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Last active February 9, 2016 02:19
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  • Save planemad/e86bab10aca62421cb26 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save planemad/e86bab10aca62421cb26 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Extending the desktop

An attempt to go beyond a computer screen.

The desk

Your desk has everything you might be looking for. Come take a seat.


Adjusting the seat and moving around gives you fresh perspectives of your desktop.


Has all the objects of your immideate interest. As you reach out to pick the most important, the other objects fade away into the background


Holds the objects that are out of focus. You may want to keep them in your periphery though, as they could become important at any moment.


All background activy happens here so that you can focus on realizing your thought

Realizing thoughts

Thoughts enable action, which is what brings us to the desk in the first place. We all have books of thoughts, from silly to stellar, but each no less valuable than the other.


Books help record our thoughts. Every book should have its title and author printed on the spine. Organised neatly on a shelf with labels, the collection of books can turn into a library of learning.


Libraries are temples of knowledge. Only the finest books

An object of attention

Is what you are having a conversation with

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