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prpatel / JazzCon2018WorkshopInstructions.txt
Last active March 19, 2018 22:05
JazzCon 2018 Workshop Instructions
Welcome to JazzCon.Tech 2018!
If you're attending, please try to do these setup instructions before arriving at the venue on Wednesday morning.
We'll have wifi, but some of the larger installs are better done beforehand if possible.
Of course, you'll need a nice IDE/Editor installed; Atom, VSCode are both free and work well. Additionally, choose which workshop you'd like to attend, then follow the instructions below.
React Native Workshop:
#Unlock workshop:
#unlock workshop - a web browser and an internet connection should suffice.

Workshop instructions for 2018

You must have a bought a specific workshop ticket to attend. If you bought a main conference only ticket, you are NOT registered for a workshop!

Please find the workshop you registered for, and follow the setup instructions BEFORE coming to the workshop on Monday March 26.

Proven patterns for building Vue apps - Chris Fritz

Application state with Vuex - Blake Newman


Please follow these instructions to setup your machine for the BlockchainConf.Tech Full Day Blockchain Workshop on Wednesday Sept 5th

Checklist: Make sure you have Git Download Python 3.6+, Flash and requests library and pip. (earlier version have an issue with certain functionality of Flask, so please use 3.6 or above).

Python (3.6+):

Please follow the workshop instructions for only the workshop for which you are registered for Connect.Tech 2018. Please check your email to see which workshop you registered for; otherwise email us.

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prpatel /
Last active November 24, 2018 15:54
DataSciCon.Tech 2018 Workshop Instructions

Please follow the instructions ONLY for the workshop for which you registered. If you don't remember which one that is, please email us! All workshops require laptops!

Image Classification in TensorFlow on Google Cloud - Carl Osipov

Prerequisites Experience with Python and familiarity with machine learning

Materials or downloads needed in advance This workshop will be conducted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and will use GCP's infrastructure to run TensorFlow. All you will need is a reasonably powerful laptop running an up-to-date browser (Chrome, Safari, or Firefox). Make sure that the laptop is well charged in advance just in case access to power outlets is limited!

prpatel /
Created March 19, 2019 13:59
Vueconf.US 2019 Workshop

Please complete these step for ONLY the workshop for which you are registered! Again, you only need to do ONE of these - for the one which you are registered. If you're unsure which one, email hello @

VueVixens workshop with Ari Clark

We'll start from scratch in Code Sandbox. Create a Code Sandbox account and scaffold a starter Vue.js template by clicking here:

React Hooks Workshop with Kent C. Dodds

Hi folks! I'm super excited to teach you React at Connect.Tech! We're going to have a great time. This workshop is intended for people who have a little experience developing with React, but don't worry if you haven't even started with React yet, or if you've been using React for a long time already! This will be helpful to you for sure. If you're just getting started with React, then I suggest you practice a little bit with React fundamentals and you can learn about all of that from me for free from If you've been working with Rea

Please find below links to slides from our speakers.