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Forked from justjoheinz/GCounter.idr
Created September 30, 2016 13:18
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module GCounter
import Data.Vect
||| GCounter is a Conflict Free Replicated Datatype.
||| For a definition, see
||| It provides update, query and merge operations.
||| merge is commutative, associative and idempotent.
data GCounter : Nat -> Type where
Nil : GCounter Z
(::) : (a: Nat) -> GCounter k -> GCounter (S k)
initGC: (size: Nat) -> GCounter size
initGC Z = []
initGC (S k) = Z :: initGC k
updateGC: (id: Fin size) -> GCounter size -> GCounter size
updateGC FZ (a :: x) = (a + 1) :: x
updateGC (FS y) (x :: xs) = x :: updateGC y xs
queryGC: GCounter size -> Nat
queryGC [] = 0
queryGC (a :: x) = a + queryGC x
mergeGC: GCounter size -> GCounter size -> GCounter size
mergeGC [] [] = []
mergeGC (a :: x) (k :: y) = (maximum a k) :: mergeGC x y
mergeIsCommutative: (x: GCounter size) -> (y: GCounter size) -> x `mergeGC` y = y `mergeGC` x
mergeIsCommutative [] [] = Refl
mergeIsCommutative (a :: x) (k :: y) =
let inductiveHypothesis = mergeIsCommutative x y
in rewrite inductiveHypothesis
in rewrite (maximumCommutative a k)
in Refl
mergeIsAssociative: (x: GCounter size) -> (y: GCounter size) -> (z: GCounter size) ->
x `mergeGC` (y `mergeGC` z) = (x `mergeGC` y) `mergeGC` z
mergeIsAssociative [] [] [] = Refl
mergeIsAssociative (a :: x) (k :: y) (j :: z) =
let inductiveHypothesis = mergeIsAssociative x y z
in rewrite inductiveHypothesis
in rewrite (maximumAssociative a k j)
in Refl
mergeIsIdempotent: (x: GCounter size) -> x `mergeGC` x = x
mergeIsIdempotent [] = Refl
mergeIsIdempotent (a :: x) =
let inductiveHypothesis = mergeIsIdempotent x
in rewrite inductiveHypothesis
in rewrite (maximumIdempotent a)
in Refl
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