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Apr 7 17:42:00 marceline NetworkManager[1776]: <info> [1712504520.3629] manager: sleep: sleep requested (sleeping: no enabled: yes)
Apr 7 17:42:00 marceline NetworkManager[1776]: <info> [1712504520.3630] manager: NetworkManager state is now ASLEEP
Apr 7 17:42:00 marceline ModemManager[1815]: <info> [sleep-monitor-systemd] system is about to suspend
Apr 7 17:42:00 marceline systemd[1]: Reached target - Sleep.
Apr 7 17:42:00 marceline systemd[1]: Starting systemd-suspend.service - System Suspend...
Apr 7 17:42:00 marceline systemd-sleep[24417]: Entering sleep state 'suspend'...
Apr 7 17:42:00 marceline kernel: PM: suspend entry (deep)
Apr 7 17:42:06 marceline kernel: Filesystems sync: 0.003 seconds
Apr 7 17:42:06 marceline kernel: Freezing user space processes
Apr 7 17:42:06 marceline kernel: Freezing user space processes completed (elapsed 0.001 seconds)
[{:title ":clojureD 2020",
:id "PLaSn8eiZ631lrDFmUTBH9LFGzAxc3tvU4",
"clojureD 2020: Lightning Talks by Mikkel Gravgaard, Daniel Slutsky, Daniel Janus and Arne Brasseur",
:id "fVtawjGbvOQ",
:duration "1363"}
"clojureD 2020: \"From Lazy Lisper to Confident Clojurist\" by Alexander Oloo",
:id "j57UbYFbI-U",
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Type: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
Data: {:type "class java.lang.NullPointerException"}
Location: /home/arne/.gitlibs/libs/babashka/tools.bbuild/b0ff7daeaed20ac4e73c1f600ce6bef3cd49f257/src/main/clojure/clojure/tools/build/util/pod.clj:1:29
----- Context ------------------------------------------------------------------
1: (ns
2: (:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(ns interaction.dom-stuff
(:require [plas.thicc :as thicc]))
(def state (atom {:count 1}))
;; (conj! (thicc/el-by-id "app")
;; (thicc/dom [:<>
;; [:h1 "Count is " (thicc/reatom :count state)]
;; [:button {:on-click #(swap! state update :count inc)} "+1"]]))
romaji hiragana
(ns pie-a-la-mode)
;; Concurrency example from The Pragmatic Programmers. Waiters check if there's
;; enough pie and ice cream before they sell an order, but if they don't
;; coordinate it's still possible to sell more than we have.
;; The below code should return either :ok or :not-available for a given order.
;; If we oversell, then it will throw an exception.
;; How would you change this to ensure that that doesn't happen?
  • overtone/overtone#283

    A ten year old PR about sync-event being broken. Does no one actually use sync-event? The diff looks plausible, it adds a bunch of tests as well, but unsurprisingly it no longer applies cleanly.

    What we need here is for someone to open a REPL, verify that sync-event is indeed broken, and if so to rebase this branch on current main and submit a new PR.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Import SSH keys from Github to ~/.ssh/authorize_keys for all members of a
# given Github organization.
# Will replace authorized_keys, if it looks like authorized_keys was not
# previously created by this script then a backup copy is made.
# Depends on jq, will download it if not available (assumes Linux) to ~/bin/jq

Today we are happy and proud to announe the first public release of Piglet, a new programming language and dynamic runtime in the Lisp tradition, for the web age.

Piglet itself is written in JavaScript and Piglet. It can run in any modern JavaScript runtime, be it inside or out of the browser. We've been working hard on Piglet for the past six months, and are happy with how far it's come already.

That said we've been hesitant to make a public announcement. We have a big vision for Piglet, and bringing that vision into being is going to take time. We

POST /resolve
{:data {}
:query [{:airtable/bases