time()
#Daten von Board holen
a1, a2, a3, a4, Status, flag = getads(netio)
#Eingänge abfragen
Inputs = 'I'
for i in range(4):
if sg(netio,'getport ' + str(4-i) ) == '1':
Inputs += '1'
Inputs += '0'
#Timestamp und Daten als Text ausgeben
d['text'] = "Data: %4d - %4d - %4d - %4d - %s - %s - %s" % (a1, a2, a3, a4, Status, Inputs, flag)
t['text'] = "Timestamp: %.2f" % timestamp
#Werte der AD-Wandler als Regler anzeigen
#Status der Digitalausgänge abfragen und anzeigen
#Rückgabeformat: 'S01010011' (S = fest, dann die Bits der Abfrage)
for i in range(8):
if (Status[8-i] != '0'): #on
Output[i]['bg'] = color_on_bg
Output[i]['fg'] = color_on_fg
else: #off
Output[i]['bg'] = color_off_bg
Output[i]['fg'] = color_off_fg
if not Logging:
log.configure(background = 'red', text = 'Start logging')
else: #logging is on
log.configure(background = 'green', text = 'Stop logging')
#log values
if Logfile_open_close_for_each_entry: outfile = open(outfilename, 'a')
Log_count += 1
outfile.write( str(time.time()) + '\t' + str(Log_count) + '\t' + str(a1) + '\t' + str(a2) + '\t' + str(a3) + '\t' + str(a4) + '\t' + Status + '\t' + Inputs + '\t' + flag + '\n' ) #And write them to logfile
if Logfile_open_close_for_each_entry: outfile.close()
wait = refresh.get() / 100.0
refresh['label'] = 'Wait time between queries: %.2f s' % wait
time.sleep( wait )
# Set your logging parameters here:
#outfilename = 'avrnetio.log'
#loginterval = 30 #seconds
#Endless logging loop which prints values and writes them to a file.
#i = 0 #Counter of logged values since start of script.
#t0=time.time() #One of the time correction variables
#while True: #Set a limit if you want
#i += 1
#print time.time(), '-', i, '-', #Start log line with unix timestamp (with second fractions), and counter
#a1, a2, a3, a4, s, flag = getads(netio) #Get input values from controller
#print a1, '-', a2, '-', a3, '-', a4, '-', s, '-', flag #Print them
#outfile.write( str(time.time()) + '\t' + str(i) + '\t' + str(a1) + '\t' + str(a2) + '\t' + str(a3) + '\t' + str(a4) + '\t' + str(s) + '\t' + flag + '\n' ) #And write them to logfile
#t1=time.time() #These lines correct for execution time of loop in order to get equidistant intervalls.
#time.sleep(loginterval - (t1-t0 - (t2-t1)) ) #Sleep for time corrected interval
#Properly close file, if loop is left while logging
if outfile and not Logfile_open_close_for_each_entry:
print 'Done. Goodbye!'
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