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Created July 19, 2010 14:06
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Save przemoc/481446 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fibonacci n-th number (modulo 2^32) in x86 assembler
; Fibonacci n-th number (modulo 2^32)
; input:
; ecx = n
; modifies:
; eax, ecx, edx
; ouput:
; eax = number
; size:
; 15 bytes
xor eax, eax ; 31 c0
jecxz _fibonacci_end ; e3 0a
dec ecx ; 49
inc eax ; 40
jecxz _fibonacci_end ; e3 06
cdq ; 99
xchg eax, edx ; 92
add eax, edx ; 01 d0
loop _fibonacci_loop ; e2 fb
ret ; c3
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Hey, I got inspired by this to write a similar function using floating point and the phi formula for finding the nth Fibonacci. ecx is the number and it uses the formula round(phi^n / sqrt(5)) to do it where phi is 1+sqrt(5)/2. Not nearly as small as yours but quite quick:

sys_exit        equ     1

SECTION     .data
phi     dt    1.618033988749894848204
sqrt5   dt    2.236067977499789696409

SECTION     .bss
result  resq 1

SECTION     .text
global      _start

        mov     ecx, 5
        fld     tword [sqrt5]
        fld     tword [phi]
        fld     tword [phi]
        fmul    st1
        loop    fib
        fdiv    st2
        fisttp  qword [result] 

        mov     eax, sys_exit
        xor     ebx, ebx
        int     80H

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And here's a version using the same formula but runs in linear time :) :


        fld     tword [sqrt5]
        fld     tword [n]
        fld     tword [phi]

        fld     st0
        fsub    st1, st0
        fxch    st1
        fdiv    st2
        fistp  qword [result]

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przemoc commented Dec 19, 2013

@paulfurber: Thanks for providing FP versions! They're not as short as I would like them to be, though. :>

Anyway, I'm not FP guy myself, so I won't fiddle with squeezing it as much as possible (please forgive my rude assumption that it is possible), but others are free to do so in the comments!

And sorry for late reply, but unfortunately gists lacks any notification system...

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