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Last active August 11, 2023 14:48
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var DuplexStream = require('readable-stream').Duplex,
// A duplex stream is a combination of a read stream and a write stream
// For more on streams see
util = require('util')
// The "util" module contains several node core utilities.
// In this case we're just using its inheritance helpers.
// See for API docs.
function BufferList(callback) {
// In JavaScript it is common to indicate that a function is a constructor by
// starting its name with a capital letter. Constructors are functions that are
// meant to be invoked with the "new" keyword.
// As you can tell, it also takes an argument called "callback". We'll shortly
// find out that this may actually be other things than a callback function.
if (!(this instanceof BufferList)) return new BufferList(callback)
// Calling constructors without "new" will result "this" not being a new object.
// If the constructor was called with "new" the instanceof-check will pass.
// Otherwise the constructor is invoked again with the passed argument and "new".
this._bufs = []
this.length = 0
// BufferList can be invoked with one of three possible arguments:
// - a callback function
// - a Buffer object
// - an array of Buffer objects
// The argument is simply named "callback" in either case.
if (typeof callback == 'function') {
this._callback = callback
// The function is stored as the "private" callback property
// In JS it is customary to denote properties that should not be used directly
// with an underscore prefix. This basically means "use at your own risk" and
// usually marks properties that are implementation details.
var piper = function(err) {
// This is just a function that makes sure the callback is invoked if an error is
// passed to it and that the callback is only invoked once (by setting it to "null").
if (this._callback) {
// The expression "this._callback" evaluates to either a function or "null" (see below).
// As we're looking for a boolean in if expressions, the type of the value will be coerced
// to boolean. In practice this means the following values will be "false" (called falsey):
// The number 0, the empty string "" (or '') and the values false, null and undefined.
// Everything else will be "true" (called truthy).
this._callback = null
// "bind" guarantees a function will be invoked with its
// "this" variable set to the given argument.
this.on('pipe', function(src) {
src.on('error', piper)
// BufferList has an "on" method, which suggests it is an event emitter.
// The "on" method takes an event name and a callback which will be called
// whenever the named event is emitted.
// In this case we're passing a callback for the "pipe" event which makes sure
// the piped stream will have a listener for its "error" event (set to the function
// we defined above).
// Streams expect to have a listener for their "error" events. If they don't,
// bad things will happen: an unhandled error will be thrown, potentially killing
// the entire process. Because streams are generally asynchronous, listening for
// error events is the only way to catch these errors.
this.on('unpipe', function(src) {
src.removeListener('error', piper)
// This just makes sure the error listener is removed when the "unpipe" event
// is emitted. This is the inverse of the previous event handler.
} else if (Buffer.isBuffer(callback)) this.append(callback)
// If the argument is not a function but a Buffer object, it is added to the BufferList.
// This allows creating a BufferList from an existing Buffer in one line of code.
else if (Array.isArray(callback)) {
// This allows creating a BufferList from an array containing multiple Buffer objects.
callback.forEach(function(b) {
// The "forEach" method is the functional equivalent of a "for" loop.
// The passed function will be called for every item in the array and
// passed several arguments (an item, the item's index and the array itself).
// In this case we're only using the item itself, here called "b".
Buffer.isBuffer(b) && this.append(b)
// This is the same check we saw earlier to see whether "b" is a Buffer object.
// The in-line && is a shorthand for an if statement and can be read as:
// if (Buffer.isBuffer(b)) {this.append(b);}
// This is a matter of taste, but you'll often find it in situations where
// it can simplify a longer block or statement into a single expression,
// such as in a return statement. It's not strictly useful here, but more consise.
// Again, the function passed to "forEach" is bound to the current "this" variable,
// guaranteeing the "this" inside the function refers to the same thing.
// DuplexStream is a constructor. As we saw earlier, the "this" variable in a constructor
// is set to a new object of the constructor's prototype if it is called with "new".
// In this case, we're calling DuplexStream with the current "this" to let perform whatever
// initializations it normally performs for new DuplexStream objects.
// This is something you will frequently find in code that uses inheritance.
util.inherits(BufferList, DuplexStream)
// The util module provides an "inherits" function that makes it easier to write
// constructors with prototypes that have a real inheritance chain as you would find in e.g. Java.
// All you need to understand for now is that BufferList.prototype is now related to
// DuplexStream.prototype, which also means "instanceof" checks between BufferList instances
// and the DuplexStream constructor will return "true".
