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planetguy32 / gist:261a93bb1047f01e8d80
Created May 25, 2015 13:40
RemIM v2.7.0 release notes

v2.7.0 - The No More Screwing Around Update

  • Added GUI-based configuration to blocks
  • Carriage motors can push blocks away from themselves
  • Added special-case handling for rails
  • Added visually compatible icons for directional carriage drives and rotators = Carriage engines and motors have been made freely convertible = Fixed translocating out of the End = Fixed crash with Buildcraft but not FMP = Teleportative spectres now respect collision boxes
planetguy32 / gist:7756218
Last active December 30, 2015 01:29
Ore slurry system
-Extend BlockFluidFinite
-Iron, gold, diamond, coal, redstone, lapis, mod resources as needed
Ore Slurrier:
-Takes 1000 mb water, 1 ore block
-Produces 1000 mb sandy slurry per job
-Level (slider? 2-4):
planetguy32 / gist:6528825
Last active December 22, 2015 20:49
Gizmos to-do
1. Get LAPIS functioning
2. Port content to LAPIS
3. Port LAPIS to 1.7 and other MC platforms (Bukkit? Spout?)
4. Content:
EMP: Hit them where it hurts, in the machinery. Surges along any block that implements a power API, exploding all the way.
Polyfoam: A structural block a bit like IC2's foam. Comes in different formulations, which are selected by crafting with certain items. (Gizmos won't provide mod items necessary to craft polyfoams that are common among other mods and shared with the Ore Dictionary.) Up to 2? dusts can be combined into a single polyfoam can, which can place ~64 polyfoam blocks.
Polyfoam formulations:
Standard: No special ingredient, but used to create all other polyfoam types. A can of it is made from one slime ball, one sugar, and a bucket or empty can.
Dissolving: Made with water. When you dissolve it, any polyfoam blocks adjacent to it dissolve too.
MageCraft idea dump:
Magic in Minecraft would be organized into a few "schools" based on how to work it.
Enchanting: See vanilla Minecraft.
Brewing: Done at its most primitive by vanilla, but maybe expansions (brewing vats? forge liquid api? more potions?)
Alchemistry: Magic done by converting items to essences and back. Existing essence system goes here, probably.