The default theme (since 3.6.0) is helmholtz which provides a colour scheme of well-balanced appearance and luminance; see the comments in the theme file about its crafting principles.
Kudos to Andy Koppe for creating helmholtz color theme for terminals!
If you want to use it in other places than mintty, then this page aims to help you achieve that.
Note: This color theme requires ability to set different color definitions depending on whether it is being used as foreground or background color, which is not universally supported. That's why 2 themes may be listed, one using colors dedicated for the foreground, and one using colors dedicated for the background.
Table of contests:
- Helmholtz colors
- Helmholtz colors for ColorTool
- Helmholtz colors for KiTTY
- Helmholtz color scheme for Windows Terminal
Color name | Foreground | Background |
Black | #000000 rgb(0,0,0) |
- |
Red | #D42C3A rgb(212,44,58) |
#A21E29 rgb(162,30,41) |
Green | #1CA800 rgb(28,168,0) |
- |
Yellow | #C0A000 rgb(192,160,0) |
- |
Blue | #005DFF rgb(0,93,255) |
#0020C0 rgb(0,32,192) |
Magenta | #B148C6 rgb(177,72,198) |
#863696 rgb(134,54,150) |
Cyan | #00A89A rgb(0,168,154) |
- |
White | #BFBFBF rgb(191,191,191) |
- |
Bold Black | #606060 rgb(96,96,96) |
#484848 rgb(72,72,72) |
Bold Red | #FF7676 rgb(255,118,118) |
- |
Bold Green | #00F200 rgb(0,242,0) |
- |
Bold Yellow | #F2F200 rgb(242,242,0) |
- |
Bold Blue | #7D97FF rgb(125,151,255) |
- |
Bold Magenta | #FF70FF rgb(255,112,255) |
- |
Bold Cyan | #00F0F0 rgb(0,240,240) |
- |
Bold White | #FFFFFF rgb(255,255,255) |
- |
in background means that the color is the same as for foreground.
Usage-oriented colors defined in some terminals have been mapped as follows:
- Cursor: White
- Foreground: White
- Background: Black
Helmholtz colors for ColorTool
helmholtz-fg | helmholtz-bg |
DARK_BLACK = 0,0,0
DARK_BLUE = 0,93,255
DARK_GREEN = 28,168,0
DARK_CYAN = 0,168,154
DARK_RED = 212,44,58
DARK_MAGENTA = 177,72,198
DARK_YELLOW = 192,160,0
DARK_WHITE = 191,191,191
BRIGHT_BLACK = 96,96,96
BRIGHT_BLUE = 125,151,255
BRIGHT_GREEN = 0,242,0
BRIGHT_CYAN = 0,240,240
BRIGHT_RED = 255,118,118
BRIGHT_MAGENTA = 255,112,255
BRIGHT_YELLOW = 242,242,0
BRIGHT_WHITE = 255,255,255
name = helmholtz-fg
author = AndyKoppe |
DARK_BLACK = 0,0,0
DARK_BLUE = 0,32,192
DARK_GREEN = 28,168,0
DARK_CYAN = 0,168,154
DARK_RED = 162,30,41
DARK_MAGENTA = 134,54,150
DARK_YELLOW = 192,160,0
DARK_WHITE = 191,191,191
BRIGHT_BLACK = 72,72,72
BRIGHT_BLUE = 125,151,255
BRIGHT_GREEN = 0,242,0
BRIGHT_CYAN = 0,240,240
BRIGHT_RED = 255,118,118
BRIGHT_MAGENTA = 255,112,255
BRIGHT_YELLOW = 242,242,0
BRIGHT_WHITE = 255,255,255
name = helmholtz-bg
author = AndyKoppe |
Helmholtz colors for KiTTY
Set one of the following in KiTTY session file:
Color | helmholtz-fg | helmholtz-bg |
Helmholtz color scheme for Windows Terminal
Add following to schemes
array in Windows Terminal settings.json:
"background": "#000000",
"black": "#000000",
"blue": "#0020C0",
"brightBlack": "#484848",
"brightBlue": "#7D97FF",
"brightCyan": "#00F0F0",
"brightGreen": "#00F200",
"brightPurple": "#FF70FF",
"brightRed": "#FF7676",
"brightWhite": "#FFFFFF",
"brightYellow": "#F2F200",
"cursorColor": "#BFBFBF",
"cyan": "#00A89A",
"foreground": "#BFBFBF",
"green": "#1CA800",
"name": "helmholtz-bg",
"purple": "#863696",
"red": "#A21E29",
"selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF",
"white": "#BFBFBF",
"yellow": "#C0A000"
"background": "#000000",
"black": "#000000",
"blue": "#005DFF",
"brightBlack": "#606060",
"brightBlue": "#7D97FF",
"brightCyan": "#00F0F0",
"brightGreen": "#00F200",
"brightPurple": "#FF70FF",
"brightRed": "#FF7676",
"brightWhite": "#FFFFFF",
"brightYellow": "#F2F200",
"cursorColor": "#BFBFBF",
"cyan": "#00A89A",
"foreground": "#BFBFBF",
"green": "#1CA800",
"name": "helmholtz-fg",
"purple": "#B148C6",
"red": "#D42C3A",
"selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF",
"white": "#BFBFBF",
"yellow": "#C0A000"