I went searching, as I have done many times, to find the name of the common startup folder to add my own shortcuts to run programs at logon. This time, I decided to compile this list below and store it somewhere I'll remember for next time.
This is a copy of the 'meat' (read 'less the adverts') from a TechRadar site that had a reasonably comprehensive list of Windows Shell folder shortcuts. Each of these shell folders can be used in the Windows 'Run' window to open the contents or, if prefered, used as a destination to a custom shortcut.lnk to make it a clickable item. To use just simply copy the corresponding Shell Folder
from the section you are after from the tables below.
A lot of these will also work on Windows Server OSs as well as the desktop OSs. At some point I'll update the 'applicable to' list to include newer OSs. I've not had an issue with Windows 10 and Server 2016 with the key ones but YMMV.
Hopefully this will help others, if theres is any o