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Created November 24, 2013 01:30
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Save pudquick/7622246 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Pythonista (python on iOS, check the App Store!) script for downloading torrents, modifying them, then uploading them to a Transmission server - directly from your iPhone / iPad
# Usage of this file:
# This code is intended for use in the iOS python interpreter named 'Pythonista'.
# When looking at a page on the search engine for a torrent result from Mobile Safari
# you can click on a bookmarklet (mentioned below) and it will cause the following:
# - Search results for the page are scraped
# - Torrent sites are visited for direct download links for the .torrent file
# - A .torrent file is downloaded
# - The .torrent file trackers are updated to include the scraped trackers listed on
# - The .torrent file is re-uploaded to your Dropbox account (for an on-demand HTTP source)
# - The direct download link for the modified .torrent file is passed via RPC to a Transmission torrent server
# - The torrent is added for download (suspended / not started)
# The bookmarklet:
# Create a bookmark in Safari - for anything, named something meaningful like 'DL Torrentz'
# Edit the bookmark, and change the URL to:
# javascript:(function()%7Bif(document.location.href.indexOf('http')===0)document.location.href='pythonista://transtor/transtor?action=run&argv='+document.location.href;%7D)();
# This file is stored under a folder you'll create called 'transtor' in Pythonista
# When the folder is properly populated, it will contain the following:
# -
# - - This file, and, are from:
# -
# - 'dropboxnew' folder (see note below)
import requests, re, sys, bencode, tempfile, json, console
# The dropbox module that's included with Pythonista is out of date.
# You can bring in the pure python updated official module under a folder called 'pythonnew'
# If you need an easy way to upload files into / out of Pythonista, here's a one-file
# WebDAV server:
import dropboxnew as dropbox
# View documentation here on getting a dropbox access token:
dropbox_access_token = u'YOUR_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE'
dropbox_client = dropbox.client.DropboxClient(dropbox_access_token)
rpc_url = "http://your.transmission.web.server:9091/transmission/rpc/"
def transfer_torrent(a_url):
t_hash = a_url.split('/')[-1]
t_html = requests.get(a_url).content
# Announce list for trackers
announce_id = re.findall(r'href=.([^>]+)["\']', t_html.split('This lists all the active trackers',1)[1].split('compatible list here',1)[0])[0].split('announcelist_',1)[-1]
announce_url = '' % announce_id
alt_trackers = requests.get(announce_url).content
alt_trackers = [x.strip() for x in alt_trackers.split('\n') if x.strip()]
# Slice out the downloads
downloads = t_html.split('<div class="download">', 1)[-1].split('<div class="trackers">', 1)[0]
downloads = [x for x in downloads.split('<dl><dt>')[1:] if '<dd>Sponsored Link</dd>' not in x]
downloads = [re.findall('^.+(http://[^"\']+)', x)[0] for x in downloads]
# Filter out sites that don't give obvious direct links to .torrent files
site_blacklist = set(['', '', '', '', '', ''])
downloads = [x for x in downloads if re.findall('//([^/]+)',x)[0] not in site_blacklist]
# Limit it to just 10 sites to visit
downloads = downloads[:10]
# Need some formulas
# Try a generic link extraction, should be enough - we just need *a* torrent
torrent_files = set()
for a_site in downloads:
print "> Getting:", a_site
a_site_html = requests.get(a_site).content
torrent_files.update(set([x for x in re.findall(r'<a [^>]*href=["\'](http:[^"\'>]+\.torrent[^"\'>]*)["\']', a_site_html) if t_hash in x.lower()]))
torrent_files = sorted(torrent_files)
# Filter out malware downloads
malware_blacklist = set([''])
torrent_files = [x for x in torrent_files if re.findall('//[^/]*?([^/.]+[.][^/.]+)/', x)[0] not in malware_blacklist]
# Keep only URLs for domains 'known good' to direct download so far
site_whitelist = set([''])
whitelist_torrent_files = [x for x in torrent_files if re.findall('//([^/]+)',x)[0] in site_whitelist]
# Check if we have at least one good URL
if not whitelist_torrent_files:
print "Error: No whitelisted download locations found"
print "Downloads:", torrent_files.__repr__()
print "Sites:", downloads.__repr__()
# We're only here if we have at least one confirmed direct downloadable .torrent URL
target_tor = whitelist_torrent_files[0]
print '\n*** Downloading .torrent:', target_tor
# Get the contents of the .torrent file
print '*** Modifying .torrent ...'
bcode = requests.get(target_tor).content
bdict = bencode.bdecode(bcode)
# Get the announce-list - should be a list of lists
b_announce = bdict.get('announce-list', [])
# Need to flatten the list and inject our own alt_trackers, using that trick
b_announce = [y for x in b_announce for y in x]
# Combine in our alt_trackers and reset to unique and sorted
b_announce = sorted(set(b_announce + alt_trackers))
# Split and re-set with udp:// URLs first - and filter out non-sense urls, potentially
http_t, udp_t = [x for x in b_announce if x.lower().startswith('http://')],[x for x in b_announce if x.lower().startswith('udp://')]
b_announce = udp_t + http_t
# Refashion into list wrapped items
b_announce = [[x] for x in b_announce]
# Set the announce-list to the new value
bdict['announce-list'] = b_announce
# Form a newly encoded torrent file
new_torrent = bencode.bencode(bdict)
# Save the output to a tempfile
temp_tor = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
# Upload the file to Dropbox
print '*** Uploading .torrent:', t_hash + '.torrent'
response = dropbox_client.put_file('/%s.torrent' % t_hash, temp_tor)
# Release the tempfile
# Get the sharing URL
print '*** Getting share link ...'
share_info = dropbox_client.share('/%s.torrent' % t_hash, short_url=False)
share_url = share_info['url']
# Fake download it at least once so Dropbox is famliar with our IP address (probably unnecessary)
_ = requests.get(share_url).content[0:0]
# Update the URL to include the direct download action
share_url += '?dl=1'
# Now to send this URL onto the web interface ...
rpc_id = requests.get(rpc_url).headers['x-transmission-session-id']
headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json','Accept':'*/*','X-Requested-With':'XMLHttpRequest', 'X-Transmission-Session-Id': rpc_id}
payload = {'method': 'torrent-add', 'arguments': {'filename': share_url}}
print '*** Transferring to Transmission ...'
r_upload =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
r_response = json.loads(r_upload.content)
print r_response.__repr__()
print "DONE !"
def main():
a_url = None
if (len(sys.argv) > 0):
a_url = sys.argv[1]
except Exception:
a_url = None
if not a_url:
print repr(sys.argv)
# transfer_torrent("")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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