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Last active February 16, 2023 06:07
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nibbler - Use .nib files with python to quickly make UIs
# (this gist will be preserved for historical purposes)
# demo video here:
# Example script using nibbler:
# from nibbler import *
# n = Nibbler('/Users/frogor/Desktop/sweet.nib')
# def test():
# print "hi (no quit)"
# def test2():
# print "hi (politely quit)"
# n.quit()
# n.attach(test, 'pushy')
# n.attach(test2, 'less_pushy')
# n.hidden = True
# Use the "Identifier" property of your control in Interface Builder and give your controls a name
# Then use the 'attach' method on your Nibbler to link the control to a python function
from AppKit import NSNib, NSApp, NSObject, NSLog, NSApplication, NSBundle
import objc, os.path, types
from ctypes import CDLL, Structure, POINTER, c_uint32, byref
from ctypes.util import find_library
class ProcessSerialNumber(Structure):
_fields_ = [('highLongOfPSN', c_uint32),
('lowLongOfPSN', c_uint32)]
kCurrentProcess = 2
kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication = 1
kProcessTransformToUIElementAppication = 4
ApplicationServices = CDLL(find_library('ApplicationServices'))
TransformProcessType = ApplicationServices.TransformProcessType
TransformProcessType.argtypes = [POINTER(ProcessSerialNumber), c_uint32]
def views_recursive(view_obj):
yield view_obj
for x in view_obj.subviews():
for y in views_recursive(x):
yield y
def views_dict(nib_obj):
# Find the NSWindow instance at the top level
all_windows = [x for x in nib_obj if x.className() == 'NSWindow']
win = all_windows[0]
# Now find all the views within the window where the identifier is defined
top_view = win.contentView()
v_dict = dict()
for v in views_recursive(top_view):
ident = v.identifier()
if ident is not None:
if not ident.startswith('_'):
# Someone has customized it, remember it
v_dict[ident] = v
return v_dict
def quit_app():
class genericController(NSObject):
def setTheThing_(self, f_obj):
self.f = f_obj
def doTheThing_(self, sender):
if hasattr(self, 'f'):
def func_to_controller_selector(f_obj):
o = genericController.alloc().init()
return o
class Nibbler(object):
def __init__(self, path):
bundle = NSBundle.mainBundle()
info = bundle.localizedInfoDictionary() or bundle.infoDictionary()
# Did you know you can override parts of infoDictionary (Info.plist, after loading) even though Apple says it's read-only?
info['LSUIElement'] = '1'
# Initialize our shared application instance
# Two possibilities here
# Either the path is a directory and we really want the file inside it
# or the path is just a real .nib file
if os.path.isdir(path):
# Ok, so they just saved it from Xcode, not their fault
# let's fix the path
path = os.path.join(path, 'keyedobjects.nib')
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
# get nib bytes
d = buffer(
n_obj = NSNib.alloc().initWithNibData_bundle_(d, None)
placeholder_obj = NSObject.alloc().init()
result, n = n_obj.instantiateWithOwner_topLevelObjects_(placeholder_obj, None)
self.hidden = True
self.nib_contents = n = [x for x in self.nib_contents if x.className() == 'NSWindow'][0]
self.views = views_dict(self.nib_contents)
self._attached = []
def attach(self, func, identifier_label):
# look up the object with the identifer provided
o = self.views[identifier_label]
# get the classname of the object and handle appropriately
o_class = o.className()
if o_class == 'NSButton':
# Wow, we actually know how to do this one
temp = func_to_controller_selector(func)
# hold onto it
# button.setAction_(objc.selector(controller.buttonClicked_, signature='v@:'))
def run(self):
if self.hidden:
psn = ProcessSerialNumber(0, kCurrentProcess)
ApplicationServices.TransformProcessType(psn, kProcessTransformToUIElementAppication)
psn = ProcessSerialNumber(0, kCurrentProcess)
ApplicationServices.TransformProcessType(psn, kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication)
def quit(self):
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