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Created March 10, 2017 17:42
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app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] Kong: 0.9.9
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] ngx_lua: 10006
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] nginx: 1011002
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] Lua: LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] PRNG seed: 106213143141
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] no config file found at /etc/kong.conf
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] no config file found at /etc/kong/kong.conf
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] no config file, skipping loading
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] KONG_PG_PASSWORD ENV found with "******"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] KONG_PG_DATABASE ENV found with "postgres"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] KONG_PG_HOST ENV found with "db"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] KONG_NGINX_DAEMON ENV found with "off"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] KONG_PG_USER ENV found with "postgres"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] admin_listen = ""
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] anonymous_reports = true
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cassandra_consistency = "ONE"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cassandra_contact_points = {""}
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cassandra_data_centers = {"dc1:2","dc2:3"}
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cassandra_keyspace = "kong"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cassandra_port = 9042
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cassandra_repl_factor = 1
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cassandra_repl_strategy = "SimpleStrategy"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cassandra_ssl = false
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cassandra_ssl_verify = false
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cassandra_timeout = 5000
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cassandra_username = "kong"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cluster_listen = ""
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cluster_listen_rpc = ""
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cluster_profile = "wan"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] cluster_ttl_on_failure = 3600
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] custom_plugins = {}
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] database = "postgres"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] dnsmasq = true
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] dnsmasq_port = 8053
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] log_level = "notice"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] lua_code_cache = "on"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] lua_package_cpath = ""
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] lua_package_path = "?/init.lua;./kong/?.lua"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] lua_ssl_verify_depth = 1
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] mem_cache_size = "128m"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] nginx_daemon = "off"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] nginx_optimizations = true
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] nginx_worker_processes = "auto"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] pg_database = "postgres"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] pg_host = "db"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] pg_password = "******"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] pg_port = 5432
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] pg_ssl = false
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] pg_ssl_verify = false
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] pg_user = "postgres"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] prefix = "/usr/local/kong/"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] proxy_listen = ""
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] proxy_listen_ssl = ""
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] serf_path = "serf"
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] ssl = true
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] prefix in use: /usr/local/kong
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] preparing nginx prefix directory at /usr/local/kong
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] saving serf identifier to /usr/local/kong/serf/
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] searching for OpenResty 'resty' executable
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] /usr/local/openresty/bin/resty -V: 'nginx version: openresty/'
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] found OpenResty 'resty' executable at /usr/local/openresty/bin/resty
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] saving serf shell script handler to /usr/local/kong/serf/
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] SSL enabled, no custom certificate set: using default certificate
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] default SSL certificate found at /usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.crt
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] running datastore migrations
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] migrations up to date
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] sending signal to pid at: /usr/local/kong/pids/
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] kill -0 `cat /usr/local/kong/pids/` >/dev/null 2>&1
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] dnsmasq not running, deleting /usr/local/kong/pids/
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] searching for 'dnsmasq' executable
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] /usr/local/sbin/dnsmasq -v: ''
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] 'dnsmasq' executable not found at /usr/local/sbin/dnsmasq
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] /usr/local/bin/dnsmasq -v: ''
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] 'dnsmasq' executable not found at /usr/local/bin/dnsmasq
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -v: 'Dnsmasq version 2.66 Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Simon Kelley'
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] found 'dnsmasq' executable at /usr/sbin/dnsmasq
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] starting dnsmasq: /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -p 8053 --pid-file=/usr/local/kong/pids/ -N -o --listen-address=
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] sending signal to pid at: /usr/local/kong/pids/
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] kill -0 `cat /usr/local/kong/pids/` >/dev/null 2>&1
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] serf agent not running, deleting /usr/local/kong/pids/
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] checking 'serf' executable from 'serf_path' config setting
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] serf version: 'Serf v0.7.0'
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] starting serf agent: nohup serf agent -profile 'wan' -rpc-addr '' -event-handler 'member-join,member-leave,member-failed,member-update,member-reap,user:kong=/usr/local/kong/serf/' -bind '' -node 'df4b4258bc89_0.0.0.0:7946_bcdb1146509e4ec19ccbb80b2a34c26b' -log-level 'err' > /usr/local/kong/logs/serf.log 2>&1 & echo $! > /usr/local/kong/pids/
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] waiting for serf agent to be running
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] sending signal to pid at: /usr/local/kong/pids/
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] kill -0 `cat /usr/local/kong/pids/` >/dev/null 2>&1
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] serf agent started
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] auto-joining serf cluster
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] no other nodes found in the cluster
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] registering serf node in datastore
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [verbose] cluster joined and node registered in datastore
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] searching for OpenResty 'nginx' executable
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx -v: 'nginx version: openresty/'
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] found OpenResty 'nginx' executable at /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] sending signal to pid at: /usr/local/kong/pids/
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] kill -0 `cat /usr/local/kong/pids/` >/dev/null 2>&1
app_1 | 2017/03/10 17:39:54 [debug] starting nginx: /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx -p /usr/local/kong -c nginx.conf
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