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Created February 14, 2016 02:16
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Save pudquick/b85fcfd4a0479810e6aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Modifying the Favorite Servers list (in Finder's "Connect to Server" dialog) on OS X 10.11, a revisit of my blog post at:
import os.path
from Foundation import NSData, NSKeyedUnarchiver, SFLListItem, NSURL, NSMutableDictionary, NSKeyedArchiver, NSString, NSDictionary, NSArray
def load_favservers(sfl_path):
if os.path.isfile(sfl_path):
# File exists, use it
sfl_decoded = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData_(NSData.dataWithContentsOfFile_(sfl_path))
# File doesn't exist, make a blank template
sfl_decoded = {u'items': [],
u'version': 1L,
u'properties': {"": False,},
mutable_favs = dict(sfl_decoded)
mutable_favs['items'] = list(mutable_favs['items'])
return mutable_favs
def create_favitem(url=None, name=None):
if name is None:
# Make the display name the same as the URL by default
name = url
props = {NSString.stringWithString_(''): NSString.stringWithString_(u'srvr')}
props = NSDictionary.alloc().initWithDictionary_(props)
return SFLListItem.alloc().initWithName_URL_properties_(name, NSURL.alloc().initWithString_(url), props)
def purify(obj):
# This code ensures that certain data types are very definitely the ObjC versions
d = dir(obj)
if '__reversed__' in d:
# list / NSArray
return NSArray.alloc().initWithArray_(obj)
elif 'items' in d:
# dictionary / NSDictionary
return NSDictionary.alloc().initWithDictionary_(obj)
elif 'strip' in d:
# string / NSString
return NSString.alloc().initWithString_(obj)
# Unhandled
return obj
def save_favservers(favs, path):
# Prior to running code through NSKeyedArchiver, we want to strip out custom pyObjC subclass types
temp_keys = favs.keys()
fixed_values = [purify(favs[x]) for x in temp_keys]
fixed_keys = [purify(x) for x in temp_keys]
# Once everything is cleaned up, put it into a new NSDictionary
formatted_favs = NSDictionary.alloc().initWithObjects_forKeys_(fixed_values, fixed_keys)
return NSKeyedArchiver.archiveRootObject_toFile_(formatted_favs, path)
# How to use it
# -------------
# Pick the path:
sfl_path = os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Application Support/')
# Load it:
my_favs = load_favservers(sfl_path)
# Make a new favorite:
new_fav = create_favitem(url='smb://username@servername', name='A Cool Custom Name')
# Append it to the end:
# Saving back like this probably won't work if the user has the dialog open, so you'll want to
# do it at login with a tool like outset:
# (The best time to do it would be when they're not logged in at all ...)
result = save_favservers(my_favs, sfl_path)
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kernsb commented Jan 8, 2018

Any possibility of an update for High Sierra on this? Loading the list seems to work fine, but create_favitem seems to error out on line 22 for me.

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Is there any way to remove item from fav server using that type of script?
I have tried many times but not able to remove item from "myfavs" dict
getting below error:
argument of type 'SFLListItem' is not iterable

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Any possibility of an update for High Sierra on this? Loading the list seems to work fine, but create_favitem seems to error out on line 22 for me.

@kernsb Have you find anything for MacOS High Sierra?

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