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Last active March 16, 2023 20:09
Change Docker data directory

Relocate the docker data directory

By default docker on linux uses /var/lib/docker as its data directory (in docker parlance, "data-root"). This can be inconvenient for those of us whose /var is located on a boot drive with only a modest amount of space. After installing docker I always relocate its data directory to a bigger volume. Assuming that volume is named "data1", here's the procedure:

  • Shut down docker and containerd, systemctl stop docker; systemctl stop containerd.
  • Create a /etc/docker/daemon.json file with the following contents:
  "data-root": "/data1/docker"
  • Use rsync to copy the data from the old to new locations:
rsync -a /var/lib/docker /data1
  • Restart containerd and docker again, systemctl start containerd; systemctl start docker


"Control Docker with systemd". Docker Docs,

"Relocating the Docker root directory". IBM Z Operational Log and Data Analytics,

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