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Last active October 11, 2017 10:20
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"id": "page/Z2l0aHViLmNvbS9ubHAtY29tcHJvbWlzZS9jb21wcm9taXNl",
"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Watch Notifications watching notified when",
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"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Unwatch Notifications watching notified w",
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"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Watch Notifications watching notified whe",
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"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Watch Notifications watching notified whe",
"url": "",
"visits": [
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"id": "page/Z2l0aHViLmNvbS9qb3NzbWFjL3JlYWN0LWltYWdlcy9pc3N1ZXM%3D",
"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Watch Notifications watching notified whe",
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"id": "page/Z2l0aHViLmNvbS9qb3NzbWFjL3JlYWN0LWltYWdlcy9pc3N1ZXM%2FcT1pczppc3N1ZSB5b3V0dWJlICZ1dGY4PeKckw%3D%3D",
"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Watch Notifications watching notified whe",
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"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Watch Notifications watching notified whe",
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"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Watch Notifications watching notified whe",
"url": "",
"visits": [
"bookmarks": []
const fs = require('fs')
function buildIndex(err, index) {
if (err) {
throw err
.on('finish', () => console.log('indexing done'))
// Entrypoint
require('search-index')(require('./indexopts'), buildIndex)
module.exports = {
batchSize: 500,
appendOnly: true,
indexPath: 'test',
logLevel: 'warn',
preserveCase: false,
compositeField: false,
separator: /[|' .,\-|(\n)]+/,
nGramLength: 1,
fieldOptions: {
visits: {
fieldedSearch: true,
bookmarks: {
fieldedSearch: true,
content: {
fieldedSearch: true,
wildcard: true,
url: {
weight: 10,
fieldedSearch: true,
separator: '/',
const getPromisifiedSearch = index => query => {
let results = []
// Batches results from stream, resolving when stream finishes
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
.on('data', datum => results.push(datum))
.on('error', reject)
.on('finish', () => resolve(results)))
const promisifiedCountDocs = index =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
index.countDocs((err, count) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(count)))
async function testSearch(err, index) {
if (err) {
throw err
const q = offset => ({
query: {
AND: {
content: ['*'],
visits: [{
gte: '0000000000000',
lte: '1505195898400', // Try playing with these values
try {
const totalCount = await promisifiedCountDocs(index)
console.log(`# docs indexed: ${totalCount}\n`)
const promisifiedSearch = getPromisifiedSearch(index)
let results
results = await promisifiedSearch(q(0))
console.log(`# results (offset: 0): ${results.length}\n`)
console.log(JSON.stringify(results, null, ' '))
// results = await promisifiedSearch(q(5))
// console.log(`# results (offset: 5): ${results.length}\n`)
// results = await promisifiedSearch(q(10))
// console.log(`# results (offset: 10): ${results.length}\n`)
// results = await promisifiedSearch(q(15))
// console.log(`# results (offset: 15): ${results.length}\n`)
// results = await promisifiedSearch(q(20))
// console.log(`# results (offset: 20): ${results.length}\n`)
// results = await promisifiedSearch(q(25))
// console.log(`# results (offset: 25): ${results.length}\n`)
// results = await promisifiedSearch(q(30))
// console.log(`# results (offset: 30): ${results.length}\n`)
} catch (err) {
// Entrypoint
require('search-index')(require('./indexopts'), testSearch)
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poltak commented Sep 12, 2017

@should print out the results of a filtered search to stdout on L43 of search.js where the results contain NaN scores. Note that the use of JSON.stringify (only using to show the nested objects) serializes NaN to null for valid JSON.

The query (formed in L21) should match all the docs in the index, as the filter on visits field is looking at between '0000000000000' and '1505195898400' which all the test data falls between.

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poltak commented Sep 12, 2017

Instructions: assuming search-index is installed in a node_modules dir somewhere up the dir tree, run:

  1. node index.js to index the test data
  2. node search.js to run the test search and log results to stdout (or errors to stderr)

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Yes, can confirm that its broken here too- investigating...

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I think this is going to require a rewrite of the code that generates scoringCriteria

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This should now work in search-index@0.14.0

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