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Last active June 3, 2019 21:02
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Save plexsoup/6fb407c51d3ded60119f914ea82781de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Roll20 Script to flipH side-view tokens automatically. Also provides a directional flashlight for isometric tokens.
// psIsoFacingAndView
// Purpose: provide a directional flashlight which rotates independently of the parent token.
// Also: flip the parent token on the horizontal axis because players can't fliph themselves.
// Designed for side-view tokens on isometric or 8bit maps, but should work for top-down as well.
// Once installed, turn on the yellow status marker for your token to turn on the flashlight.
// turn on the boot (tread) status marker to turn on auto-facing.
// For menu: type !psIsoFacing in chat.
// **** TODO
// something's weird about the install routine.. sometime's a character doesn't switch direction until the second move.
var psIsoFacing = psIsoFacing || (function plexsoupIsoFacing() {
"use strict";
var debug = false;
var defaultConfig = {
scriptIsActive: true,
whisperErrors: true,
useTreadStatusForFacing: true, // true: tokens are active when they have a yellow status; false: tokens have to be registered through the gui.
useYellowStatusForLight: true,
light_radius: 40,
light_dimradius: 20,
light_angle: 90
var config = _.clone(defaultConfig);
var info = {
scriptName: "psIsoFacing",
version: 0.15,
authorName: "plexsoup"
var travellers = {}; // dictionary of objects for side-view tokens actively moving and changing directions. key: tokenID, value: travellerObj
var flashlights = {}; // dictionary of objects for flashlights (or navi from Legend of Zelda) which follow the characters around and rotate based on vector from tokens lastmove
var ICONS = { // note: Roll20 has particular rules about imgsrc. See
torch: "",
transparent: "",
scifi: ""
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var travellerObj = function travellerClass(tokenID) { // note: roll20 state variable can only store simple properties. No functions
this.direction = 1; // right is 1, left is -1
this.tokenID = tokenID;
var instantiateTravellerMethods = function(traveller) { // note: only operates on a single instance at a time. Call with _.each(travellers) if you need them all.
traveller.changeDirection = function() {
traveller.direction *= -1;
var token = getObj("graphic", traveller.tokenID);
if (token !== undefined ) {
token.set("fliph", !token.get("fliph") );
traveller.remove = function() {
// Note: there's no js mechanism to destroy myself, so we'll assume that chrome will manage memory when the reference is gone.
// delete traveller; // take myself out of the dictionary
// note: we store travellerObj's in state, but state can only handle simple objects with simple datatypes: ie: no methods.
// let's use the prototype property to add methods back to all travellerObj's once we rebuild travellers from state.
var flashlightObj = function flashlightClass(tokenID) { // note: roll20 state variable can only store simple properties. No functions
this.unitVector = [0,1];
this.parentID = tokenID;
this.turnedOn = false;
this.lightID = "";
this.deleteMe = false;
var instantiateFlashlightMethods = function(flashlight) { // note: only operates on a single instance at a time. Call with _.each if you need more.
flashlight.changeOrientation = function() {
flashlight.turnOff = function() {
var lightGraphic = getObj("graphic", flashlight.lightID);
if (lightGraphic) {
flashlight.deleteMe = true; // **** TODO **** Needs work.. when are you actually going to do this cleanup?
//mark for deletion and then do cleanup / garbage collection from outside the object.
//delete flashlights[flashlight.parentID]; // doesn't work from inside the object
// flashlight.remove = flashlight.turnOff;
flashlight.follow = function() {
var lightGraphic = getObj("graphic", flashlight.lightID);
var parentGraphic = getObj("graphic", flashlight.parentID);
if (lightGraphic && parentGraphic) { // error checking in case someone deleted either of those tokens
// lights don't follow tokens in realtime, they kind of float after them like ghosts.
