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Last active December 11, 2015 00:43
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import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import oi.thekraken.grok.api.Grok
* keys that will be extracted from the grok Map
object Keys {
val clientIp = "clientip"
val ident = "ident"
val auth = "auth"
val timeStamp = "timestamp"
val httpStatus = "httpstatus"
// composite 'response' field
val method = "httpmethod"
val request = "request"
val httpVersion = "httpversion"
val rawRequest = "rawrequest"
val responseBytes = "bytes"
* Grok templates for future replacement
object Templates {
import Keys._
val host = s"%{IPORHOST:$clientIp}"
val identifier = s"%{USER:$ident}"
val user = s"%{USER:$auth}"
val timestamp = s"\\[%{HTTPDATE:$timeStamp}\\]"
val response =
s"(?:%{WORD:$method} %{NOTSPACE:$request}(?: HTTP/%{NUMBER:$httpVersion})?|%{DATA:$rawRequest})"
val status = s"%{NUMBER:$httpStatus}"
val bytes = s"(?:%{NUMBER:$responseBytes}|-)"
* Replacing data with grok pattern
def applyTo(format: String): String = {
format.replaceAllLiterally("%h", host)
.replaceAllLiterally("%l", identifier)
.replaceAllLiterally("%u", user)
.replaceAllLiterally("%t", timestamp)
.replaceAllLiterally("%r", response)
// Use regexp to replace value with modifiers
.replaceAll("%[<>]?s", status)
.replaceAllLiterally("%b", bytes)
class Parser(logFormat: String) {
// replacing keys with corresponding patterns
lazy val preparedLogFormat = Templates applyTo logFormat
// Grok initialization
private val grok = Grok create "patterns"
grok compile preparedLogFormat
def parse(event: String) = {
// Some ugly code
val gm = grok `match` event
val results = gm.toMap.asScala
for {
timestamp <- results get Keys.timeStamp
client <- results get Keys.clientIp
status <- results get Keys.httpStatus
request <- results get Keys.request
method <- results get Keys.method
yield (timestamp, client, request, method, status)
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// initial log format [hardcoded]
val logFormat = "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"
// log event to parse
val event =
""" - frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326"""
val parser = new Parser(logFormat)
println(parser parse event)
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