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Last active August 2, 2016 12:41
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Download individual MAME ROMs from MAME reference sets via python over HTTP/S without downloading the entire set
import posixpath, urlparse, urllib2, re, ast, struct, cmd, os, os.path
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def discover_roms(rom_url):
# step 1: based on the URL, download the _files.xml for the details
# I could do this a lot easier, but this is more fun
url_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(rom_url)
base_path, page_path = posixpath.split(url_parts.path)
files_path = posixpath.join(url_parts.path, page_path + '_files.xml')
new_parts = url_parts._replace(path=files_path)
xml_url = urlparse.urlunsplit(new_parts)
# download it
f = urllib2.urlopen(xml_url)
files_xml =
# step 2: parse the XML, looking for a large multi-part zip
root = ET.fromstring(files_xml)
zips = dict()
for child in root:
if child.get('source') == 'original':
# if it's part of the real content
m = re.match('^(.+)\.(?:zip|z[0-9]{2})$', child.get('name'))
if m:
# It's a file of the form .zip, .z01, .z02, etc.
group_name =
file_name =
file_size = ast.literal_eval(child.find('size').text)
# record the results
zips[group_name] = zips.get(group_name, dict())
zips[group_name]['size'] = zips[group_name].get('size', 0) + file_size
zips[group_name]['files'] = zips[group_name].get('files', list()) + [(file_name, file_size)]
# step 3: select the largest file group
rom_archive, archive_info = sorted(zips.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['size'], reverse=True)[0]
total_size = archive_info['size']
# This should sort into: .z01, .z02, [...], .zip order
archive_files = sorted(archive_info['files'], key=lambda x: x[0])
# step 4: grab the last 200k of the final .zip file, which should be enough to contain the end of the central directory
# since the max size is a 2 byte / 16-bit value (65535)
eocd_zip, eocd_size = archive_files[-1]
# byte ranges are zero-based
last_200 = eocd_size - 100*1024
# build the url
eocd_path = posixpath.join(url_parts.path, eocd_zip)
new_parts = url_parts._replace(path=eocd_path)
eocd_url = urlparse.urlunsplit(new_parts)
# build the request
req = urllib2.Request(eocd_url)
req.add_header("Range","bytes=%s-" % (last_200))
# grab that EOCD!
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
eocd_raw =
# step 6: search for the last EOCD signature
EOCD = re.findall(r'PK\x05\x06.{16}', eocd_raw)[-1]
# unpack it
magic, d_count, d_cd, ignore, records_total, cd_size, cd_offset = struct.unpack('<4sHHHHLL', EOCD)
# step 7: grab the real central directory
# (it's probably on the same zip as the eocd, but whee, let's follow the spec)
cd_zip = archive_files[d_cd][0]
# build the url
cd_path = posixpath.join(url_parts.path, cd_zip)
new_parts = url_parts._replace(path=cd_path)
cd_url = urlparse.urlunsplit(new_parts)
# build the request
req = urllib2.Request(cd_url)
req.add_header("Range","bytes=%s-%s" % (cd_offset, cd_offset + cd_size - 1))
# grab that CD!
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
cd_raw =
# step 7: parse the central directory!
# ... probably not safe to parse like this, but it's fun!
raw_entries = re.split(r'(PK\x01\x02)', cd_raw)[1:]
raw_entries = map(lambda x: ''.join(x), zip(raw_entries[::2],raw_entries[1::2]))
entries = []
# parse out the entries and where they are in the archive
for x in raw_entries:
magic, ignore_16, c_size, u_size, fn_len, e_len, fc_len, f_disk, ignore_6, f_offset = struct.unpack('<4s16sLLHHHH6sL', x[:46])
f_name = x[46:46+fn_len]
