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Last active June 15, 2019 09:33
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Excel: Split names (regardless of number of first and middle names)
These formulas will split names into first and middle names, and last name, respectively.
Alan Bega => Alan / Bega
Alan Brian Carr => Alan Brian / Carr
Alan Brian Cory Dorset => Alan Brian Cory / Dorset
… etc
Extract first and middle names:
= LEFT( B2; SEARCH("#"; SUBSTITUTE(B2;" "; "#"; LEN(B2) − LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B2; " "; "")))) -1 )
Extract last name:
= RIGHT(B2; LEN(B2) − SEARCH("#"; SUBSTITUTE(B2;" "; "#"; LEN(B2) − LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B2; " "; "")))))
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