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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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"scripts": {
"all": "npm run lint && npm run js ; npm run css",
"watch": "npm run js-watch & npm run css-watch",
"lint": "npm run js-lint",
"bower": "bower install && bower update",
"css": "node-sass --stdout src/css/index.scss | autoprefixer -b '> 1%, last 2 versions, Explorer >= 8' | cssmin > dist/style.min.css",
"css-watch": "dirwatch -c 'npm run css & npm run css-dev' src/css",
"css-dev": "node-sass --stdout src/css/index.scss | autoprefixer -b '> 1%, last 2 versions, Explorer >= 8' > dist/",
"js": "npm run js-build && (npm run js-bundle & npm run js-bundle-dev)",
"js-watch": "npm run js-lint-watch & npm run js-build-watch & npm run js-bundle-watch & npm run js-bundle-dev-watch",
"js-lint": "jsxhint --reporter=node_modules/jshint-stylish/stylish.js src/js ; true",
"js-lint-watch": "dirwatch -c 'npm run js-lint' src/js",
"js-build": "jsxjs --es6 src/js lib",
"js-build-watch": "dirwatch -c 'npm run js-build' src/js",
"js-bundle": "browserify -g uglifyify -g dekeywordify ./lib/browser.js -x react -x react/addons > dist/main.min.js",
"js-bundle-watch": "dirwatch -c 'npm run js-bundle' lib",
"js-bundle-dev": "browserify --full-paths -d -g dekeywordify ./lib/browser.js -x react -x react/addons > dist/",
"js-bundle-dev-watch": "watchify --full-paths -d -g dekeywordify ./lib/browser.js -x react -x react/addons -o dist/",
"js-vendor": "NODE_ENV=production browserify -g uglifyify -r bloody-domready -r react -r react/addons > dist/vendor.min.js",
"js-vendor-dev": "browserify --full-paths -d -r bloody-domready -r react -r react/addons > dist/",
"js-head": "bower-ls js | xargs cat | uglifyjs > dist/head.min.js"
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