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Last active February 8, 2023 16:05
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Get a sorted descriptive json output of hashes for a directory, suitable for diffing
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, os.path, json, hashlib, subprocess, argparse, sys, stat
def checksum_directory(source_path, progress=False):
filesystem_details = dict()
# rough guess of how many files are in a directory
# horrible hack with a little fudge
if not os.path.isdir(source_path):
raise Exception('no such directory')
all_file_count = len(subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/find', source_path]).splitlines()) + 10
count_so_far = 0
last_update = 0
for root_path, directories, files in os.walk(source_path, followlinks=False):
for d in directories:
count_so_far += 1
true_full_path = os.path.join(root_path, d)
# print "d:", true_full_path
chroot_path = os.path.join('/', os.path.relpath(true_full_path, source_path))
if os.path.islink(true_full_path):
# record symlink
symlink_destination = os.readlink(true_full_path)
filesystem_details[chroot_path] = ['s', symlink_destination]
# record directory
filesystem_details[chroot_path] = ['d', '']
for f in files:
count_so_far += 1
true_full_path = os.path.join(root_path, f)
# print "f:", true_full_path
chroot_path = os.path.join('/', os.path.relpath(true_full_path, source_path))
if os.path.islink(true_full_path):
# record symlink
symlink_destination = os.readlink(true_full_path)
filesystem_details[chroot_path] = ['s', symlink_destination]
elif (not stat.S_ISREG(os.stat(true_full_path).st_mode)):
# this isn't a normal file or a symlink!!
# we can record the st_mode
filesystem_details[chroot_path] = ['*', str(os.stat(true_full_path).st_mode)]
# record file with its hash
h = hashlib.sha1()
with open(true_full_path, 'rb') as g:
b =
while len(b) > 0:
b =
filesystem_details[chroot_path] = ['f', h.hexdigest()]
if progress:
if count_so_far > (last_update + 1000):
# need to emit progress
last_update = count_so_far
print("* PROGRESS:", "{0:.2%}".format((1.*last_update)/all_file_count))
formatted_output = '"]\n"/'.join(json.dumps(filesystem_details).split('"], "/')).strip().rstrip("}").lstrip("{")
formatted_output = "{\n" + ",\n".join([" "+x for x in sorted(formatted_output.splitlines())]) + "\n}"
return formatted_output
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate a json output analysis of a directory and its file contents')
parser.add_argument("-p", "--progress", help="progress output", action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_argument('source', help='/path/to/input/directory')
parser.add_argument('output', nargs="?", default=None, help="/path/to/output.json [default=stdout]")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.source:
result = checksum_directory(args.source, args.progress)
print("ERROR: verify you have permissions (sudo?) to read the destination fully and that it exists")
if args.output is None:
with open(args.output, 'wb') as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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