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Last active November 9, 2017 09:21
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# i3 config
# [kbdd_layout]
# command=$HOME/bin/kbdd_layout
# interval=persist
# markup=pango
# kbdd_layout is a script that parse layout with kbdd in real time
# Copyright (C) 2016 Anton Karmanov <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# In case user is restarting block after making layout changes
# e.g. via setxkbmap, reload kbdd
killall kbdd 2>/dev/null
kbdd >/dev/null || exit 1
# Get initial state of layout
N=$( dbus-send --print-reply=literal --dest=ru.gentoo.KbddService\
/ru/gentoo/KbddService ru.gentoo.kbdd.getCurrentLayout 2>/dev/null |\
sed -un 's/^.*uint32 //p' )
# In case dbus service wasn't available yet, poll until service is ready
while [[ -z "$N" ]]; do
sleep .1
N=$( dbus-send --print-reply=literal --dest=ru.gentoo.KbddService\
/ru/gentoo/KbddService ru.gentoo.kbdd.getCurrentLayout 2>/dev/null |\
sed -un 's/^.*uint32 //p' )
echo $( dbus-send --print-reply=literal --dest=ru.gentoo.KbddService \
/ru/gentoo/KbddService ru.gentoo.kbdd.getLayoutName uint32:$N ) |\
sed -ur 's/English.*$/<span font_weight=\"bold\" background=\"#336666\" foreground=\"#00CCFF\"> EN <\/span>/g' |\
sed -ur 's/Russian.*$/<span font_weight=\"bold\" background=\"#336666\" foreground=\"#FFCC00\"> RU <\/span>/g'
# Parse dbus output
dbus-monitor "interface='ru.gentoo.kbdd',member='layoutNameChanged'" |\
sed -un '0~2p' | sed -un 's:.*string "\(.*\)".*:\1:p' | sed -u '/:/d' |\
sed -ur 's/English.*$/<span font_weight=\"bold\" background=\"#336666\" foreground=\"#00CCFF\"> EN <\/span>/g' |\
sed -ur 's/Russian.*$/<span font_weight=\"bold\" background=\"#336666\" foreground=\"#FFCC00\"> RU <\/span>/g'
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