BufferList.prototype._offset = function(offset) {
// Again the underscore denotes this is an internal method.
// The idea behind this function seems to be to find out, given an offset
// in the entirety of the BufferList (i.e. pretending the BufferList were one big Buffer)
// the index of the Buffer object containing that offset in the BufferList
// and the correct offset within that Buffer object.
// E.g. if you have a BufferList consisting of two Buffer objects, each of length 5,
// and you are asked for the offset 7 in that data, this function lets you find out
// that you need to look at offset 2 (7 minus the length of the first Buffer)
// in the second Buffer.
var tot = 0, // "current total"
i = 0, // "index"
_t // "new total"
for (; i < this._bufs.length; i++) {
// The first part of the for-loop is just for assigning initial values.
// As the values have already been assigned, it is left empty.
// The loop then iterates over all values from 0 to (not including)
// the length of the internal buffer.
_t = tot + this._bufs[i].length
// "new total is the current total plus the length of the buffer at the index"
// In other words, we're adding up the length of the buffers in this buffer list.
if (offset < _t) return [i, offset - tot]
// If "offset" is less than the new total, we return an array containing two values:
// - the index of the matching buffer
// - the value of offset minus the current total
tot = _t
// Otherwise the current total is set to the new total and we continue the loop.
// This function assumes the offset is eventually matched and the list is not empty.
// Otherwise it would return "undefined".
// Note: another way to implement this logic would have been the following:
// var i = 0, buffer
// for (; i < this._bufs.length; i++) {
// buffer = this._bufs[i]
// if (offset < buffer.length) return [i, offset]
// offset -= buffer.length
// }
BufferList.prototype.append = function(buf) {
// This method adds a given value to the end of the BufferList.
this._bufs.push(Buffer.isBuffer(buf) ? buf : new Buffer(buf))
// Here you see a ternary expression used as an in-line version of an if/else statement.
// This basically says "if buf is a Buffer object, use buf, otherwise create a new Buffer object from buf".
// It simply makes sure the value is wrapped in a new Buffer object if it is not already one
// before being added to the internal array holding this BufferList object's Buffer objects.
this.length += buf.length
// The BufferList object's length property contains the total length of all Buffer objects
// contained therein, so it is updated accordingly.
// Here we see another assumption: even if "buf" is not a Buffer object, it must have a length.
// This will actually result in an inconsistent state if we pass an argument accepted by
// the Buffer constructor that doesn't have a length property. For example, we can create
// a new empty Buffer of length 10 by calling new Buffer(10). But the number "10" doesn't have
// a length property, which means this code will throw an exception after creating and appending
// the empty buffer it creates but before updating the length property of the BufferList.
// From the API documentation we can infer this method is not meant to be called with a number.
// You could argue that this is either intentionally undefined behaviour or a bug.
return this
// Returning "this" allows chaining multiple method calls like so:
// myBufferList.append('hello').append(' ').append('world')
BufferList.prototype._write = function(buf, encoding, callback) {
// This is an internal method for appending a value to the buffer and then calling a function.
// As "encoding" is not actually used, we can assume this is only implemented to provide
// compatibility with a similar method that requires an "encoding" argument (e.g. something
// used by DuplexStream).
if (callback) callback()
// Another "truthiness" check: if callback is truthy (e.g. a function), call it.
// Of course this breaks if callback is something silly that just happens to be truthy,
// but that would probably indicate this method is not invoked correctly.
BufferList.prototype._read = function(size) {
// Another internal function, this time something more complicated.
if (!this.length) return this.push(null)
// If this.length is falsey, it is probably 0.
// We won't find a definition of the "push" method in this module
// because it comes from ReadableStream (via DuplexStream).
// It has something to do with stream buffering.
size = Math.min(size, this.length)
// This just makes sure size is never larger than the actual
// length of this BufferList (i.e. our total number of bytes).
this.push(this.slice(0, size))
// This again invokes the ominous "push" method.
// We'll see what "slice" does further down below.
// This method is also explained further down below.
BufferList.prototype.end = function(chunk) {, chunk)
// This method is already defined by DuplexStream.
// Because we're overriding it here, we need to call
// the original method manually, again making sure it is
// called as a method of "this" and passing the argument.
if (this._callback) {
this._callback(null, this.slice())
this._callback = null
// Here we see why we're overriding it.
// In addition to DuplexStream's behaviour we want to call
// the callback if it was defined.
// Passing two arguments is a common idiom for node callbacks.
