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Last active October 11, 2017 10:20
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"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Watch Notifications watching notified when",
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"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Unwatch Notifications watching notified w",
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"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Watch Notifications watching notified whe",
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"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Watch Notifications watching notified whe",
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"id": "page/Z2l0aHViLmNvbS9qb3NzbWFjL3JlYWN0LWltYWdlcy9pc3N1ZXM%3D",
"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Watch Notifications watching notified whe",
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"id": "page/Z2l0aHViLmNvbS9qb3NzbWFjL3JlYWN0LWltYWdlcy9pc3N1ZXM%2FcT1pczppc3N1ZSB5b3V0dWJlICZ1dGY4PeKckw%3D%3D",
"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Watch Notifications watching notified whe",
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"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Watch Notifications watching notified whe",
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"content": "Skip content This repository Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore Import gist organization issue Signed poltak Your profile stars Gists Help Settings Sign Watch Notifications watching notified whe",
"url": "",
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"bookmarks": []
const fs = require('fs')
function buildIndex(err, index) {
if (err) {
throw err
.on('finish', () => console.log('indexing done'))
// Entrypoint
require('search-index')(require('./indexopts'), buildIndex)
module.exports = {
batchSize: 500,
appendOnly: true,
indexPath: 'test',
logLevel: 'warn',
preserveCase: false,
compositeField: false,
separator: /[|' .,\-|(\n)]+/,
nGramLength: 1,
fieldOptions: {
visits: {
fieldedSearch: true,
bookmarks: {
fieldedSearch: true,
content: {
fieldedSearch: true,
wildcard: true,
url: {
weight: 10,
fieldedSearch: true,
separator: '/',
const getPromisifiedSearch = index => query => {
let results = []
// Batches results from stream, resolving when stream finishes
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
.on('data', datum => results.push(datum))
.on('error', reject)
.on('finish', () => resolve(results)))
const promisifiedCountDocs = index =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
index.countDocs((err, count) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(count)))
async function testSearch(err, index) {
if (err) {
throw err
const q = offset => ({
query: {
AND: {
content: ['*'],
visits: [{
gte: '0000000000000',
lte: '1505195898400', // Try playing with these values
try {
const totalCount = await promisifiedCountDocs(index)
console.log(`# docs indexed: ${totalCount}\n`)
const promisifiedSearch = getPromisifiedSearch(index)
let results
results = await promisifiedSearch(q(0))
console.log(`# results (offset: 0): ${results.length}\n`)
console.log(JSON.stringify(results, null, ' '))
// results = await promisifiedSearch(q(5))
// console.log(`# results (offset: 5): ${results.length}\n`)
// results = await promisifiedSearch(q(10))
// console.log(`# results (offset: 10): ${results.length}\n`)
// results = await promisifiedSearch(q(15))
// console.log(`# results (offset: 15): ${results.length}\n`)
// results = await promisifiedSearch(q(20))
// console.log(`# results (offset: 20): ${results.length}\n`)
// results = await promisifiedSearch(q(25))
// console.log(`# results (offset: 25): ${results.length}\n`)
// results = await promisifiedSearch(q(30))
// console.log(`# results (offset: 30): ${results.length}\n`)
} catch (err) {
// Entrypoint
require('search-index')(require('./indexopts'), testSearch)
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Yes, can confirm that its broken here too- investigating...

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I think this is going to require a rewrite of the code that generates scoringCriteria

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This should now work in search-index@0.14.0

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