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Created February 2, 2019 07:09
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Neural Machine Translation using Keras
import re
import string
from numpy import array, argmax, random, take
import pandas as pd
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, LSTM, Embedding, Bidirectional, RepeatVector, TimeDistributed
from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
from keras.models import load_model
from keras import optimizers
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
% matplotlib inline
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 200)
# function to read raw text file
def read_text(filename):
# open the file
file = open(filename, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8')
# read all text
text =
return text
# split text into sentences
def to_lines(text):
sents = text.strip().split('\n')
sents = [i.split('\t') for i in sents]
return sents
# download data from
data = read_text("deu.txt")
deu_eng = to_lines(data)
deu_eng = array(deu_eng)
# use first 50,000 English-German sentence pairs
deu_eng = deu_eng[:50000,:]
# Text Pre-processing
# Remove punctuation
deu_eng[:,0] = [s.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)) for s in deu_eng[:,0]]
deu_eng[:,1] = [s.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)) for s in deu_eng[:,1]]
# convert to lowercase
for i in range(len(deu_eng)):
deu_eng[i,0] = deu_eng[i,0].lower()
deu_eng[i,1] = deu_eng[i,1].lower()
# Convert text to sequence
# empty lists
eng_l = []
deu_l = []
# populate the lists with sentence lengths
for i in deu_eng[:,0]:
for i in deu_eng[:,1]:
# plot length of sentences
length_df.hist(bins = 30)
# function to build a tokenizer
def tokenization(lines):
tokenizer = Tokenizer()
return tokenizer
# prepare english tokenizer
eng_tokenizer = tokenization(deu_eng[:, 0])
eng_vocab_size = len(eng_tokenizer.word_index) + 1
eng_length = 8
print('English Vocabulary Size: %d' % eng_vocab_size)
# prepare Deutch tokenizer
deu_tokenizer = tokenization(deu_eng[:, 1])
deu_vocab_size = len(deu_tokenizer.word_index) + 1
deu_length = 8
print('Deutch Vocabulary Size: %d' % deu_vocab_size)
# encode and pad sequences
def encode_sequences(tokenizer, length, lines):
# integer encode sequences
seq = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(lines)
# pad sequences with 0 values
seq = pad_sequences(seq, maxlen=length, padding='post')
return seq
# model building
# split data
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
train, test = train_test_split(deu_eng, test_size=0.2, random_state = 12)
# prepare training data
trainX = encode_sequences(deu_tokenizer, deu_length, train[:, 1])
trainY = encode_sequences(eng_tokenizer, eng_length, train[:, 0])
# prepare validation data
testX = encode_sequences(deu_tokenizer, deu_length, test[:, 1])
testY = encode_sequences(eng_tokenizer, eng_length, test[:, 0])
# build NMT model
def build_model(in_vocab, out_vocab, in_timesteps, out_timesteps, units):
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(in_vocab, units, input_length=in_timesteps, mask_zero=True))
model.add(LSTM(units, return_sequences=True))
model.add(Dense(out_vocab, activation='softmax'))
return model
model = build_model(deu_vocab_size, eng_vocab_size, deu_length, eng_length, 512)
rms = optimizers.RMSprop(lr=0.001)
model.compile(optimizer=rms, loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy')
# train model
filename = 'model.h1.24_jan_19'
checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filename, monitor='val_loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode='min')
history =, trainY.reshape(trainY.shape[0], trainY.shape[1], 1),
epochs=30, batch_size=512,
validation_split = 0.2,
callbacks=[checkpoint], verbose=1)
# plot validation loss vs training loss
# load saved model
model = load_model('model.h1.24_jan_19')
# make predictions
preds = model.predict_classes(testX.reshape((testX.shape[0],testX.shape[1])))
def get_word(n, tokenizer):
for word, index in tokenizer.word_index.items():
if index == n:
return word
return None
# convert predictions into text (English)
preds_text = []
for i in preds:
temp = []
for j in range(len(i)):
t = get_word(i[j], eng_tokenizer)
if j > 0:
if (t == get_word(i[j-1], eng_tokenizer)) or (t == None):
if(t == None):
preds_text.append(' '.join(temp))
pred_df = pd.DataFrame({'actual' : test[:,0], 'predicted' : preds_text})
# display results
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