# only remember compressed files!
if c_size:
d = dict()
d['path'] = f_name
d['name'] = posixpath.split(f_name)[-1]
d['zip'] = f_disk
d['size'] = c_size
d['offset'] = f_offset
result = dict()
result['source'] = url_parts
result['roms'] = entries
result['zips'] = archive_files
return result
def find_rom(rom_info, rom_name):
return [x for x in rom_info['roms'] if rom_name in x['name']]
def get_byte_range(rom_info, first_zip, start, num_bytes):
bytes_raw = ''
url_parts = rom_info['source']
range_start = start
range_end = start + num_bytes - 1
# check to see if range_end is beyond the length of the first_zip
zip_name, zip_size = rom_info['zips'][first_zip]
f_path = posixpath.join(url_parts.path, zip_name)
new_parts = url_parts._replace(path=f_path)
f_url = urlparse.urlunsplit(new_parts)
# build the request
req = urllib2.Request(f_url)
# now the tricky part
if range_start >= zip_size:
# Whoops! We're trying to start beyond the end of the file
adjusted_start = range_start - zip_size
adjusted_end = range_end - zip_size
zip_name, zip_size = rom_info['zips'][first_zip+1]
f_path = posixpath.join(url_parts.path, zip_name)
new_parts = url_parts._replace(path=f_path)
f_url = urlparse.urlunsplit(new_parts)
# build the request
req = urllib2.Request(f_url)
req.add_header("Range","bytes=%s-%s" % (adjusted_start, adjusted_end))
# grab it
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
bytes_raw =
elif range_end >= zip_size:
# We need to download from two zips
# So let's get the first one
req.add_header("Range","bytes=%s-" % (range_start))
# grab part 1
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
part_1 =
# How ever many bytes we got, get the rest from the next zip file
remaining_bytes = num_bytes - len(part_1)
zip_name, zip_size = rom_info['zips'][first_zip+1]
f_path = posixpath.join(url_parts.path, zip_name)
new_parts = url_parts._replace(path=f_path)
f_url = urlparse.urlunsplit(new_parts)
# build the request
req = urllib2.Request(f_url)
req.add_header("Range","bytes=0-%s" % (remaining_bytes-1))
# grab part 2
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
part_2 =
bytes_raw = part_1 + part_2
# Yay, it's the simple case and we can download from one zip
req.add_header("Range","bytes=%s-%s" % (range_start, range_end))
# grab those bytes!
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
bytes_raw =
return bytes_raw
def download_rom(rom_info, rom_record, save_path):
# first we need to get the local header for the file to see how much total bytes to skip
local_header = get_byte_range(rom_info, rom_record['zip'], rom_record['offset'], 30)
# parse the local header
magic, ignore_22, fn_len, e_len = struct.unpack('<4s22sHH', local_header)
real_offset = rom_record['offset'] + 30 + fn_len + e_len
# now we can get the actual rom file!
raw_rom = get_byte_range(rom_info, rom_record['zip'], real_offset, rom_record['size'])
f = open(save_path, 'wb')
class romArchive(cmd.Cmd):
def __init__(self, archiveorg_rom_url):
self.rom_url = archiveorg_rom_url
print "[INITIALIZING: %s]" % self.rom_url
self.rom_info = discover_roms(self.rom_url)
def do_pwd(self, line):
"Print current directory"
print os.getcwd()
def do_cd(self, line):
"Change current directory"
if os.path.isdir(line):
print "Error: No such dir: %s" % line
def do_ls(self, line):
"Print contents of current directory"
dirpath, dirnames, filenames = os.walk(os.getcwd()).next()
for x in sorted(dirnames):
print x + '/'
for x in sorted(filenames):
print x
def do_quit(self, line):
return True
def do_find(self, line):
"find <part of file name>"
if line:
results = find_rom(self.rom_info, line)
if not results:
print "No results."
for x in sorted(results, key=lambda y: y['path']):
print 'path:', x['path']
print 'name:', x['name']
print 'size:', x['size']
print ''
def do_get(self, line):
"get <file name>"
if line:
results = sorted(find_rom(self.rom_info, line), key=lambda y: y['path'])
target = results[0]
print "[DOWNLOADING: %s]" % target['path']
download_rom(self.rom_info, target, target['name'])
print "[SAVED: %s]" % target['name']
do_q = do_quit
do_EOF = do_quit
do_exit = do_quit
# Keep to HTTP URLs to avoid issues with SPI/TLS/HTTPS requirements on python 2
# (though seems to be friendly/compatible, if you do want to do HTTPS)
def main():
rom_url = ""
# rom_url = ""
# and, etc.
# (make sure you're using the '/download/' form of the URL)
ra = romArchive(rom_url)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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