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Created June 3, 2015 20:26
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  • Save puffnfresh/5a841633f0dde81fe7d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save puffnfresh/5a841633f0dde81fe7d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Magic: Wanted 33214052,
got 33214052
Version: Wanted [7, 1, 0, 1],
got [7, 1, 0, 1]
Way: Wanted [],
got []
interface Test 7101
interface hash: 00b3fc3eed25a059fd2faaebf4ddbb48
ABI hash: c15fbe114cc2cd39039f32bec61aec08
export-list hash: 1f409670b1d03272345203176890f964
orphan hash: 4cc0ba8d20a3bcf1b60b0012782302da
flag hash: b8af1d9ddefc910fc21c9b8770987748
sig of: Nothing
used TH splices: False
EventM{EventM unEventM}
module dependencies:
package dependencies: base- ghc-prim-
integer-gmp- transformers-
orphans: GHC.Base GHC.Float
family instance modules: Control.Applicative Data.Either
Data.Functor.Identity Data.Monoid Data.Type.Equality GHC.Generics
import -/ GHC.Base 863c60f0ab7f851fd8d7f952f99143b1
import -/ Prelude 3bb8abb5a9ad10553c41284b8dee6bef
import -/ GHC.Types 6b27fb3fdbd0e3f0925a4496c66513bb
import -/ Control.Monad.Trans.Reader 6c79c656c3ef551e9d5aeab258767489
$fApplicativeEventM :: Applicative EventM
{- HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun:.
@ EventM
$fApplicativeEventM_$c<* -}
$fApplicativeEventM1 ::
ReaderT () IO a
-> ReaderT () IO b
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
eta :: ReaderT () IO a4
eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b
eta2 :: ()
eta3 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
eta3 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
case (eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
ipv of ds1 { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 ->
(# ipv2, ipv1 #) } }) -}
$fApplicativeEventM2 ::
ReaderT () IO a
-> ReaderT () IO b
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
eta :: ReaderT () IO a4
eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b
eta2 :: ()
eta3 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
eta3 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
(eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
ipv }) -}
$fApplicativeEventM3 ::
ReaderT () IO (a -> b)
-> ReaderT () IO a
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,1*C1(U))))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
f :: ReaderT () IO (a4 -> b)
v :: ReaderT () IO a4
r1 :: ()
s :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (f `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4 -> b>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4 -> b>_R)
s of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
case (v `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
ipv of ds1 { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 ->
(# ipv2, ipv1 ipv3 #) } }) -}
$fApplicativeEventM4 ::
a -> () -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 3, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <L,U><L,A><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (3, True, True)
(\ @ a4 eta :: a4 eta1 :: () eta2 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
(# eta2, eta #)) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$c*> :: EventM a -> EventM b -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$c<* :: EventM a -> EventM b -> EventM a
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$c<*> ::
EventM (a -> b) -> EventM a -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,1*C1(U))))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4 -> b>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$creturn :: a -> EventM a
{- Arity: 3, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <L,U><L,A><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4.
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
$fFunctorEventM :: Functor EventM
{- HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun:.
@ EventM $fFunctorEventM_$cfmap $fFunctorEventM_$c<$ -}
$fFunctorEventM1 ::
-> ReaderT () IO b
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,U><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
eta :: a4
eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b
eta2 :: ()
eta3 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
eta3 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
(# ipv, eta #) }) -}
$fFunctorEventM2 ::
(a -> b)
-> ReaderT () IO a
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,1*C1(U)><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
f :: a4 -> b
eta :: ReaderT () IO a4
eta1 :: ()
eta2 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) eta1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
eta2 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
(# ipv, f ipv1 #) }) -}
$fFunctorEventM_$c<$ :: a -> EventM b -> EventM a
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,U><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
$fFunctorEventM_$cfmap :: (a -> b) -> EventM a -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,1*C1(U)><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
<a4 -> b>_R
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM :: Monad EventM
{- Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun:.
