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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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One example (of many, many examples) that shows the difference in API design between Apple and Google. This example shows the code required to load a list of turn based matches.
// Apple API for loading all your turn-based matches
[GKTurnBasedMatch loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler:^( NSArray *matches, NSError *error )
// there is either an error or a result. nice and simple.
if( error )
log( "print a useful error: " + error );
log( "the matches are here: " + matches );
// Google API for loading all your turn-based matches on Android
int[] statuses = new int[] { TurnBasedMatch.MATCH_TURN_STATUS_MY_TURN, TurnBasedMatch.MATCH_TURN_STATUS_THEIR_TURN, TurnBasedMatch.MATCH_TURN_STATUS_COMPLETE };
Games.TurnBasedMultiplayer.loadMatchesByStatus( helper.getApiClient(), statuses )
.setResultCallback( new ResultCallback<LoadMatchesResult>()
public void onResult( LoadMatchesResult result )
if( result.getStatus().getStatusCode() != GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_OK )
log( "we don't have a useful error but we have an integar that we have to look up in the documentation: " + result.getStatus().getStatusCode() );
// so, we just wanted a List of matches but Google would never make it that simple. We'll create the
// matches List and fill it ourselves
List<TurnBasedMatch> matches = new ArrayList<TurnBasedMatch>();
// what do we get from Google instead? a LoadMatchesResponse (result.getMatches returns it) of course!
// and what is inside a LoadMatchesResponse? three TurnBasedMatchBuffer objects! to get those matches we
// asked for we have to loop through each of the three TurnBasedMatchBuffers and extract the matches
// one-by-one.
for( int i = 0; i < result.getMatches().getCompletedMatches().getCount(); i++ )
matches.add( result.getMatches().getCompletedMatches().get( i ) );
for( int i = 0; i < result.getMatches().getMyTurnMatches().getCount(); i++ )
matches.add( result.getMatches().getMyTurnMatches().get( i ) );
for( int i = 0; i < result.getMatches().getTheirTurnMatches().getCount(); i++ )
matches.add( result.getMatches().getTheirTurnMatches().get( i ) );
log( "yay! we finally got what we asked for! matches: " + matches );
// oddly enough, the iOS Google API is more to the point though still you have to search deep in the documentation to
// figure out that to load turn-based matches you use the applicationModel and call reloadDataForKey with the magic
// string GPGModelAllMatchesKey. why not just expose a loadMatches method on a relevant class such as GPGTurnBasedMatch?
[[GPGManager sharedInstance].applicationModel reloadDataForKey:GPGModelAllMatchesKey
completionHandler:^( NSError *error )
// there is either an error or we can fetch the results
if( error )
log( "print a useful error: " + error );
log( "the matches are here: " + [GPGManager sharedInstance].applicationModel.turnBased.allMatches );
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