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Last active December 7, 2020 09:01
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Stupid tricks: using stock macOS python subprocess with curl to download products from Apple's Developer Center
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT, check_output
from mimetools import Message
from StringIO import StringIO
from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
from urllib import quote, basejoin, urlencode
AUTH_PATH = '/IDMSWebAuth/authenticate'
APPIDKEY_PATH = "/services-account/download?path=%s"
DOWNLOAD_PATH = '/devcenter/download.action'
CURL_PATH = '/usr/bin/curl'
'Xcode': "/Developer_Tools/Xcode_{product[VERSION]}/Xcode_{product[VERSION]}.xip",
def product_path_str(prod_name, prod_dict):
return PRODUCT_PATH_TEMPLATES[prod_name].format(product=prod_dict)
def product_appid_url(prod_name, prod_dict):
return basejoin(DEV_SITE, APPIDKEY_PATH) % (product_path_str(prod_name, prod_dict))
def product_download_url(prod_name, prod_dict):
return basejoin(DEV_SITE, ("%s?path=%%s" % DOWNLOAD_PATH) % (product_path_str(prod_name, prod_dict)))
def product_appid(prod_name, prod_dict):
url = product_appid_url(prod_name, prod_dict)
raw_response = check_output([CURL_PATH, '-is', url])
request, body = raw_response.split('\r\n\r\n', 1)
response, headers = request.split('\r\n', 1)
header_dict = dict(Message(StringIO(headers)))
location = header_dict['location']
query = urlparse(location).query
return parse_qs(query)['appIdKey'][0]
def auth_data(prod_name, prod_dict, appleid, password):
p1 = "path=%s?%s" % (DOWNLOAD_PATH, quote('path=%s' % product_path_str(prod_name, prod_dict)))
p2 = urlencode([('appIdKey', product_appid(prod_name, prod_dict))])
p3 = urlencode([('accNameLocked', 'false')])
p4 = urlencode([('language', 'US-EN')])
p5 = urlencode([('Env', 'PROD')])
p6 = urlencode([('appleId', appleid)])
p7 = urlencode([('accountPassword', password)])
data = '&'.join([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7])
return data
def build_K_file(url, cookies, output=None, headers=True):
k_file = ""
k_file += 'url = "%s"\n' % (url)
if (output is not None):
k_file += 'output = "%s"\n' % (output)
k_file += '-s\n'
if (headers):
k_file += '-i\n'
# Now parse cookies
cookie_body = cookies.split('\n\n',1)[-1]
cookie_lines = [x.strip() for x in cookie_body.split('\n') if x.strip()]
k_file += '-b%s' % (';'.join([('='.join([x.split('\t')[-2], x.split('\t')[-1]])) for x in cookie_lines if '\t' in x])) + '\n'
return k_file
def extract_headers(response, spliton='Location: '):
header_body = spliton + response.split(spliton, 1)[-1]
headers = header_body.split('\r\n\r\n',1)[0]
return dict(Message(StringIO(headers)))
def extract_cookiejar(response):
return response.split('\r\n\r\n')[-1]
def first_cookie(header_dict):
first = header_dict['set-cookie']
raw_cookie = first.split(';',1)[0]
# reformat into a 'Netscape-style' cookiejar file with as the base
return '# ignore\n\\tTRUE\t/\tTRUE\t0\t' + '\t'.join(raw_cookie.split('=',1)) + '\n'
def download_developer_product(prod_name, prod_dict, appleid, password, output_path, debug=False):
# Create our authorization POST data body
authorization_data = auth_data(prod_name, prod_dict, appleid, password)
# Authorize
if debug:
print "* AUTHORIZING ..."
p = Popen([CURL_PATH, '-is', '-d', '@-', '--cookie-jar', '-', basejoin(AUTH_SITE, AUTH_PATH)], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
result = p.communicate(input=authorization_data)
if debug:
print result
cookies = extract_cookiejar(result[0])
# Use the authorization cookies to start the product download, which gives us a 1st redirect
k_file = build_K_file(product_download_url(prod_name, prod_dict), cookies)
if debug:
p = Popen([CURL_PATH, '-K', '-'], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
result = p.communicate(input=k_file)
if debug:
print result
headers = extract_headers(result[0])
# Use the output to continue the download, which gives us our 2nd redirect and a new cookie
new_location = headers['location']
k_file = build_K_file(new_location, cookies)
if debug:
p = Popen([CURL_PATH, '-K', '-'], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
result = p.communicate(input=k_file)
if debug:
print result
headers = extract_headers(result[0])
new_location = headers['location']
# Extract the new cookie
new_cookies = first_cookie(headers)
# Now we can really download the file
k_file = build_K_file(new_location, new_cookies, output=output_path, headers=False)
if debug:
p = Popen([CURL_PATH, '-K', '-'], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
# Get the file!
result = p.communicate(input=k_file)
if debug:
print "* DONE!"
return result
# Example usage:
# download_developer_product('Xcode', {'VERSION': '8.2.1'}, 'APPLEIDHERE', 'PASSWORDHERE', 'Xcode.xip')
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As Feb 2018 the following line needs to be changed:

-def extract_headers(response, spliton='Location: '):
+def extract_headers(response, spliton='Pragma: '):
     header_body = spliton + response.split(spliton, 1)[-1]

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