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Forked from dangerwizzrd/diceroller-3.js
Last active October 18, 2020 18:34
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const myCharOne = {
name: "Zolda",
class: "Wizard",
maxHp: 90,
currentHp: 75,
armorClass: 16,
atkBonus: 7,
magicBonus: 10,
const myCharTwo = {
name: "Rollo",
class: "Sorcerer",
maxHp: 100,
currentHp: 85,
armorClass: 15,
atkBonus: 6,
magicBonus: 11,
// Version 3
function diceRoll(min, max) {
// no need for a variable
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
function atkRoll(diceResult) {
// orig: return (diceResult += myCharOne.atkBonus);
// immediately using the result of an incremented variable can be confusing to work with
// In addition this is incrementing the parameter itself, which can have side effects
// There aren't side effects for primitives such as string/number, but if it were an object
// it would be modifying the object. Some style guides say to just never mess with modifying
// parameters
// Here is an example not using the "side-effect" of the addition.
// diceResult += myCharOne.atkBonus;
// return diceResult;
// even better, no need to modify any variables at all:
return diceResult + myCharOne.atkBonus;
function makeAtk(minimum, maximum) {
const theRoll = diceRoll(minimum, maximum);
const addingBonus = atkRoll(theRoll);
const printedStatement = `You rolled a ${theRoll} for a total of ${addingBonus}.`;
if (theRoll == 20) {
return `Critical Hit!! ${printedStatement} ${}'s attack hit ${} for 4 damage!!`;
} else if (theRoll == 1) {
return `Critical Miss!! ${printedStatement} Your sword flew right in the trash!!`;
} else if (addingBonus >= myCharTwo.armorClass) {
return `${printedStatement} ${}'s attack hit ${} for 2 damage!`;
} else {
return `${printedStatement} ${}'s attack missed!`;
console.log(makeAtk(1, 20));
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