// instead of moving them, we're going to destroy the old one and create a new one.
lightGraphic.remove(); // remove the old graphic object
flashlight.lightID = createFlashlightToken(flashlight.parentID);
var desiredRotation = flashlight.getRotation();
if (debug) psLog("desiredRotation = " + desiredRotation);
var newLightGraphic = getObj("graphic" , flashlight.lightID);
if (newLightGraphic) {
newLightGraphic.set("rotation", desiredRotation );
} else {
psLog("==> Error: flashlight.follow cannot execute because one of the tokens no longer exists.");
psLog("light token: " + lightGraphic);
psLog("parent token: " + parentGraphic);
// reset(); // **** TODO **** This is a little heavy handed, don't you think?
flashlight.getRotation = function() {
var lightObj = getObj("graphic", flashlight.lightID);
var parentObj = getObj("graphic", flashlight.parentID);
var lastMoveStr = parentObj.get("lastmove");
var rotation = 0; // straight up
if (lastMoveStr !== "") {
var lastLocationArr = lastMoveStr.split(","); // Note: these are strings.
if (debug) psLog("lastLocationArr = " + lastLocationArr);
if (debug) psLog("currentLocation = " + [parentObj.get("left"), parentObj.get("top")]);
var lastLocation = new psPoint( Number(lastLocationArr[0]), Number(lastLocationArr[1]) );
var point1 = new psPoint(lastLocation.x, lastLocation.y);
var point2 = new psPoint(parentObj.get("left"), parentObj.get("top"));
if (debug) psLog("point1 = " + JSON.stringify(point1) + ", point2 = " + JSON.stringify(point2));
var directionVector = makeVector(point1, point2);
if (debug) psLog("directionVector == " + JSON.stringify(directionVector), "turquoise");
var degrees = vectorToRoll20Rotation(directionVector);
if (debug) psLog("flashlight.getRotation("+ JSON.stringify(point1) + ", " + JSON.stringify(point2) + ") says degrees = " + degrees, "LightBlue");
rotation = degrees;
return rotation;
var lightFlashlight = function(tokenID) {
flashlights[tokenID] = new flashlightObj(tokenID);
flashlights[tokenID].lightID = createFlashlightToken(tokenID);
flashlights[tokenID].turnedOn = true;
return flashlights[tokenID].lightID;
var extinguishFlashlight = function(tokenID) {
// this removes the token and removes the flashlightObj from the list of "flashlights"
if (flashlights[tokenID]) {
var flashlightGraphic = getObj("graphic", flashlights[tokenID].lightID);
if (flashlightGraphic !== undefined && flashlightGraphic.get("gmnotes").indexOf(tokenID) !== -1 ) {
delete flashlights[tokenID];
var createFlashlightToken = function flashlightTokenCreator(parentTokenID) { // returns tokenID of new flashlight graphic object
var parentToken = getObj("graphic", parentTokenID);
var parentTokenName = parentToken.get("name");
if (debug) psLog("entered createFlashlightToken for "+ parentTokenName + " - " + parentTokenID);
var token = createObj("graphic", {
imgsrc: ICONS.transparent,
light_radius: config.light_radius,
light_dimradius: config.light_dimradius,
light_otherplayers: true,
light_hassight: false,
light_angle: config.light_angle,
pageid: parentToken.get("pageid"),
layer: parentToken.get("layer"),
left: parentToken.get("left"),
top: parentToken.get("top"),
name: "flashlight",
showname: false,
aura1_radius: "",
showplayers_aura1: false,
width: parentToken.get("width")/4,
height: parentToken.get("height")/4
if (token) {
token.set("gmnotes", parentTokenID);
if (debug) psLog("createFlashlightToken Just created a token: " + token.get("_id") + " for " + parentTokenName);
if (debug) psLog("Flashlight Token: " + token.get("_id") );
if (parentToken === undefined) {
if (debug) psLog("==> Error in createFlashlightToken. parentTokenID = " + parentTokenID);
var tokenID = token.get("_id");
if (debug) psLog("leaving createFlashlightToken. Returning " + tokenID);
return tokenID;
var whisper = function chatMessageSender(playerName, message) {
// sends a chat message to a specific player. Can use gm as playerName
//sendChat(playerName, '/w ' + playerName + " " + message);
sendChat("psIsoFacing", '/w ' + playerName + " " + message);
var ch = function (c) {
// This function will take a single character and change it to it's equivalent html encoded value.
