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Last active March 7, 2021 16:27
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Programmatically mount shares in OS X via python without the need for AppleScript
# This actually uses the same API call (NetFSMountURLSync) that AppleScript uses :D
# Note: As written, requires OS X 10.10+ / pyobjc 2.5.1+
import objc, CoreFoundation
from ctypes import c_void_p, pointer, cast
# The only reason I'm doing this the XML way is because I don't have a better way (yet)
# for correcting a function signature -after- it's already been imported.
# The problem is the last argument is a pointer to a CFArrayRef, which works out to a
# pointer to a pointer to a CFArray. pyobjc doesn't hadnle that much abstraction, so I created
# a custom opaque type 'CFArrayRefRef' and manually handle the conversion to/from pointer.
NetFS_bridgesupport = \
"""<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE signatures SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/BridgeSupport.dtd">
<signatures version='1.0'>
<depends_on path='/System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework'/>
<depends_on path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework'/>
<depends_on path='/System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework'/>
<string_constant name='kNAUIOptionKey' nsstring='true' value='UIOption'/>
<string_constant name='kNAUIOptionNoUI' nsstring='true' value='NoUI'/>
<string_constant name='kNetFSAllowSubMountsKey' nsstring='true' value='AllowSubMounts'/>
<string_constant name='kNetFSMountAtMountDirKey' nsstring='true' value='MountAtMountDir'/>
<opaque name='CFArrayRefRef' type='^{CFArrayRefRef=}' />
<function name='NetFSMountURLSync'>
<arg type='^{__CFURL=}'/>
<arg type='^{__CFURL=}'/>
<arg type='^{__CFString=}'/>
<arg type='^{__CFString=}'/>
<arg type='^{__CFDictionary=}'/>
<arg type='^{__CFDictionary=}'/>
<arg type='^{CFArrayRefRef=}'/>
<retval type='i'/>
# This is fun - lets you refer dict keys like dict.keyname
class attrdict(dict):
__getattr__ = dict.__getitem__
__setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
# Create 'NetFS' framework object from XML above
NetFS = attrdict()
objc.parseBridgeSupport(NetFS_bridgesupport, NetFS, objc.pathForFramework('NetFS.framework'))
class ArrayPair(object):
def __init__(self):
super(type(self), self).__init__()
# Build a pointer to a null array (which OS X will replace anyways)
self.cArray = pointer(c_void_p(None))
# Now we cast it to our custom opaque type
self.oArray = NetFS.CFArrayRefRef(c_void_p=cast(self.cArray, c_void_p))
def contents(self):
# Cast the pointer cArray now points to into a objc object (CFArray/NSArray here)
return [str(x) for x in objc.objc_object(c_void_p=self.cArray.contents)]
def mount_share(share_path):
# Mounts a share at /Volumes, returns the mount point or raises an error
sh_url = CoreFoundation.CFURLCreateWithString(None, share_path, None)
# Set UI to reduced interaction
open_options = {NetFS.kNAUIOptionKey: NetFS.kNAUIOptionNoUI}
# Allow mounting sub-directories of root shares
mount_options = {NetFS.kNetFSAllowSubMountsKey: True}
# Build our connected pointers for our results
mountpaths = ArrayPair()
# Attempt to mount!
output = NetFS.NetFSMountURLSync(sh_url, None, None, None, open_options, mount_options, mountpaths.oArray)
# Check if it worked
if output != 0:
raise Exception('Error mounting url "%s": %s' % (share_path, output))
# Oh cool, it worked - return the resulting mount point path
return mountpaths.contents()[0]
def mount_share_at_path(share_path, mount_path):
# Mounts a share at the specified path, returns the mount point or raises an error
sh_url = CoreFoundation.CFURLCreateWithString(None, share_path, None)
mo_url = CoreFoundation.CFURLCreateWithString(None, mount_path, None)
# Set UI to reduced interaction
open_options = {NetFS.kNAUIOptionKey: NetFS.kNAUIOptionNoUI}
# Allow mounting sub-directories of root shares
# Also specify the share should be mounted directly at (not under) mount_path
mount_options = {
NetFS.kNetFSAllowSubMountsKey: True,
NetFS.kNetFSMountAtMountDirKey: True,
# Build our connected pointers for our results
mountpaths = ArrayPair()
# Attempt to mount!
output = NetFS.NetFSMountURLSync(sh_url, mo_url, None, None, open_options, mount_options, mountpaths.oArray)
# Check if it worked
if output != 0:
raise Exception('Error mounting url "%s" at path "%s": %s' % (share_path, mount_path, output))
# Oh cool, it worked - return the resulting mount point path
return mountpaths.contents()[0]
# Example usage:
mounted_at = mount_share('afp://server.local/sharename')
mounted_at = mount_share_at_path('afp://server2.local/moreshare', '/custom/mount/location')
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