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Created July 11, 2018 04:37
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Implementation of non-linear time-varying reference tracking on Pathfinder generated paths.
* FRC Team 5190
* Green Hope Falcons
package frc.team5190.lib.trajectory
import frc.team5190.lib.extensions.cos
import frc.team5190.lib.extensions.enforceBounds
import frc.team5190.lib.extensions.epsilonEquals
import frc.team5190.lib.extensions.sin
import frc.team5190.lib.geometry.Pose2d
import frc.team5190.lib.geometry.Twist2d
import frc.team5190.lib.EPSILON
import jaci.pathfinder.Trajectory
import kotlin.math.sin
import kotlin.math.sqrt
// Equation 5.12
class TrajectoryFollower(private val trajectory: Trajectory) {
// Stores the current segment index
private var currentSegmentIndex = 0
// Stores the current segment
var currentSegment: Trajectory.Segment = trajectory.segments[0]
private set
val isFinished
get() = currentSegmentIndex == trajectory.segments.size - 1
// Returns desired linear and angular cruiseVelocity of the robot
fun getRobotVelocity(pose: Pose2d): Twist2d {
// Update the current segment
if (currentSegmentIndex >= trajectory.segments.size) return Twist2d()
currentSegment = trajectory.segments[currentSegmentIndex]
// Calculate X and Y error
val xError = currentSegment.x - pose.translation.x
val yError = currentSegment.y - pose.translation.y
// Calculate Theta Error
var thetaError = (currentSegment.heading - pose.rotation.radians).enforceBounds()
thetaError = thetaError.let { if (it epsilonEquals 0.0) EPSILON else it }
// Linear Velocity of the Segment
val sv = currentSegment.velocity
// Angular Velocity of the Segment
val sw = if (currentSegmentIndex == trajectory.segments.size - 1) {
} else {
(trajectory.segments[currentSegmentIndex + 1].heading - currentSegment.heading).enforceBounds() / currentSegment.dt
// Calculate Linear and Angular Velocity based on errors
val v = calculateLinearVelocity(xError, yError, thetaError, sv, sw, pose.rotation.radians)
val w = calculateAngularVelocity(xError, yError, thetaError, sv, sw, pose.rotation.radians)
// Increment segment index
System.out.printf("[Path Follower] V: %2.3f, A: %2.3f, X Error: %2.3f, Y Error: %2.3f, Theta Error: %2.3f, Actual Speed: %2.3f %n",
v, w, xError, yError, thetaError, (DriveSubsystem.leftVelocity + DriveSubsystem.rightVelocity).FPS.value / 2)
return Twist2d(dx = v, dy = 0.0, dtheta = w)
companion object {
// Constants
private const val b = 0.65
private const val zeta = 0.175
// Returns linear cruiseVelocity
fun calculateLinearVelocity(xError: Double, yError: Double, thetaError: Double, pathV: Double, pathW: Double, theta: Double) =
(pathV cos thetaError) +
(gainFunc(pathV, pathW) * ((xError cos theta) + (yError sin theta)))
// Returns angular cruiseVelocity
fun calculateAngularVelocity(xError: Double, yError: Double, thetaError: Double, pathV: Double, pathW: Double, theta: Double) =
pathW +
(b * pathV * (sin(thetaError) / thetaError) * ((yError cos theta) - (xError sin theta))) +
(gainFunc(pathV, pathW) * thetaError)
// Gain function
private fun gainFunc(v: Double, w: Double): Double {
return 2 * zeta * sqrt((w * w) + ((b) * (v * v)))
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