// psNote: I tried alternate methods of regexps to encode the entire string, but I always ran into problems with | and [] characters.
var entities = {
'<' : 'lt',
'>' : 'gt',
"'" : '#39',
'@' : '#64',
'{' : '#123',
'|' : '#124',
'}' : '#125',
'[' : '#91',
']' : '#93',
'"' : 'quot',
'-' : 'mdash',
' ' : 'nbsp'
if(_.has(entities,c) ){
return ('&'+entities[c]+';');
return '';
var inString = function stringFinder(stringToSearch, textToLookFor) {
// I use this instead of indexof because I hate type converting indexOf, which produces -1 instead of false.
if (!stringToSearch || !textToLookFor) {
// log("==> Error: inString() missing params" + stringToSearch + ", " + textToLookFor);
return undefined;
if ( stringToSearch.indexOf(textToLookFor) == -1 ) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
var makeButton = function buttonMakerForChat(title, command) { // expects two strings. Returns encoded html for the chat stream
var output="";
output += '['+title+']('+command+')';
return output;
var psLog = function ErrorLogger(message, backgroundColor) {
if (!backgroundColor) {
backgroundColor = "Gainsboro";
var simpleOutputStr = info.scriptName + ": " + message;
var styledOutputStr = "<div style='font-size: smaller; background-color: " + backgroundColor + ";'>" + info.scriptName + ": " + message + "</div>";
if (config.whisperErrors)
whisper("gm", styledOutputStr );
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var showDetailedHelp = function showDetailedHelpTextInChat(playerName) {
if (!playerName) { playerName = "gm";}
var exampleStyle = '"background-color: #eee; font-size: smaller; margin-left: 40px; margin-bottom: 3px; "';
var warningStyle = '"background-color: AntiqueWhite; font-size: smaller;"';
var exampleTokenSelect = ch('@') + ch('{') + 'selected' + ch('|') + 'token_id' + ch('}');
var helpText = '';
helpText += '<div style="font-size: smaller;">';
helpText += 'psIsoFacing is a script to automatically change facing (flip horizontal) for tokens on isometric maps.';
helpText += "This makes movement look more realistic. Otherwise, players wouldn't have access to flipH.";
helpText += "</div>";
helpText += '<div style="font-size: smaller;">';
helpText += "To start, enter !psIsoFacing in the chat window.";
helpText += "</div>";
helpText += '<div style="font-size: smaller;">';
helpText += "Configuration options to be aware of: ";
helpText += "<ul>";
helpText += "<li>Tokens only change facing if they represent a character and they're controlled by someone.</li>";
helpText += "<li>By default, they won't change facing unless their 'tread' status indicator is on (it looks like a boot).</li>";
helpText += "<li>If you prefer not to use the tread status indicator, you can 'Toggle Use Tread Status Indicator'. Then, you'll have to 'Register token for Travelling'</li>";
helpText += "</ul>";
helpText += "</div>";
helpText += "<div style='font-size: smaller'>";
helpText += "In addition to the gui buttons, you can make macros to activate the features. Here are some commands to play with.";
helpText += '<div style='+ exampleStyle +'> !psIsoFacing</div>';
helpText += '<div style='+ exampleStyle +'> !psIsoFacing --register ' + exampleTokenSelect + '</div>';
helpText += '<div style='+ exampleStyle +'> !psIsoFacing --deregister ' + exampleTokenSelect + '</div>';
helpText += '<div style='+ exampleStyle +'> !psIsoFacing --fliph ' + exampleTokenSelect + '</div>';
helpText += '<div style='+ exampleStyle +'> !psIsoFacing --reset</div>';
//whisper(playerName, helpText );
var helpHandouts;
helpHandouts = findObjs({
_type: "handout",
name: "psIsoFacing Help"
var helpHandout = helpHandouts[0];
//log("helpHandout = " + helpHandout);
if (!helpHandout) { // create it
helpHandout = createObj('handout', {
name: 'psIsoFacing Help',
inplayerjournals: 'all'
helpHandout.set("notes", helpText);
} else { // it exists, set it's contents to match the latest version of the script
helpHandout.set("notes", helpText);
var handoutID = helpHandout.get("_id");
var chatMessage = "";
var buttonStyle = "'background-color: AntiqueWhite; text-align: center'";
chatMessage += "<div style="+buttonStyle+"><a href='" + handoutID + "'>Additional Information</a></div>";
var getHelp = function helpGetter() {
var helpText = "";