@ EventM
$fMonadEventM_$cfail -}
$fMonadEventM1 ::
String -> () -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 3, Strictness: <B,U><B,A><B,U>b,
Unfolding: InlineRule (3, True, True)
(\ @ a4
msg :: String
eta :: ()
eta1 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
failIO1 @ a4 msg eta1) -}
$fMonadEventM2 ::
ReaderT () IO a -> ReaderT () IO b -> ReaderT () IO b
{- Arity: 2,
Unfolding: (\ @ a4 @ b ->
@ ()
@ IO
@ a4
@ b) -}
$fMonadEventM3 :: Functor (ReaderT () IO)
{- Strictness: m,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
($fMonadEventM_$s$fFunctorReaderT @ ()) -}
$fMonadEventM4 ::
ReaderT () IO a
-> (a -> ReaderT () IO b)
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(C1(U(U,U))))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
m1 :: ReaderT () IO a4
k :: a4 -> ReaderT () IO b
r1 :: ()
s :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (m1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
s of ds1 { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
((k ipv1) `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
ipv }) -}
$fMonadEventM_$c>> :: EventM a -> EventM b -> EventM b
{- Arity: 2,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N) -}
$fMonadEventM_$c>>= :: EventM a -> (a -> EventM b) -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(C1(U(U,U))))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R (<a4>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N)
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM_$cfail :: String -> EventM a
{- Arity: 3, Strictness: <B,U><B,A><B,U>b,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4.
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT :: Applicative (ReaderT () IO)
{- HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun:.
@ (ReaderT () IO)
@ ()
@ IO
$fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT_$c<* -}
$fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT_$c*> ::
ReaderT () IO a -> ReaderT () IO b -> ReaderT () IO b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (2, True, False)
(\ @ a4 @ b eta :: ReaderT () IO a4 eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b ->
let {
f :: ReaderT () IO (b -> b)
= $fFunctorReaderT_$c<$
@ ()
@ IO
@ (b -> b)
@ a4
(id @ b)
} in
(\ r1 :: () ->
@ b
@ b
(f `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b -> b>_N) r1)
(eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) r1))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT_$c<* ::
ReaderT () IO a -> ReaderT () IO b -> ReaderT () IO a
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (2, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
eta :: ReaderT () IO a4
eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b
eta2 :: ()
eta3 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
@ b
@ a4
@ ()
@ a4
@ (b -> a4)
(const @ a4 @ b)
(NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b -> a4>_N)
(eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) eta2))
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
(forall a4 b.
<ReaderT () IO a4>_R
->_R <ReaderT () IO b>_R
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM_$s$fFunctorReaderT :: Functor (ReaderT r IO)
{- HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun: @ r.
@ (ReaderT r IO)
($fMonadEventM_$s$fFunctorReaderT_$cfmap @ r)
($fFunctorReaderT_$c<$ @ r @ IO $fFunctorIO) -}
$fMonadEventM_$s$fFunctorReaderT_$cfmap ::
(a -> b) -> ReaderT r IO a -> ReaderT r IO b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,1*C1(U)><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (1, True, False)
(\ @ r
@ a4
@ b
f :: a4 -> b
m1 :: ReaderT r IO a4
x :: r
eta :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
@ a4
@ b
(m1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <r>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) x))
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
(forall r a4 b.
<a4 -> b>_R
->_R <ReaderT r IO a4>_R
->_R Trans
(<r>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <r>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM_$s$fMonadReaderT_$creturn :: a -> ReaderT () IO a
{- Arity: 3, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <L,U><L,A><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (1, True, True)
(\ @ a4 eta :: a4 eta1 :: () eta2 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
(returnIO @ a4 eta) `cast` (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R) eta2)
(forall a4.
