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Created April 20, 2011 21:51
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In 2.9.0 RC0 issues encountered while defining a map using fold on BTree
Given a map defined like:
def map[A, B](f: A => B)(btree: BTree[A]): BTree[B] =
fold((_:A) => Leaf(f(_)).asInstanceOf[BTree[B]])((x:BTree[B]) => (y:BTree[B]) => Fork(x,y))(btree)
when applied on a tree ((1 2) (3 4))
map((x:Int) => x*2)(BTree(1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: Nil))
results in ((<function1> <function1>) (<function1> <function1>))
sealed trait BTree[+A]
case class Leaf[+A](a: A) extends BTree[A] {
override def toString = a.toString
case class Fork[+A](left: BTree[A], right: BTree[A]) extends BTree[A] {
override def toString = "(" + left + " " + right + ")"
//but when it is defined like
object BTree {
def map[A, B](f: A => B)(btree: BTree[A]): BTree[B] =
fold((x:A) => Leaf(f(x)).asInstanceOf[BTree[B]])((x:BTree[B]) => (y:BTree[B]) => Fork(x,y))(btree)
def fold[A,B](f: A => B)(g: B => B => B)(btree: BTree[A]): B = btree match {
case Leaf(x) => f(x)
case Fork(x,y) => g(fold(f)(g)(x))(fold(f)(g)(y))
def apply[A](list: List[A]): BTree[A] = {
val m: Int = list.length / 2
m match {
case 0 => Leaf(list.head)
case _ => val tuple = list.splitAt(m)
Fork(BTree(tuple._1), BTree(tuple._2))
//todo varargs apply
//and applied like before i.e. map((x:Int) => x*2)(BTree(1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: Nil))
//results in ((2 4) (6 8)) -- the expected outcome
//also notice the hack in the definition Leaf(f(x)).asInstanceOf[BTree[B]]
//without it the compiler complains that Fork(x,y) is not correct because a Leaf's expected.
//I wanted to give the compiler a type hint so that it wouldn't complain
//but that was turning out to be rather complicated (perhaps use :type to find it out in the REPL)
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So, the reason the first one returns weird results is because of this:

fold((_:A) => Leaf(f(_))

This actually means the same as the following:

fold((_:A) => (a: A) => Leaf(f(a))

As for the cast, you should be able to replace that with a simple attribution:

  def map[A, B](f: A => B)(btree: BTree[A]): BTree[B] =
    fold((x:A) => Leaf(f(x)): BTree[B])((x:BTree[B]) => (y:BTree[B]) => Fork(x,y))(btree)

Unfortunately, there's no way to allow the type inference to figure this out. Local inference is just too limited.

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