helpText += "<div style='text-align: center;'>";
helpText += makeButton("Status", "!psIsoFacing --status");
helpText += makeButton("Toggle On/Off for all", "!psIsoFacing --toggle all");
var tokenSelect = ch('@') + ch('{') + 'selected' + ch('|') + 'token_id' + ch('}');
var tokenTarget = ch('@') + ch('{') + 'target' + ch('|') + 'token_id' + ch('}');
helpText += makeButton("Register token for Travelling", "!psIsoFacing --register " + tokenTarget );
helpText += makeButton("De-Register token for Travelling", "!psIsoFacing --deregister " + tokenTarget );
helpText += makeButton("Toggle Use Tread Status Indicator", "!psIsoFacing --toggle tread");
helpText += makeButton("Flip Horizontal", "!psIsoFacing --fliph " + tokenTarget);
helpText += makeButton("Reset", "!psIsoFacing --reset ");
helpText += "</div>";
helpText += showDetailedHelp("gm");
whisper("gm", helpText);
var hasPermissions = function permissionIdentifier(tokenID, playerID) {
var tokenObj = getObj("graphic", tokenID);
var characterID = tokenObj.get("represents");
var playerHasPermission = false;
if (playerIsGM(playerID)) {
playerHasPermission = true;
} else if (tokenObj.get("controlledby").indexOf(playerID) !== -1) {
playerHasPermission = true;
} else if ( characterID !== undefined ) {
var character = getObjs("character", characterID);
if (character.get("controlledby").indexOf(playerID) !== -1 ) {
playerHasPermission = true;
} else {
playerHasPermission = false;
if (debug) log("hasPermissions("+tokenID+", "+ playerID + ") is returning: " + playerHasPermission);
return playerHasPermission;
var flipTokenIfPermitted = function tokenFlipper(tokenID, playerID) {
if (hasPermissions( tokenID, playerID)) { // make sure players can't flip someone else's token
var tokenObj = getObj("graphic", tokenID);
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var handleInput = function inputHandler(msg) {
if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf("!psIsoFacing") !== -1 ) {
var argsFromUser,
playerName = msg.who;
playerID = msg.playerid;
argsFromUser = msg.content.split(/ +/);
userCommand = argsFromUser[1];
tokenID = argsFromUser[2];
requestedToggle = argsFromUser[2];
//whisper("gm", "heard: " + userCommand);
//whisper("gm", "heard: " + tokenID);
switch(userCommand) {
case "--on":
config.resizeOnAdd = true;
case "--off":
config.resizeOnAdd = false;
case "--status":
case "--toggle":
if ( requestedToggle == "all") {
config.scriptIsActive = !config.scriptIsActive;
whisper("gm", "config.scriptIsActive = " + config.scriptIsActive);
} else if (requestedToggle == "tread") {
config.useTreadStatusForFacing = !config.useTreadStatusForFacing;
whisper("gm", "config.useTreadStatusForFacing = " + config.useTreadStatusForFacing);
} else { // assume requested toggle is tokenID
if (_.has(travellers, tokenID) ) {
} else {
case '--fliph':
flipTokenIfPermitted(tokenID, playerID);
case '--register':
case '--deregister':
case '--help':
case '--reset':
case '--resetall':
_.each(allActivePages(), function(pageID) {
case undefined:
case '--inspect':
if (getObj("graphic", tokenID) !== undefined) {
if (debug) psLog("properties of " + JSON.stringify(getObj("graphic", tokenID)), "DarkKhaki");
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// **** What are you trying to achieve here? Is this supposed to be an on/off toggle, or what?
// If you rely on the tread or yellow status indicator, then you don't need a register routine.
// But, too many status indicators makes the token look ugly.
var registerTokenForFacing = function tokenFacingRegistrar(tokenID) {
if (debug) psLog("in registerTokenForFacing with " + tokenID);
if (tokenID === undefined || getObj("graphic", tokenID) === undefined ) {
log("Error: registerTokenForFacing called without a tokenID parameter.");
return false;
} else if ( _.has(travellers, tokenID) === false ) { // this token is not yet registered
travellers[tokenID] = new travellerObj(tokenID);
whisper("gm", "registered " + tokenID);
whisper("gm", "travellers = " + _.keys(travellers) );
return travellers[tokenID]; // travellerObj
} else { // this token is already registered.
whisper("gm", "token: " + tokenID + " is already registered");
return travellers[tokenID]; // returning a travellerObj
/* This never gets called?