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))) -}
type role EventM nominal
newtype EventM a = EventM {unEventM :: ReaderT () IO a}
unEventM :: EventM a -> ReaderT () IO a
RecSel EventM
{- Arity: 1, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <S,1*U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4. <EventM a4>_R ->_R NTCo:EventM[0] <a4>_N) -}
unEventM1 :: EventM a -> EventM a
{- Arity: 1, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <S,1*U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (1, True, True)
(\ @ a4 ds :: EventM a4 -> ds) -}
instance Applicative [EventM] = $fApplicativeEventM
instance Functor [EventM] = $fFunctorEventM
instance Monad [EventM] = $fMonadEventM
"SPEC/Test $fApplicativeReaderT @ () @ IO" [ALWAYS] forall $dFunctor :: Functor
(ReaderT () IO)
$dApplicative :: Applicative IO
$fApplicativeReaderT @ () @ IO $dFunctor $dApplicative
= $fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT
"SPEC/Test $fApplicativeReaderT_$c*> @ () @ IO" [ALWAYS] forall $dFunctor :: Functor
(ReaderT () IO)
$dApplicative :: Applicative IO
$fApplicativeReaderT_$c*> @ () @ IO $dFunctor $dApplicative
= $fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT_$c*>
"SPEC/Test $fApplicativeReaderT_$c<* @ () @ IO" [ALWAYS] forall $dFunctor :: Functor
(ReaderT () IO)
$dApplicative :: Applicative IO
$fApplicativeReaderT_$c<* @ () @ IO $dFunctor $dApplicative
= $fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT_$c<*
"SPEC/Test $fFunctorReaderT _ @ IO" [ALWAYS] forall @ r
$dFunctor :: Functor IO
$fFunctorReaderT @ r @ IO $dFunctor
= $fMonadEventM_$s$fFunctorReaderT @ r
"SPEC/Test $fFunctorReaderT_$cfmap _ @ IO" [ALWAYS] forall @ r
$dFunctor :: Functor IO
$fFunctorReaderT_$cfmap @ r @ IO $dFunctor
= $fMonadEventM_$s$fFunctorReaderT_$cfmap @ r
"SPEC/Test $fMonadReaderT_$creturn @ () @ IO" [ALWAYS] forall $dApplicative :: Applicative
(ReaderT () IO)
$dMonad :: Monad IO
$fMonadReaderT_$creturn @ () @ IO $dApplicative $dMonad
= $fMonadEventM_$s$fMonadReaderT_$creturn
vectorised variables:
vectorised tycons:
vectorised reused tycons:
parallel variables:
parallel tycons:
trusted: none
require own pkg trusted: False
Magic: Wanted 33214052,
got 33214052
Version: Wanted [7, 1, 0, 1],
got [7, 1, 0, 1]
Way: Wanted [],
got []
interface Test 7101
interface hash: 573c807a9a1592d9debb8cf8f572dbfc
ABI hash: 6f7892d51cccd13207d6c887b44666d1
export-list hash: 619c200a5e5a37b3d9cd0475900eeffb
orphan hash: 48f8f6cdce86a572b0a3ce456212112b
flag hash: b8af1d9ddefc910fc21c9b8770987748
sig of: Nothing
used TH splices: False
EventM{EventM unEventM}
module dependencies:
package dependencies: base- ghc-prim-
integer-gmp- transformers-
orphans: GHC.Base GHC.Float
family instance modules: Control.Applicative Data.Either
Data.Functor.Identity Data.Monoid Data.Type.Equality GHC.Generics
import -/ GHC.Base 863c60f0ab7f851fd8d7f952f99143b1
import -/ Prelude 3bb8abb5a9ad10553c41284b8dee6bef
import -/ GHC.Types 6b27fb3fdbd0e3f0925a4496c66513bb
import -/ Control.Monad.Trans.Reader 6c79c656c3ef551e9d5aeab258767489
$fApplicativeEventM :: Applicative EventM
{- HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun:.
@ EventM
$fApplicativeEventM_$c<* -}
$fApplicativeEventM1 ::
ReaderT () IO a
-> ReaderT () IO b
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
eta :: ReaderT () IO a4
eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b
eta2 :: ()
eta3 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
eta3 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
case (eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
ipv of ds1 { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 ->
(# ipv2, ipv1 #) } }) -}
$fApplicativeEventM2 ::
ReaderT () IO a
-> ReaderT () IO b
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
eta :: ReaderT () IO a4
eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b
eta2 :: ()
eta3 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
eta3 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
(eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
ipv }) -}
$fApplicativeEventM3 ::
ReaderT () IO (a -> b)
-> ReaderT () IO a
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,1*C1(U))))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
f :: ReaderT () IO (a4 -> b)
v :: ReaderT () IO a4
r1 :: ()
s :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (f `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4 -> b>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4 -> b>_R)
s of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
case (v `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
ipv of ds1 { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 ->
(# ipv2, ipv1 ipv3 #) } }) -}
$fApplicativeEventM4 ::
a -> () -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 3, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <L,U><L,A><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (3, True, True)
(\ @ a4 eta :: a4 eta1 :: () eta2 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
(# eta2, eta #)) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$c*> :: EventM a -> EventM b -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$c<* :: EventM a -> EventM b -> EventM a
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$c<*> ::
EventM (a -> b) -> EventM a -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,1*C1(U))))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4 -> b>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$creturn :: a -> EventM a
{- Arity: 3, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <L,U><L,A><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4.
