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Created May 2, 2019 07:42
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Sample code sending email when Google Sheet is updated
var admin_email=''; //<- update your email address here
function triggerOnEdit(e)
function showMessageOnApproval(e)
var edited_row = checkStatusIsApproved(e);
if(edited_row > 0)
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("Row # "+edited_row+" approved!");
function showMessageOnUpdate(e)
var range = e.range;
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("range updated " + range.getA1Notation());
function checkStatusIsApproved(e)
var range = e.range;
if(range.getColumn() <= 4 &&
range.getLastColumn() >=4 )
var edited_row = range.getRow();
var status = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(edited_row,4).getValue();
if(status == 'approved')
return edited_row;
return 0;
function sendEmailOnApproval(e)
var approved_row = checkStatusIsApproved(e);
if(approved_row <= 0)
function sendEmailByRow(row)
var values = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(row,1,row,4).getValues();
var row_values = values[0];
var mail = composeApprovedEmail(row_values);
//Uncomment this line for testing
//SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert(" subject is "+mail.subject+"\n message "+mail.message);
var candidate_email = composeCandidateEmail(row_values);
function composeApprovedEmail(row_values)
var first_name = row_values[0];
var last_name = row_values[1];
var email = row_values[2];
var message = "The following applicant is approved: "+first_name+" "+last_name+
" email "+email;
var subject = "Applicant approved "+first_name+" "+last_name
function composeCandidateEmail(row_values)
var first_name = row_values[0];
var last_name = row_values[1];
var email = row_values[2];
var message = "The following applicant is approved: "+first_name+" "+last_name+
" email "+email;
var subject = first_name+ ", Your appliation is approved";
var message = "Hello "+first_name+"\n"+
"Your application is approved.\n Please follow the following instructions to proceed with the process.\n";
//... etc
return({message:message,subject:subject, email:email });
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TSiwale commented Jun 9, 2022

I experienced a similar challenge with the "range not defined error. I went off to tweak the code and combined it with some other code snippets. I came up with this version that worked for me.

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It will throw the range error if you test it directly by clicking the Run button. Go to the spreadsheet nad make an edit to see if it works.

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ElPaso8 commented Jun 14, 2022

I also experienced this error from another function. but the code still works if you save it and run it.

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Robisy commented Sep 9, 2023

The code only works when we manually change the cell value. The email does not come when the cell changes its value automatically by, for example, a formula. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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