var registerTokenForFlashlight = function flashlightRegistrar(tokenID) {
if (debug) psLog("in registerTokenForFlashlight with " + tokenID);
if (tokenID === undefined || getObj("graphic", tokenID) === undefined ) {
log("Error: registerTokenForFlashlight called without a tokenID parameter.");
return false;
} else if ( _.has(flashlights, tokenID) === false ) { // this token is not yet registered
//flashlights[tokenID] = new flashlightObj(tokenID);
return flashlights[tokenID]; // travellerObj
} else { // this token is already registered.
whisper("gm", "token: " + tokenID + " is already registered");
return flashlights[tokenID]; // returning a travellerObj
var deregisterTokenForFacing = function tokenDeRegistrar(tokenID){
log("in deregisterTokenForFacing with " + tokenID);
if (_.has(travellers, tokenID) ) {
var thisTraveller = travellers[tokenID];
var deregisterTokenForFlashlight = function flashlightDeRegistrar(tokenID){
if (debug) psLog("in deregisterTokenForFlashlight with " + tokenID);
if (_.has(flashlights, tokenID) ) {
var thisFlashlight = flashlights[tokenID];
var getLastLocation = function lastLocationGetter(token) {
//if (debug) psLog("lastmove for " + token.get("name") + ", " + token.get("_id") + " = " + token.get("lastmove") );
var movementPath = token.get("lastmove").split(",");
var lastLocation = [];
lastLocation[0] = Number(movementPath[0]); // important to type convert them into numbers
lastLocation[1] = Number(movementPath[1]);
return lastLocation;
var isTokenOwned = function ownerChecker(tokenObj) {
var controlledby = tokenObj.get("controlledby");
var represents = tokenObj.get("represents");
// log("name: " + tokenObj.get("name") + ", controlledby: " + controlledby + ", represents: " + represents);
if ( !controlledby && !represents ) {
// log("tokenIsOwned === false");
return false;
} else {
// log("tokenIsOwned === true");
return true;
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var getStatus = function statusGetter() {
whisper("gm", "Info: " + JSON.stringify(info) );
whisper("gm", "Config: " + JSON.stringify(config) );
whisper("gm", "Active Travellers: " + _.keys(travellers) );
whisper("gm", "Active Flashlights: " + _.keys(flashlights) );
var isTokenMarching = function activeChecker(tokenObj) {
//log("entered function isTokenMarching with " + JSON.stringify(tokenObj));
var result = false;
if (!config.scriptIsActive) { // don't do anything. The user turned psIsoTraveller off for everyone.
//log("config.scriptIsActive == " + config.scriptIsActive);
result = false;
} else if (isTokenOwned(tokenObj) === false ) {
result = false;
} else if (config.useTreadStatusForFacing === true) { // see if the token has a tread (boot) status marker
var currentTreadStatus = inString(tokenObj.get("statusmarkers"), "tread");
result = currentTreadStatus;
//log("status: " + tokenObj.get("statusmarkers") + ". currentTreadStatus == " + currentTreadStatus);
} else { // see if the token is "registered" from the gui.
var isRegisteredInTravellersList = _.has(travellers, tokenObj.get("_id") );
//log("isRegisteredInTravellersList: " + isRegisteredInTravellersList);
result = isRegisteredInTravellersList;
//log("leaving isTokenMarching. Returning " + result);
return result;
var shouldTokenBeLit = function flashlightChecker(tokenObj) {
var result = false;
var tokenID = tokenObj.get("_id");
if (config.scriptIsActive && isTokenOwned(tokenObj) ) { // has owner
if (config.useYellowStatusForLight === true && inString(tokenObj.get("statusmarkers"), "yellow") === true ) { // user wants it on
result = true;
} else if ( _.has(flashlights, tokenObj.get("_id")) === true && config.useYellowStatusForLight === false ) { // user wants it on but they don't like the yellow status indicators
result = true;
if (debug) psLog("shouldTokenBeLit: " + tokenObj.get("name") + " = " + result, "yellow");
return result;
var isTokenLit = function tokenLightChecker(tokenObj) {
var result = false;
var tokenID = tokenObj.get("_id");
if ( _.has(flashlights, tokenID) === true && flashlights[tokenID].lightID !== "" ) { // token is lit
result = true;
} else {
result = false;
if (debug) psLog("isTokenLit: " + tokenObj.get("name") + " = " + result, "yellow");
return result;
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var considerChangingDirection = function directionChangeDeterminator(tokenMoved) {
if (isTokenMarching(tokenMoved) === true) {
//log("entered considerChangingDirection with " + JSON.stringify(tokenMoved) );
var lastLocation = getLastLocation(tokenMoved);
var currentLocation = [tokenMoved.get("left"), tokenMoved.get("top")];
var tokenID = tokenMoved.get("_id");
var thisTraveller = travellers[tokenID];
if (thisTraveller === undefined) {
log("==> Error: currentTraveller is undefined: " + tokenID);
if (isTokenMarching(tokenMoved) ) {
thisTraveller = registerTokenForFacing(tokenID);
return false;
if (!lastLocation) { // this token hasn't ever moved.. just use the current location.