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
$fFunctorEventM :: Functor EventM
{- HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun:.
@ EventM $fFunctorEventM_$cfmap $fFunctorEventM_$c<$ -}
$fFunctorEventM1 ::
-> ReaderT () IO b
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,U><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
eta :: a4
eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b
eta2 :: ()
eta3 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
eta3 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
(# ipv, eta #) }) -}
$fFunctorEventM2 ::
(a -> b)
-> ReaderT () IO a
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,1*C1(U)><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
f :: a4 -> b
eta :: ReaderT () IO a4
eta1 :: ()
eta2 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) eta1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
eta2 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
(# ipv, f ipv1 #) }) -}
$fFunctorEventM_$c<$ :: a -> EventM b -> EventM a
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,U><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
$fFunctorEventM_$cfmap :: (a -> b) -> EventM a -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,1*C1(U)><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
<a4 -> b>_R
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM :: Monad EventM
{- Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun:.
@ EventM
$fMonadEventM_$cfail -}
$fMonadEventM1 ::
String -> () -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 3, Strictness: <B,U><B,A><B,U>b,
Unfolding: InlineRule (3, True, True)
(\ @ a4
msg :: String
eta :: ()
eta1 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
failIO1 @ a4 msg eta1) -}
$fMonadEventM2 ::
ReaderT () IO a -> ReaderT () IO b -> ReaderT () IO b
{- Arity: 2,
Unfolding: (\ @ a4 @ b ->
@ ()
@ IO
@ a4
@ b) -}
$fMonadEventM3 :: Functor (ReaderT () IO)
{- Strictness: m,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
($fMonadEventM_$s$fFunctorReaderT @ ()) -}
$fMonadEventM4 ::
ReaderT () IO a
-> (a -> ReaderT () IO b)
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(C1(U(U,U))))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
m1 :: ReaderT () IO a4
k :: a4 -> ReaderT () IO b
r1 :: ()
s :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (m1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
s of ds1 { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
((k ipv1) `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
ipv }) -}
$fMonadEventM_$c>> :: EventM a -> EventM b -> EventM b
{- Arity: 2,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N) -}
$fMonadEventM_$c>>= :: EventM a -> (a -> EventM b) -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(C1(U(U,U))))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R (<a4>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N)
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM_$cfail :: String -> EventM a
{- Arity: 3, Strictness: <B,U><B,A><B,U>b,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4.
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT :: Applicative (ReaderT () IO)
{- HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun:.
@ (ReaderT () IO)
@ ()
@ IO
$fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT_$c<* -}
$fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT_$c*> ::
ReaderT () IO a -> ReaderT () IO b -> ReaderT () IO b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (2, True, False)
(\ @ a4 @ b eta :: ReaderT () IO a4 eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b ->
let {
f :: ReaderT () IO (b -> b)
= $fFunctorReaderT_$c<$
@ ()
@ IO
@ (b -> b)
@ a4
(id @ b)
} in
(\ r1 :: () ->
@ b
@ b
(f `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b -> b>_N) r1)
(eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) r1))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT_$c<* ::
ReaderT () IO a -> ReaderT () IO b -> ReaderT () IO a
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (2, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
eta :: ReaderT () IO a4
eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b
eta2 :: ()
eta3 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
@ b
@ a4
@ ()
@ a4
@ (b -> a4)
(const @ a4 @ b)
(NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b -> a4>_N)
(eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) eta2))
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
(forall a4 b.
