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javymarmol / LC_CTYPE.txt
Created November 20, 2017 21:52
Centos warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8): No such file or directory
vi /etc/environment
add these lines...
haircut / Install PIP to user site on
Created August 29, 2017 21:50
How to install and use pip without sudo or admin on macOS

Install and use pip on macOS without sudo / admin access

Most recently tested on macOS Sierra (10.12.6)

  1. Download the installation script; curl -o ~/Downloads/
  2. Run the installation, appending the --user flag; python ~/Downloads/ --user. pip will be installed to ~/Library/Python/2.7/bin/pip
  3. Make sure ~/Library/Python/2.7/bin is in your $PATH. For bash users, edit the PATH= line in ~/.bashrc to append the local Python path; ie. PATH=$PATH:~/Library/Python/2.7/bin. Apply the changes, source ~/.bashrc.
  4. Use pip! Remember to append --user when installing modules; ie. pip install <package_name> --user


patrickfuller /
Last active January 29, 2024 16:29
Enables local DNS resolution of Unifi aliases
When run in cron, automatically adds compliant alias names to local DNS.
Use at your own risk.
Patrick Fuller, 25 June 17
import re
import paramiko
import pymongo
Hengjie /
Last active June 9, 2024 16:57
How to passthrough SATA drives directly on VMWare ESXI 6.5 as RDMs

How to passthrough SATA drives directly on VMWare EXSI 6.5 as RDMs

There aren't many tutorials about this, the only tutorials I've found were about passing through entire PCIe cards to VMs, or refered to old ESXI versions (below 6.5) that used a more comprehensive desktop client instead of the web app. In v6.5, the web app was introduced and the desktop client was deprecated. You used to be able to setup RDMs in the desktop client, but with the introduction of the web console, this is no longer the case. This tutorial shows you how to pass SATA HDDs to the virtual machine on VMWare ESXI 6.5. This tutorial is partially based on VMWare's own KB and the now deprecated Forza IT blog post.

A word about VMWare ESXI 6.7

There is now an option while editing your VM's settings to add a New raw disk when you click `Add ha

djmaze / get-run-cmd
Last active November 12, 2021 17:05
Get run command from running Docker container
set -eo pipefail
image=$(docker inspect --format '{{.Config.Image}}' $container)
cmd=$(docker inspect --format '{{.Config.Cmd}}' $container)
if [[ $cmd == '<nil>' ]]; then cmd=''; fi
binds=$(docker inspect --format '{{.HostConfig.Binds}}' $container | sed "s/\[//; s/\]//")
if [[ $binds == '<nil>' ]]; then binds=''; fi
envs=$(docker inspect --format '{{.Config.Env}}' $container | sed "s/\[//; s/\]//")