lastLocation = [tokenMoved.get("left"), tokenMoved.get("top")];
} else { // Hey, we're moving! Check the direction and change facing.
var previousDirection;
var currentDirection;
previousDirection = thisTraveller.direction;
if ( lastLocation[0] > currentLocation[0] ) { // face right?
currentDirection = 1;
} else if ( lastLocation[0] < currentLocation[0] ) { //face left?
currentDirection = -1;
} else { // token graphic changed, but it hasn't moved on the x axis. Maybe someone updated the status markers or something.
if ( currentDirection !== previousDirection ) {
// log("thisTraveller = " + JSON.stringify(thisTraveller));
if (_.has(thisTraveller, "changeDirection") ) {
} else {
log("thisTraveller has no changeDirection. " + JSON.stringify(thisTraveller) );
var considerLightingLight = function lightLighter(tokenMoved) {
var tokenID = tokenMoved.get("_id");
var shouldBeLit = shouldTokenBeLit(tokenMoved);
var isLit = isTokenLit(tokenMoved);
if (debug) psLog("considerLightingLight: " + tokenMoved.get("name") , "LightGrey");
if (shouldTokenBeLit(tokenMoved) === true && isTokenLit(tokenMoved) === false ) { // light this token
if (debug) psLog("tokenID needs flashlight: " + tokenID, "DarkGoldenRod");
if (debug) psLog("flashlights: " + JSON.stringify(_.keys(flashlights)), "DarkGoldenRod");
if (debug) psLog("considerLightingLight says: turn it on", "LightGrey");
} else if ( shouldTokenBeLit(tokenMoved) === false && isTokenLit(tokenMoved) === true) { // turn it off
//flashlights[tokenID].turnOff(); // can't delete the object from inside the object.
if (debug) psLog("turn it off", "LightGrey");
var considerMovingLight = function lightMover(tokenMoved) {
var tokenID = tokenMoved.get("_id");
if ( shouldTokenBeLit(tokenMoved) === true && isTokenLit(tokenMoved) === true ) { // that character doesn't have a flashlightObj yet
/* else { // the token shouldn't be lit.
if (debug) psLog("considerMovingLight says this token either isn't lit, or shouldn't be lit");
} */
_/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/
_/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
_/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/_/_/_/
var handleTokenMove = function tokenMoveHandler(tokenMoved) {
if (debug) psLog("entering handleTokenMoved with: tokenObj for " + tokenMoved.get("name"));
var handleTokenStatusMarkersChange = function tokenStatusMarkerChangeHandler(tokenChanged) {
_/ _/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
_/_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/
var psPoint = function(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
var makeVector = function(point1, point2) {
if (debug) psLog("makeVector received: " + JSON.stringify(point1) + ", " + JSON.stringify(point2) , "pink");
var resultVector = new psPoint( (point2.x - point1.x) , (point2.y - point1.y) );
if (debug) psLog("makeVector returning: " + JSON.stringify(resultVector) , "pink");
return resultVector;
var vectorLength = function(point) {
var distance = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(point.x, 2) + Math.pow(point.y, 2) );
return distance;
var makeUnitVector = function(point) {
if (debug) psLog("makeUnitVector received " + JSON.stringify(point) );
var distance = vectorLength(point);
if (distance !== 0) {
return new psPoint( (point.x/distance), (point.y/distance) );
} else {
return NaN;
var vectorToRoll20Rotation = function(point) {
if (debug) psLog("vectorToRoll20Rotation received " + JSON.stringify(point), "yellow");
var theta = Math.atan2(point.y, point.x);
var roll20rotation = (theta * 180/3.1415) + 90;
if (debug) psLog("vectorToRoll20Rotation returning: " + roll20rotation);
return roll20rotation;
var radiansToRoll20Degrees = function(rads) {
return 360 - (rads * 180/3.1415);
var getCurrentPage = function currentPageGetter(playerID) {
var currentPage;
var playerSpecificPages = Campaign().get("playerspecificpages");
var playerRibbon = Campaign().get("playerpageid");
if (playerID === undefined || getObj("player", playerID) === undefined) {