<ReaderT () IO a4>_R
->_R <ReaderT () IO b>_R
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT_$cpure :: a -> ReaderT () IO a
{- Arity: 3, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <L,U><L,A><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (1, True, True)
(\ @ a4 eta :: a4 eta1 :: () eta2 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
(returnIO @ a4 eta) `cast` (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R) eta2)
(forall a4.
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM_$s$fFunctorReaderT :: Functor (ReaderT r IO)
{- HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun: @ r.
@ (ReaderT r IO)
($fMonadEventM_$s$fFunctorReaderT_$cfmap @ r)
($fFunctorReaderT_$c<$ @ r @ IO $fFunctorIO) -}
$fMonadEventM_$s$fFunctorReaderT_$cfmap ::
(a -> b) -> ReaderT r IO a -> ReaderT r IO b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,1*C1(U)><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (1, True, False)
(\ @ r
@ a4
@ b
f :: a4 -> b
m1 :: ReaderT r IO a4
x :: r
eta :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
@ a4
@ b
(m1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <r>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) x))
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
(forall r a4 b.
<a4 -> b>_R
->_R <ReaderT r IO a4>_R
->_R Trans
(<r>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <r>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))) -}
type role EventM nominal
newtype EventM a = EventM {unEventM :: ReaderT () IO a}
unEventM :: EventM a -> ReaderT () IO a
RecSel EventM
{- Arity: 1, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <S,1*U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4. <EventM a4>_R ->_R NTCo:EventM[0] <a4>_N) -}
unEventM1 :: EventM a -> EventM a
{- Arity: 1, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <S,1*U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (1, True, True)
(\ @ a4 ds :: EventM a4 -> ds) -}
instance Applicative [EventM] = $fApplicativeEventM
instance Functor [EventM] = $fFunctorEventM
instance Monad [EventM] = $fMonadEventM
"SPEC/Test $fApplicativeReaderT @ () @ IO" [ALWAYS] forall $dFunctor :: Functor
(ReaderT () IO)
$dApplicative :: Applicative IO
$fApplicativeReaderT @ () @ IO $dFunctor $dApplicative
= $fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT
"SPEC/Test $fApplicativeReaderT_$c*> @ () @ IO" [ALWAYS] forall $dFunctor :: Functor
(ReaderT () IO)
$dApplicative :: Applicative IO
$fApplicativeReaderT_$c*> @ () @ IO $dFunctor $dApplicative
= $fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT_$c*>
"SPEC/Test $fApplicativeReaderT_$c<* @ () @ IO" [ALWAYS] forall $dFunctor :: Functor
(ReaderT () IO)
$dApplicative :: Applicative IO
$fApplicativeReaderT_$c<* @ () @ IO $dFunctor $dApplicative
= $fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT_$c<*
"SPEC/Test $fApplicativeReaderT_$cpure @ () @ IO" [ALWAYS] forall $dFunctor :: Functor
(ReaderT () IO)
$dApplicative :: Applicative IO
$fApplicativeReaderT_$cpure @ () @ IO $dFunctor $dApplicative
= $fMonadEventM_$s$fApplicativeReaderT_$cpure
"SPEC/Test $fFunctorReaderT _ @ IO" [ALWAYS] forall @ r
$dFunctor :: Functor IO
$fFunctorReaderT @ r @ IO $dFunctor
= $fMonadEventM_$s$fFunctorReaderT @ r
"SPEC/Test $fFunctorReaderT_$cfmap _ @ IO" [ALWAYS] forall @ r
$dFunctor :: Functor IO
$fFunctorReaderT_$cfmap @ r @ IO $dFunctor
= $fMonadEventM_$s$fFunctorReaderT_$cfmap @ r
vectorised variables:
vectorised tycons:
vectorised reused tycons:
parallel variables:
parallel tycons:
trusted: none
require own pkg trusted: False
Magic: Wanted 33214052,
got 33214052
Version: Wanted [7, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 5, 0, 6, 0, 1],
got [7, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 5, 0, 6, 0, 1]
Way: Wanted [],
got []
interface Test 71120150601
interface hash: 739325e161fc7a87a26ca5fbb66118bf
ABI hash: 998b26216d33d3e9ce7c248e551233d8
export-list hash: 3775a1a465f73bba92c83bed351d0135
orphan hash: 693e9af84d3dfcc71e640e005bdc5e2e
flag hash: b8af1d9ddefc910fc21c9b8770987748
sig of: Nothing
used TH splices: False
EventM{EventM unEventM}
module dependencies:
package dependencies: base- ghc-prim-
integer-gmp- transformers-
orphans: GHC.Base GHC.Float
family instance modules: Control.Applicative Data.Either
Data.Functor.Identity Data.Monoid Data.Type.Equality Data.Version
GHC.Generics GHC.IO.Exception
import -/ GHC.Base 845aeebf27d3d0f2ab55e344507a1b23
import -/ Prelude 140d51b9dec814f3ec401f1d886334c9
import -/ GHC.Types 151b241eeb899b8ac0b176212c95831d
import -/ Control.Monad.Trans.Reader 4d96ec41ca37fedbe7ce83ab43f67332
$fApplicativeEventM :: Applicative EventM
{- HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun:.
