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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Save pudquick/0ec5cc8645a75f5a1c12 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. in detail - how to read the authorization.plist / auth.db

A study of the '' right

From /System/Library/Security/authorization.plist:


So it requires you match the 'entitled-admin-or-authenticate-admin' rule:


This rule requires you match one of two possible rules: 'entitled-admin' or 'authenticate-admin-30'

    <string>Like the default rule, but credentials remain valid for only
            30 seconds after they've been obtained.  An acquired credential
            is shared by all clients.</string>

This rule isn't based on another rule - so it ends here (more explained later).

Here's the other path:


'entitled-admin' is another k-of-n, but now it's two of two - you need both of these: 'is-admin' and 'entitled'

    <string>Verify that the user asking for authorization is an administrator.</string>

This one simply just checks if you're in the admin group. Since both rules are required, it's the other one that does the heavy lifting here.

Let's look at 'entitled':


This is a new result - an 'evaluate-mechanisms' class object.

However, it is also the end of our hunt - we've terminated all paths.

Now we need to go back to the /System/Library/Security/authorization.plist again and look a little closer.

There are actually three sections to this plist:

  • 'comment'
  • 'rights'
  • 'rules'

'' is the only one that appears in 'rights'

All of the rest appear under 'rules' - meaning you can't be granted it like a right, you can only be evaluated as having that status/property by the Security framework.

For example, running something as 'sudo' gives you a True value for the 'is-root' rule ...

... but none of the paths relied on that (unfortunately) - they all relied on rules that fell into either 'authenticate-*' (already auth'd) or starting an authentication mechanism.

Basically, the way this right is written, you'll only be granted it if you've entered your password into a Security framework GUI / CLI tool.

You would have to re-write this right in the authorization database to make it work just as root / sudo.

The change you'd need to make is:


This would allow granting the right if you're simply root / sudo'd, without authentication.

For information on how to make this change on Mavericks, check Sam's article here:

If, however, you do not want to change the authorization database, you can instead use the command-line to enter the password (instead of a pop-up dialog) using the security tool's 'authorize' verb chained with the 'execute-with-privileges' verb (to run a command using it). I have an example of that code here:

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