currentPage = false;
} else {
if (playerIsGM(playerID)) {
var lastPage = getObj("player", playerID).get("_lastpage");
if ( lastPage !== "" ) {
currentPage = lastPage;
} else {
currentPage = playerRibbon;
} else { // non-gm player
if (playerSpecificPages !== false && playerSpecificPages[playerID] !== undefined ) {
currentPage = playerSpecificPages[playerID];
} else {
currentPage = playerRibbon;
if (debug) log("getCurrentPage is returning "+ currentPage);
return currentPage;
var allActivePages = function activePagesGetter() {
var allPages = [];
var playerRibbon = Campaign().get("playerpageid"); // pageid
var playerSpecificPages = _.values(Campaign().get("playerspecificpages")); // pageids
_.each(_.uniq(playerSpecificPages), function(pageID) {
var players = findObjs({type: "player"});
_.each(players, function(player) {
if (playerIsGM(player.get("_id"))) {
var gmPlayer = player;
var gmPage = gmPlayer.get("_lastpage"); // pageid
if (gmPage !== "") {
return allPages;
_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/
_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
_/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/
_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/
var reconnectOldFlashlights = function flashlightReconnector(pageID) {
if (pageID === undefined) {
pageID = Campaign().get("playerpageid");
var activeFlashlights = findObjs({
_pageid: pageID,
name: "flashlight",
_.each( activeFlashlights, function(flashlightGraphic) {
var parentTokenID = flashlightGraphic.get("gmnotes");
if (getObj("graphic", parentTokenID) !== undefined ) {
var reconnectedFlashlight = new flashlightObj(parentTokenID);
reconnectedFlashlight.lightID = flashlightGraphic.get("_id");
flashlights[parentTokenID] = reconnectedFlashlight;
var reset = function resetter(pageID) { // remove all flashlights
if (pageID === undefined) { // screw it, we'll reset every page that has a player on it.
log("==> Error: reset function received no pageID");
config = _.clone(defaultConfig);
travellers = {};
flashlights = {};
var activeFlashlights = findObjs({
_pageid: pageID,
name: "flashlight",
_.each( activeFlashlights, function(flashlightGraphic) {
if (debug) psLog("reset to defaults");
var checkInstall = function installChecker() {
if ( !_.has(state, "psIsoFacing") || !== info.version ) { // populate state from default values
state.psIsoFacing = {
info: info,
config: config,
travellers: _.keys(travellers), // state will hold a simple list of traveller IDs. It can't hold complex objects
flashlights: _.keys(flashlights)
} else { // use values from roll20 persistent state object for the campaign.
travellers = {};
_.each(state.psIsoFacing.travellers, function(travellerID) {
travellers[travellerID] = new travellerObj();
} );
//travellers = state.psIsoFacing.travellers; // state simplifies objects and strips out methods. Hopefully they're still instances of travellerObj
flashlights = {};
_.each(state.psIsoFacing.flashlights, function(flashlightID) {
flashlights[flashlightID] = new flashlightObj();
//flashlights = state.psIsoFacing.flashlights;
config = _.clone(state.psIsoFacing.config);
info = _.clone(;
_.each(travellers, function(traveller) {
_.each(flashlights, function(flashlight) {
log("psIsoFacing is ready.");
var registerEventHandlers = function eventHandlerRegistrar() {
if (debug) psLog("psIsoFacing registered event handlers");
on('chat:message', handleInput );
on('change:graphic', handleTokenMove );
on("change:graphic:statusmarkers", handleTokenStatusMarkersChange);
return { // expose functions for outside calls
RegisterEventHandlers: registerEventHandlers,
CheckInstall: checkInstall,
Reset: reset,
ShowDetailedHelp: showDetailedHelp,
psLog: psLog
psIsoFacing.psLog("on('ready') just fired.", "burlywood");
psIsoFacing.CheckInstall(); // instantiate all the function expressions
psIsoFacing.RegisterEventHandlers(); // instantiate all the listeners
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