@ EventM
$fApplicativeEventM_$c<* -}
$fApplicativeEventM1 ::
ReaderT () IO a
-> ReaderT () IO b
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
eta :: ReaderT () IO a4
eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b
eta2 :: ()
eta3 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
eta3 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
case (eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
ipv of ds1 { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 ->
(# ipv2, ipv1 #) } }) -}
$fApplicativeEventM2 ::
ReaderT () IO a
-> ReaderT () IO b
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
eta :: ReaderT () IO a4
eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b
eta2 :: ()
eta3 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
eta3 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
(eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
ipv }) -}
$fApplicativeEventM3 ::
ReaderT () IO (a -> b)
-> ReaderT () IO a
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,1*C1(U))))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
f :: ReaderT () IO (a4 -> b)
v :: ReaderT () IO a4
r1 :: ()
s :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (f `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4 -> b>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4 -> b>_R)
s of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
case (v `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
ipv of ds1 { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 ->
(# ipv2, ipv1 ipv3 #) } }) -}
$fApplicativeEventM4 ::
a -> () -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 3, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <L,U><L,A><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (3, True, True)
(\ @ a4 eta :: a4 eta1 :: () eta2 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
(# eta2, eta #)) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$c*> :: EventM a -> EventM b -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$c<* :: EventM a -> EventM b -> EventM a
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$c<*> ::
EventM (a -> b) -> EventM a -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,1*C1(U))))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4 -> b>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$creturn :: a -> EventM a
{- Arity: 3, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <L,U><L,A><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4.
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
$fFunctorEventM :: Functor EventM
{- HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun:.
@ EventM $fFunctorEventM_$cfmap $fFunctorEventM_$c<$ -}
$fFunctorEventM1 ::
-> ReaderT () IO b
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,U><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
eta :: a4
eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b
eta2 :: ()
eta3 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
eta3 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
(# ipv, eta #) }) -}
$fFunctorEventM2 ::
(a -> b)
-> ReaderT () IO a
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,1*C1(U)><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
f :: a4 -> b
eta :: ReaderT () IO a4
eta1 :: ()
eta2 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) eta1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
eta2 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
(# ipv, f ipv1 #) }) -}
$fFunctorEventM_$c<$ :: a -> EventM b -> EventM a
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,U><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
$fFunctorEventM_$cfmap :: (a -> b) -> EventM a -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,1*C1(U)><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
<a4 -> b>_R
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM :: Monad EventM
{- Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun:.
@ EventM
$fMonadEventM_$cfail -}
$fMonadEventM1 ::
String -> () -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 3, Strictness: <B,U><B,A><B,U>b,
Unfolding: InlineRule (3, True, True)
(\ @ a4
msg :: String
eta :: ()
eta1 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
failIO1 @ a4 msg eta1) -}
$fMonadEventM2 ::
ReaderT () IO a -> ReaderT () IO b -> ReaderT () IO b
{- Arity: 2,
Unfolding: (\ @ a4 @ b ->
$fMonadReaderT_$c>> @ () @ IO $fMonadIO @ a4 @ b) -}
$fMonadEventM3 ::
ReaderT () IO a
-> (a -> ReaderT () IO b)
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(C1(U(U,U))))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
m1 :: ReaderT () IO a4
k :: a4 -> ReaderT () IO b
r1 :: ()
s :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (m1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
s of ds1 { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
((k ipv1) `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
ipv }) -}
$fMonadEventM_$c>> :: EventM a -> EventM b -> EventM b
{- Arity: 2,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N) -}
$fMonadEventM_$c>>= :: EventM a -> (a -> EventM b) -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(C1(U(U,U))))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R (<a4>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N)
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM_$cfail :: String -> EventM a
{- Arity: 3, Strictness: <B,U><B,A><B,U>b,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4.