// In this case "null" as first argument indicates no error occurred.
// The second argument is the actual result, in this case, the result
// of calling the slice method with no argument (see below).
// Again we make sure the callback is only ever called once.
BufferList.prototype.get = function(index) {
return this.slice(index, index + 1)[0]
// Not very interesting, this method simply returns a slice
// starting at the given index and exactly one byte long,
// but unlike slice it gets the underlying value (i.e. a string)
// rather than the buffer returned by slice (see below).
BufferList.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {
return this.copy(null, 0, start, end)
// Another surprise: slice is just a wrapper around "copy".
// In Java you'd probably call this the "facade pattern",
// but it's really just a shorthand.
BufferList.prototype.copy = function(dst, dstStart, srcStart, srcEnd) {
// Couple of arguments expected her. "dst" means "destination", "src" means "source".
// The "start" and "end" arguments are byte offsets, "dst" is a Buffer to copy bytes to.
// In other words: this function takes a Buffer "dst" and copies the bytes between
// the given "srcStart" and "srcEnd" into it, starting at "dstStart".
if (typeof srcStart != 'number' || srcStart < 0) srcStart = 0
if (typeof srcEnd != 'number' || srcEnd > this.length) srcEnd = this.length
if (srcStart >= this.length) return dst || new Buffer(0)
if (srcEnd <= 0) return dst || new Buffer(0)
// This code mostly makes sure the values are somewhat sane.
// Source start and end should be between zero and the number of bytes in this buffer.
// If source start is an offset that is too big or if source end is an offset that is too small,
// no copying happens and either the destination buffer or a new empty buffer of length zero is returned.
// We can see that in addition to copying bytes to a destination buffer, this function also always
// returns a buffer and that the destination buffer is an optional argument.
var copy = !! dst,
// The double negation is a common trick to copy the "truthiness" value of a variable.
// This reads as "copy = there is a destination buffer", in other words:
// if a destination buffer has been passed, we want to copy to that buffer and are in "copy" mode.
off = this._offset(srcStart),
// This uses the internal method we saw earlier. "off" is an array consisting of a buffer and
// the relative offset within that buffer matching "source start".
len = srcEnd - srcStart,
// Simple arithmetic. We're determining the total number of bytes to copy.
bytes = len,
// And we're copying the same value to another variable, which probably means
// one of the two variables will be modified at some point.
bufoff = (copy && dstStart) || 0,
// This is a combination of two idioms we saw before and an oddity of how && works.
// As we can tell by the parentheses, first we execute "copy && dstStart", in other words,
// "if copy then destination start" -- if we saved the result to a variable at this point,
// it would equal the value of "copy" if "copy" is falsey or the value of "dstStart" if
// "copy" is truthy; this may take beginners by surprise:
// Boolean expressions *don't* return a boolean value. To illustrate:
// - "foo && bar" returns "bar" if "foo" is truthy but "foo" if "foo" is falsey
// - "foo || bar" returns "foo" if "foo" is truthy but "bar" if "foo" is falsey
// This is important to understand.
// The line above simply combines these two facts:
// If "copy" is falsey, "copy && dstStart" results in "copy", which means "|| 0" will result in 0.
// If "copy" is truthy, "copy && dstStart" results in "dstStart", which means:
// - if "dstStart" is also truthy, the entire expression will result in the value of dstStart
// - if "dstStart" is falsey, the entire expression will result in 0.
// Also note that this assumes that if "copy" is truthy, "dstStart" is a number (not just any truthy value).
// This could code also have been written like this:
// var bufoff = 0
// if (copy) bufoff = dstStart
// This would make the same assumption.
start = off[1],
// The second value in "off" is the relative offset, so we're copying that.
l, i
// Protip: avoid "l" as a variable name because it can be hard to distinguish.
if (srcStart === 0 && srcEnd == this.length) {
// If we're supposed to copy everything from offset zero to the total number
// of bytes in this BufferList, we can simply copy everything.
if (!copy)
return Buffer.concat(this._bufs)
// If we're not in copy-mode, simply return the result of having Buffer
// concatenate all the buffers in our internal array (creating a new Buffer object
// containing all the bytes in those buffers).
for (i = 0; i < this._bufs.length; i++) {
this._bufs[i].copy(dst, bufoff)
bufoff += this._bufs[i].length
// This part could be rewritten to use forEach for consistency, e.g.:
// this._bufs.forEach(function(buf) {
// buf.copy(dst, bufoff)
// bufoff += buf.length
// })
// It takes each buffer in this BufferList and tells it to copy its bytes to the
// destination buffer, starting at the destination's offset "bufoff", which is increased
// by the number of bytes just written each time.
