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Created October 10, 2019 21:33
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Client Dependencies & devDependencies

  • jwt-decode What is this?
  • date-fns I remember you.
  • react-scripts What is this? It seems to be used in 'scripts' to streamline starting up a react project:
    "start": "react-scripts start",
    "build": "react-scripts build",
    "test": "react-scripts test",
    "eject": "react-scripts eject"
  • What are the public and private route utilities? It looks like a layer over a component that decides whether or not they are accessible via token in one, and the exact opposite for the other.

  • what is utils.js? Is this really breaking down each element functionally? This is insane.

  • An implementation of star rating I probably won't steal. Seems to read the rating and then fill the stars based on that when loading.

  • Thingcontext and thinglistcontext - seem to contain functions that help manipulate the things in different contexts statefully.

-5 routes corresponding to CRUD endpoints. NotFound covers 'everything else?'



  • process.env.TZ = 'UTC' Why is this set this way?

Server Dependencies & devDependencies

  • What is treeize? "Converts tabular row data (as from SQL joins, flat JSON, etc) to deep object graphs based on simple column naming conventions - without the use of an ORM or models." Remaps flat data into tree structure - deep object graphs, API-ready data.

  • Used in things-service.js to 'treeize' the reviewdata. Declare a treeize-class variable, then use it to 'grow' input data (must be an array) into a tree structure.

  • What is const reviewData = reviewTree.grow([ review ]).getData()[0] doing? Something with reorganizing the flat input from a review during serializeReview() in things-service.js so it's 'api ready'

  • "private":true ?


  • The data structure is declared in INSERT w/o a TYPE?
  • Rating?


  • This seems to truncate the table in order; acts as 'unseeder'. Why is this separate from migrations? Will we be able to call this in other places like a func? Good for cleaning db, maybe using different seeds.

script: psql -U thingful -d thingful -f ./seeds/thingful_tables.sql

Data Design & Migrations

thingful-things <-> thingful_users <<-> thingful_reviews

"What is PostgreSQL SERIAL PRIMARY KEY?" -speedier syntax for incrementing key, good for primary id.


  • Uses raw data to select instead of knex methods.


  • What is async and await? How do they work?

    An async function 'always' explicitly returns a promise; an await, which 'must' be in an async function. It 'awaits' the result of a promise before executing. This would be good for asynchronous content, such as wait screens, and handling feedback for calls where you are uncertain of the outcome.

    It is essentially a cleaner syntax for a promise chain, less of an eyesore than a then chain.

So Async checkThingExists() - the function is out of sequence; it listens for 'thing', a constant that awaits the thing being checked for in the db, and produces feedback when it is discovered.

  • What is Restart Identity Cascade?


    Automatically restart sequences owned by columns of the truncated table(s).


    Automatically truncate all tables that have foreign-key references to any of the named tables, or to any tables added to the group due to CASCADE.

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