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Last active April 27, 2021 01:03
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Writing functions once, using Cubix., and FP.js are generated by running Main.hs
public class FP
public static <A> A identity (A a)
return a;
public static <A, B> A constant (A a, B b)
return a;
function identity(a) {
return a;
function constant(a, b) {
return a;
def identity(a):
return a
def constant(a, b):
return a
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Main where
import Cubix.Essentials
import Cubix.ParsePretty (RootSort)
import Cubix.Language.Parametric.Syntax
import qualified Cubix.Language.Java.Parametric.Common as J
import qualified Cubix.Language.JavaScript.Parametric.Common as JS
import qualified Cubix.Language.Python.Parametric.Common as P
class FunctionTypes fs where
functionParameter :: Term fs IdentL -> Term fs ParameterAttrsL
functionSignature :: [Term fs IdentL] -> Term fs IdentL -> Term fs FunctionDefAttrsL
javaRefType ::
( All HFunctor fs
, PairF :-<: fs
, ListF :-<: fs
, J.IdentIsIdent :-<: fs
, J.ClassType :-<: fs
, J.RefType :-<: fs
, J.Type :-<: fs
) =>
Term fs IdentL ->
Term fs J.TypeL
javaRefType s =
J.iRefType (J.iClassRefType (J.iClassType (insertF [riPairF (J.iIdentIsIdent s) (insertF [])])))
instance FunctionTypes MJavaSig where
functionParameter t =
J.iJavaParamAttrs (insertF []) (javaRefType t) 0
functionSignature tps rt =
J.iJavaMethodDeclAttrs (insertF [J.iPublic, J.iStatic]) (insertF (tp <$> tps)) (insertF (Just (javaRefType rt))) (insertF [])
tp x =
J.iTypeParam (J.iIdentIsIdent x) (insertF [])
instance FunctionTypes MJSSig where
functionParameter _ =
functionSignature _ _ =
instance FunctionTypes MPythonSig where
functionParameter _ =
P.iPyParamAttrs (insertF Nothing) (insertF Nothing)
functionSignature _ _ =
P.iPyFunDefAttrs (insertF Nothing)
class BlockBody fs where
blockBody :: Term fs BlockL -> Term fs FunctionBodyL
instance BlockBody MJavaSig where
blockBody =
instance BlockBody MJSSig where
blockBody a =
JS.iJSBlockIsFunctionBody (JS.iBlockIsJSBlock a)
instance BlockBody MPythonSig where
blockBody a =
P.iPyBlockIsFunctionBody (P.iPyBlock (insertF Nothing) a)
class Return fs where
return' :: Term fs IdentL -> Term fs BlockItemL
instance Return MJavaSig where
return' a =
J.iReturn (insertF (Just (injF a)))
instance Return MJSSig where
return' a =
JS.iJSReturn JS.iJSNoAnnot (insertF (Just (JS.iIdentIsJSExpression a))) (JS.iJSSemi JS.iJSNoAnnot)
instance Return MPythonSig where
return' a =
P.iReturn (insertF (Just (injF a))) iUnitF
type PolymorphicFunction fs =
( All HFunctor fs
, ListF :-<: fs
, MaybeF :-<: fs
, Ident :-<: fs
, FunctionDef :-<: fs
, PositionalParameter :-<: fs
, Block :-<: fs
, EmptyBlockEnd :-<: fs
, FunctionTypes fs
, BlockBody fs
, Return fs
identity ::
forall fs l.
( PolymorphicFunction fs
, InjF fs FunctionDefL l
) =>
Term fs l
identity =
(functionSignature [a'] a')
(iIdent "identity")
(insertF [iPositionalParameter (functionParameter a') a])
(blockBody (iBlock (insertF [return' a]) iEmptyBlockEnd))
a :: (InjF fs IdentL t) => Term fs t
a =
iIdent "a"
a' :: (InjF fs IdentL t) => Term fs t
a' =
iIdent "A"
constant ::
forall fs l.
( PolymorphicFunction fs
, InjF fs FunctionDefL l
) =>
Term fs l
constant =
(functionSignature [a', b'] a')
(iIdent "constant")
(insertF [
iPositionalParameter (functionParameter a') a,
iPositionalParameter (functionParameter b') b
(blockBody (iBlock (insertF [return' a]) iEmptyBlockEnd))
a :: (InjF fs IdentL t) => Term fs t
a =
iIdent "a"
b :: (InjF fs IdentL t) => Term fs t
b =
iIdent "b"
a' :: (InjF fs IdentL t) => Term fs t
a' =
iIdent "A"
b' :: (InjF fs IdentL t) => Term fs t
b' =
iIdent "B"
class Library fs where
library :: [Term fs FunctionDefL] -> Term fs (RootSort fs)
instance Library MJavaSig where
library fs =
J.iCompilationUnit (insertF Nothing) (insertF []) (insertF [J.iClassTypeDecl fp])
fp =
J.iClassDecl (insertF [J.iPublic]) (iIdent "FP") (insertF []) (insertF Nothing) (insertF []) (J.iClassBody (insertF (J.iMemberDecl . J.iFunctionDefIsMemberDecl <$> fs)))
instance Library MJSSig where
library fs =
JS.iBlockWithPrelude [] (iBlock (insertF (JS.iFunctionDefIsJSStatement <$> fs)) iEmptyBlockEnd)
instance Library MPythonSig where
library fs =
P.iModule (insertF (P.iFunctionDefIsStatement <$> fs))
functionalLibrary ::
( PolymorphicFunction fs
, Library fs
) =>
Term fs (RootSort fs)
functionalLibrary =
library [identity, constant]
main :: IO ()
main = do
writeFile "" (pretty (functionalLibrary :: Term MJavaSig J.CompilationUnitL))
writeFile "FP.js" (pretty (functionalLibrary :: Term MJSSig JS.JSASTL))
writeFile "" (pretty (functionalLibrary :: Term MPythonSig P.ModuleL))
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