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
type role EventM nominal
newtype EventM a = EventM {unEventM :: ReaderT () IO a}
unEventM :: EventM a -> ReaderT () IO a
RecSel EventM
{- Arity: 1, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <S,1*U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4. <EventM a4>_R ->_R NTCo:EventM[0] <a4>_N) -}
unEventM1 :: EventM a -> EventM a
{- Arity: 1, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <S,1*U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (1, True, True)
(\ @ a4 ds :: EventM a4 -> ds) -}
instance Applicative [EventM] = $fApplicativeEventM
instance Functor [EventM] = $fFunctorEventM
instance Monad [EventM] = $fMonadEventM
vectorised variables:
vectorised tycons:
vectorised reused tycons:
parallel variables:
parallel tycons:
trusted: none
require own pkg trusted: False
Magic: Wanted 33214052,
got 33214052
Version: Wanted [7, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 5, 0, 6, 0, 1],
got [7, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 5, 0, 6, 0, 1]
Way: Wanted [],
got []
interface Test 71120150601
interface hash: 739325e161fc7a87a26ca5fbb66118bf
ABI hash: 998b26216d33d3e9ce7c248e551233d8
export-list hash: 3775a1a465f73bba92c83bed351d0135
orphan hash: 693e9af84d3dfcc71e640e005bdc5e2e
flag hash: b8af1d9ddefc910fc21c9b8770987748
sig of: Nothing
used TH splices: False
EventM{EventM unEventM}
module dependencies:
package dependencies: base- ghc-prim-
integer-gmp- transformers-
orphans: GHC.Base GHC.Float
family instance modules: Control.Applicative Data.Either
Data.Functor.Identity Data.Monoid Data.Type.Equality Data.Version
GHC.Generics GHC.IO.Exception
import -/ GHC.Base 845aeebf27d3d0f2ab55e344507a1b23
import -/ Prelude 140d51b9dec814f3ec401f1d886334c9
import -/ GHC.Types 151b241eeb899b8ac0b176212c95831d
import -/ Control.Monad.Trans.Reader 4d96ec41ca37fedbe7ce83ab43f67332
$fApplicativeEventM :: Applicative EventM
{- HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun:.
@ EventM
$fApplicativeEventM_$c<* -}
$fApplicativeEventM1 ::
ReaderT () IO a
-> ReaderT () IO b
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
eta :: ReaderT () IO a4
eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b
eta2 :: ()
eta3 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
eta3 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
case (eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
ipv of ds1 { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 ->
(# ipv2, ipv1 #) } }) -}
$fApplicativeEventM2 ::
ReaderT () IO a
-> ReaderT () IO b
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
eta :: ReaderT () IO a4
eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b
eta2 :: ()
eta3 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
eta3 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
(eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
ipv }) -}
$fApplicativeEventM3 ::
ReaderT () IO (a -> b)
-> ReaderT () IO a
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,1*C1(U))))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
f :: ReaderT () IO (a4 -> b)
v :: ReaderT () IO a4
r1 :: ()
s :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (f `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4 -> b>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4 -> b>_R)
s of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
case (v `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
ipv of ds1 { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 ->
(# ipv2, ipv1 ipv3 #) } }) -}
$fApplicativeEventM4 ::
a -> () -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 3, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <L,U><L,A><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (3, True, True)
(\ @ a4 eta :: a4 eta1 :: () eta2 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
(# eta2, eta #)) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$c*> :: EventM a -> EventM b -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$c<* :: EventM a -> EventM b -> EventM a
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$c<*> ::
EventM (a -> b) -> EventM a -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,1*C1(U))))><L,1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4 -> b>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fApplicativeEventM_$creturn :: a -> EventM a
{- Arity: 3, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <L,U><L,A><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4.
