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Created August 24, 2017 07:51
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// Water tap handle
// Print with PLA
$fn = 40;
stem_height = 6;
stem_d = 7.5;
stem_cut = 6;
screw_height = stem_height+2;
screw_hole_d = 4;
screw_cap_d = 9;
handle_h = 12;
handle_d = 20;
handle_round = 1;
handle_len = 30;
handle_w = 8;
ring_h = 1;
difference() {
translate([0,0,-ring_h]) difference() {
cylinder(h=ring_h, d=handle_d);
translate([0,0,-0.5]) cylinder(h=ring_h+1, d=handle_d-2*2);
module handle() {
intersection() {
minkowski() {
cylinder(h=handle_h-handle_round, d=handle_d-handle_round*2);
cylinder(h=handle_h, d=handle_d);
minkowski() {
translate([0, -(handle_w - handle_round*2)/2, handle_round])
cube([handle_len - handle_round*2, handle_w - handle_round*2, handle_h-handle_round*2]);
module stem() {
difference() {
cylinder(h=stem_height, d=stem_d);
translate([stem_cut/2, -stem_d/2, 0])
cube([stem_d-stem_cut, stem_d, stem_height]);
translate([-stem_cut/2-(stem_d-stem_cut), -stem_d/2, 0])
cube([stem_d-stem_cut, stem_d, stem_height]);
module screw() {
cylinder(h=screw_height, d=screw_hole_d);
translate([0,0,screw_height]) cylinder(h=screw_height, d=screw_cap_d);
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