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Last active December 14, 2022 17:03
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Light pyobjc wrapper around the PrivateFramework DiskManagement.framework for direct access to disk devices and information about them
import objc
from Foundation import NSBundle
# Predefine some opaque types
DASessionRef = objc.createOpaquePointerType('DASessionRef', b'^{__DASession=}', None)
DADiskRef = objc.createOpaquePointerType('DADiskRef', b'^{__DADisk=}', None)
# Load DiskManagement framework classes
DiskManagment = objc.loadBundle('DiskManagment', globals(), bundle_path='/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskManagement.framework')
# Load DiskArbitration framework functions
DiskArbitration_bundle = NSBundle.bundleWithIdentifier_('')
functions = [
('DASessionCreate', b'@o@'),
('DADiskGetBSDName', b'*^{__DADisk=}'),
objc.loadBundleFunctions(DiskArbitration_bundle, globals(), functions)
class diskRef(object):
def __init__(self, dObj, controller, rawRef=False):
if rawRef:
self.cf_type = objc.objc_object(c_void_p=dObj.__pointer__)
self.ref_type = dObj
self.cf_type = dObj
self.ref_type = DADiskRef(c_void_p=(dObj.__c_void_p__().value))
self.controller = controller
def __repr__(self):
return self.cf_type.__repr__()
def devname(self):
return self.controller.shared.deviceNodeForDisk_error_(self.ref_type, None)
def volname(self):
return self.controller.shared.volumeNameForDisk_error_(self.ref_type, None)
def type(self):
return self.controller.shared.ioContentOfDisk_error_(self.ref_type, None)
def facts(self):
possible = [x for x in dir(self.controller.shared) if (x.startswith('is') and x.endswith('_error_'))]
return [y for y in sorted([x.split('is',1)[-1].rsplit('_error_',1)[0] for x in possible]) if not '_' in y]
def physical_store(self):
# This APFS and other disk types as well supposedly, looking at the code - like CoreStorage, SoftRAID ....
results = self.controller.shared.physicalDisksForDisk_storageSystemName_error_(self.ref_type, None, None)
if results[0] is not None:
return diskRef(results[0], self.controller)
return None
def Is(self, factname):
if factname not in self.facts:
raise Exception('no such fact, check disk.facts')
selector = getattr(self.controller.shared, 'is' + factname + '_error_', None)
if selector is None:
raise Exception('no such fact, check disk.facts')
return (selector)(self.ref_type,None)
class diskList(object):
# This is dict-list hybrid that allows for slicing as well as lookups by dev name
def __init__(self, disks):
self._disk_list = disks[:]
self._disk_dict = dict()
for i,d in enumerate(disks):
self._disk_dict[d.devname] = d
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._disk_list)
def __getitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, slice):
return self._disk_list.__getitem__(index)
elif isinstance(index, int):
return self._disk_list.__getitem__(index)
elif isinstance(index, diskRef):
# someone passed in a disk, so .. give them back the disk?
return index
return self._disk_dict[index]
def __repr__(self):
return self._disk_list.__repr__()
class diskManager(object):
def setup_managers(self):
# Create a DiskArb session
session = DASessionCreate(None)
# Get the shared disk manager
self.shared = DMManager.sharedManager()
session_p = DASessionRef(c_void_p=(session.__c_void_p__().value))
# connect the DA session
# init the CS manager
self.shared_cs = DMCoreStorage.alloc().initWithManager_(self.shared)
def __init__(self):
self.shared = None
self.shared_cs = None
def _formatted_disks(self, disk_list):
all_disks = sorted([diskRef(d, self) for d in disk_list], key=lambda x: x.devname)
return diskList(all_disks)
def topLevelDisks(self):
return self._formatted_disks(self.shared.topLevelDisks())
def disks(self):
return self._formatted_disks(self.shared.disks())
def diskForPath(self, path):
return diskRef(self.shared.diskForPath_error_(path, None), self, rawRef=True)
# Example usage
# from diskman import diskManager
# dm = diskManager()
# >>> dm.disks
# [<DADisk 0x7fd748434520 [0x7fff7c0b1440]>{id = /dev/disk0}, <DADisk 0x7fd748434550 [0x7fff7c0b1440]>{id = /dev/disk0s1}, ...
# >>> dm.diskForPath('/')
# <DADisk 0x7fa041c1a180 [0x7fff7c0b1440]>{id = /dev/disk1}
# >>> dm.diskForPath('/').volname
# u'Macintosh HD'
# >>> dm.diskForPath('/').devname
# u'/dev/disk1'
# >>> dm.disks['/dev/disk1'].facts
# ['AppleDiskImage', 'AppleRAIDDisk', 'AppleRAIDMemberDisk', 'AppleRAIDSetDisk', 'AppleRAIDSpareDisk', 'AppleRAIDUUID', ...
# >>> dm.disks['/dev/disk1'].Is('EjectableDisk')
# 0
# >>> dm.disks['/dev/disk1'].Is('InternalDisk')
# 1
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