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
$fFunctorEventM :: Functor EventM
{- HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun:.
@ EventM $fFunctorEventM_$cfmap $fFunctorEventM_$c<$ -}
$fFunctorEventM1 ::
-> ReaderT () IO b
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,U><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
eta :: a4
eta1 :: ReaderT () IO b
eta2 :: ()
eta3 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) eta2)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
eta3 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
(# ipv, eta #) }) -}
$fFunctorEventM2 ::
(a -> b)
-> ReaderT () IO a
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,1*C1(U)><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
f :: a4 -> b
eta :: ReaderT () IO a4
eta1 :: ()
eta2 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (eta `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) eta1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
eta2 of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
(# ipv, f ipv1 #) }) -}
$fFunctorEventM_$c<$ :: a -> EventM b -> EventM a
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,U><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,A)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
$fFunctorEventM_$cfmap :: (a -> b) -> EventM a -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <L,1*C1(U)><C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
<a4 -> b>_R
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM :: Monad EventM
{- Strictness: m, Inline: [ALWAYS] CONLIKE,
Unfolding: DFun:.
@ EventM
$fMonadEventM_$cfail -}
$fMonadEventM1 ::
String -> () -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
{- Arity: 3, Strictness: <B,U><B,A><B,U>b,
Unfolding: InlineRule (3, True, True)
(\ @ a4
msg :: String
eta :: ()
eta1 :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
failIO1 @ a4 msg eta1) -}
$fMonadEventM2 ::
ReaderT () IO a -> ReaderT () IO b -> ReaderT () IO b
{- Arity: 2,
Unfolding: (\ @ a4 @ b ->
$fMonadReaderT_$c>> @ () @ IO $fMonadIO @ a4 @ b) -}
$fMonadEventM3 ::
ReaderT () IO a
-> (a -> ReaderT () IO b)
-> ()
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(C1(U(U,U))))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (4, True, False)
(\ @ a4
@ b
m1 :: ReaderT () IO a4
k :: a4 -> ReaderT () IO b
r1 :: ()
s :: State# RealWorld[OneShot] ->
case (m1 `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R)
s of ds1 { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
((k ipv1) `cast` (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N) r1)
(NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R)
ipv }) -}
$fMonadEventM_$c>> :: EventM a -> EventM b -> EventM b
{- Arity: 2,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N
->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N) -}
$fMonadEventM_$c>>= :: EventM a -> (a -> EventM b) -> EventM b
{- Arity: 4, HasNoCafRefs,
Strictness: <C(C(S)),1*C1(C1(U(U,U)))><L,1*C1(C1(C1(U(U,U))))><L,U><L,U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4 b.
Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N
->_R (<a4>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N)
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <b>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <b>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <b>_N))) -}
$fMonadEventM_$cfail :: String -> EventM a
{- Arity: 3, Strictness: <B,U><B,A><B,U>b,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4.
->_R Trans
(<()>_R ->_R Sym (NTCo:IO[0] <a4>_R))
(Sym (NTCo:ReaderT[0] <()>_R <IO>_R <a4>_N))
(Sym (NTCo:EventM[0]) <a4>_N))) -}
type role EventM nominal
newtype EventM a = EventM {unEventM :: ReaderT () IO a}
unEventM :: EventM a -> ReaderT () IO a
RecSel EventM
{- Arity: 1, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <S,1*U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (0, True, True)
(forall a4. <EventM a4>_R ->_R NTCo:EventM[0] <a4>_N) -}
unEventM1 :: EventM a -> EventM a
{- Arity: 1, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: <S,1*U>,
Unfolding: InlineRule (1, True, True)
(\ @ a4 ds :: EventM a4 -> ds) -}
instance Applicative [EventM] = $fApplicativeEventM
instance Functor [EventM] = $fFunctorEventM
instance Monad [EventM] = $fMonadEventM
vectorised variables:
vectorised tycons:
vectorised reused tycons:
parallel variables:
parallel tycons:
trusted: none
require own pkg trusted: False
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