// We can see that the Buffer object has a similar "copy" method to our BufferList,
// which means our BufferList could in fact also contain other BufferList objects.
return dst
// Once we're done, the destination buffer is returned, so either way, if we're just copying
// everything, the copy function ends here.
// The following code will only be run if we haven't already returned.
if (bytes <= this._bufs[off[0]].length - start) {
// This checks whether the entire range of bytes we want to copy is contained in the same buffer.
return copy ? this._bufs[off[0]].copy(dst, dstStart, start, start + bytes) : this._bufs[off[0]].slice(start, start + bytes)
// Another ternary:
// If we're in copy-mode, tell the matching buffer to copy the bytes in the given range to the destination buffer.
// Otherwise tell it to return a new buffer containing the bytes in the given range.
// This distinction is probably not strictly necessary if the copy method always returns a new buffer if passed a falsey
// value as the destination buffer.
if (!copy)
dst = new Buffer(len)
// If we're not in copy mode, we need a new buffer that is big enough to contain all the bytes.
// From this point on we can pretend we're in copy-mode because the logic will be the same.
for (i = off[0]; i < this._bufs.length; i++) {
// "off[0]" is the index of the buffer containing the start offset
// We're iterating over the internal array of buffers.
l = this._bufs[i].length - start
// This will only be relevant on the first iteration.
// Basically we're copying the buffer's length to the variable "l" (for "length")
// but we're substracting "start", which, if you remember is simply "off[1]",
// i.e. the relative offset within the buffer matching the absolute offset in
// the range of bytes contained in the entire BufferList.
if (bytes > l) {
// "bytes" here means "bytes left to copy".
// This just checks if we'll have bytes left to copying after copying the bytes
// in this buffer.
this._bufs[i].copy(dst, bufoff, start)
} else {
// If all the bytes left to copy are contained in this iteration's buffer,
// we just need to copy that many more bytes from the buffer and then break out
// of the loop.
this._bufs[i].copy(dst, bufoff, start, start + bytes)
bufoff += l
bytes -= l
// "bufoff" is the write offset in the destination buffer. We increase it by the
// number of bytes we just wrote. "bytes" is the number of bytes left to write.
// We decrease it by the same number of bytes.
if (start) start = 0
// This will only be executed in the first iteration because "start" will never
// change again throughout this loop. Basically, after the first write, set "start" to zero,
// because we always want to copy from the start of the next buffer.
return dst
// Finally, return the destination buffer. If we weren't in copy mode, this is a new buffer.
BufferList.prototype.toString = function(encoding, start, end) {
// This emulates Buffer's toString method. Basically it converts the bytes contained in this
// BufferList (optionally limited to the given start and end offsets) to a string, using the
// given encoding.
return this.slice(start, end).toString(encoding)
// As we can see, it's just another copy-call: it creates a new Buffer from the BufferList's
// bytes in the given range and then retruns the result of calling that buffer's toString
// method with the given encoding.
BufferList.prototype.consume = function(bytes) {
// Finally the mysterious "consume" method.
// "bytes" here means "number of bytes to consume".
while (this._bufs.length) {
// This loop repeats until this BufferList object's internal array of buffers
// is empty. This implies we're removing buffers from the array in each iteration.
if (bytes > this._bufs[0].length) {
// This is a similar condition to what we saw before:
// "if there are more bytes left to consume than contained in the buffer at index 0".
// Because we are explicitly checking the buffer at array index 0, we can assume
// that the code will remove buffers from the array starting at the beginning
// rather than the end.
bytes -= this._bufs[0].length
// The "number of bytes left to consume" is reduced by the number of bytes in the buffer.
// Some people consider modifying a value that was passed as an argument bad practice.
this.length -= this._bufs[0].length
// Now we're seeing that the consume method really will delete stuff:
// The BufferList object's length is reduced by the number of bytes in the buffer.
// And the first buffer in the array is removed from the array.
// So apparently we're not doing anything with the buffer itself.
} else {
// This will be executed when we have reached the last buffer to consume.
this._bufs[0] = this._bufs[0].slice(bytes)
// As we can see, the consume method is simply deleting all bytes in the BufferList
// up to the given number of bytes.
// This line replaces the first buffer in the array with a new buffer containing the
// bytes in the given buffer, starting at the given offset.
this.length -= bytes
// And the number of bytes in the ByteList is adjusted one last time.
// We have to break out of the loop or else it wouldn't know to stop because there are
// still buffers in the array.
return this
// Again, "this" is returned to allow chaining.
BufferList.prototype.duplicate = function() {
// One last method: this duplicates ("clones") our BufferList.
var i = 0,
copy = new BufferList()
// We're duplicating, so we need a new BufferList as a target first.
for (; i < this._bufs.length; i++)
// As we can see, it's actually a shallow copy:
// we're creating a new BufferList that simply contains exactly the
// same buffers as our current BufferList. We're not actually duplicating
// the buffers themselves.
return copy
// This time we can't return "this" because we need to return the result.
// This stray semicolon is necessary because the author relies on automatic semicolon insertion (ASI)
// (i.e. he doesn't use any semicolons in his code). Because JavaScript mostly doesn't care about
// line breaks, the following open parenthesis would otherwise be interpreted as if it were
// following the previous closing brace, turning the previous function expression into an
// anonymous function invokation (e.g. function() {/* body */}(/* arguments */)).
// This is why many people advocate simply using semicolons.
// ASI proponents sometimes use a negation (!) instead to achieve the same effect without using a semicolon.
(function() {
var methods = {
'readDoubleBE': 8,
'readDoubleLE': 8,
'readFloatBE': 4,
'readFloatLE': 4,
'readInt32BE': 4,
'readInt32LE': 4,
'readUInt32BE': 4,
'readUInt32LE': 4,
'readInt16BE': 2,
'readInt16LE': 2,
'readUInt16BE': 2,
'readUInt16LE': 2,
'readInt8': 1,
'readUInt8': 1
// This looks a bit strange at first glance, but it's just a mapping of
// method names to values. We'll see what the values mean below.
for (var m in methods) {
// This iterates over the property names of the "methods" object.
(function(m) {
BufferList.prototype[m] = function(offset) {
// Looks like we're defining a new method for each name.
return this.slice(offset, offset + methods[m])[m](0)
// If we substitute "m" for a name from the mapping above this is easier
// to understand (e.g. "readInt8"):
// return this.slice(offset, offset + methods.readInt8).readInt8(0)
// Or more verbosely:
// var bytes = method.readInt8
// var buffer = this.slice(offset, offset + bytes)
// return buffer.readInt8(0)
// As you can see the magic numbers we saw before correspond to the
// number of bytes to read for each method name.
// The methods themselves correspond to methods with the same name
// defined by Buffer. Looking at Node's API docs for Buffer tells us
// that the hard-coded zero here simply means "return the first value
// of this type in the buffer".
// Of course the Buffer created by slice will only contain one value of
// the given type, but we need to use slice because a multi-byte value
// could be spread over multiple buffers.
// The anonymous function we just defined in this loop is directly invoked
// with the iteration variable. This is called an IIFE (see below).
// The reason the author is doing this is that because "m" is our iteration
// variable, the final value of the variable will change with each loop.
// Because we're using the variable in the methods we're defining, we would
// thus define all methods with the same value of "m". By passing the value
// in a function, we're copying the value for each iteration, side-stepping
// the issue.
// Since we're already using ECMAScript 5 language features (e.g. forEach),
// we could rewrite this part like this:
// Object.keys(methods).forEach(function(m) {
// BufferList.prototype[m] = function(offset) {
// return this.slice(offset, offset + methods[m])[m](0)
// }
// })
// As you can see, this would also eliminate the need for the IIFE because the
// code called in each iteration is already wrapped in a function.
// That this function expression started with an opening parenthesis already suggested
// this, but now we know for sure: another immediately invoked function expression (IIFE)!
module.exports = BufferList
// There are two ways to export values in a node module:
// 1. defining properties of the "exports" variable.
// e.g. = 'bar'
// This allows you to use the module like this:
// console.log(require('bl').foo) // "bar"
// 2. defining an "exports" property of the "module" variable.
// e.g. module.exports = 'bar'
// This allows you to use the module like this:
// console.log(require('bl')) // "bar"
// Because it is generally considered best practice in the node community to have a single
// export per module, most people always use "module.exports".
// Generally speaking, you probably only want to use the "exports" way if you want to export
// multiple things and can't clearly identify one of them as the primary purpose of the module.
// This is also a good indicator you might want to split the module up.
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