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Created June 27, 2012 12:42
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Compare melpa and marmalade package lists
(defun elpa/package-names (archive-name)
(let* ((archive-contents (expand-file-name (concat "archives/" archive-name "/archive-contents")
(names (mapcar 'car (rest (pb/read-from-file archive-contents)))))
(sort names 'string<)))
(defun list-minus (a b)
(let ((result (copy-seq a)))
(dolist (e b)
(delq e result))
(let ((in-marmalade (elpa/package-names "marmalade"))
(in-melpa (elpa/package-names "melpa")))
(message "Packages in marmalade: %d" (length in-marmalade))
(message "Packages in melpa: %d" (length in-melpa))
(let ((only-in-marmalade (list-minus in-marmalade in-melpa))
(only-in-melpa (list-minus in-melpa in-marmalade)))
(message "Unique to marmalade (%d): %s" (length only-in-marmalade) only-in-marmalade)
(message "Unique to melpa (%d): %s" (length only-in-melpa) only-in-melpa)))
Packages in marmalade: 528
Packages in melpa: 246
Unique to marmalade (386): (abl-mode ac-ja ahg align-cljlet alpha android-mode anything anything-R anything-complete anything-config anything-el-swank-fuzzy anything-extension anything-exuberant-ctags anything-git-goto anything-ipython anything-match-plugin anything-obsolete anything-show-completion apache-mode ascii auto-indent-mode bigint boxquote button-lock cache cacoo calfw-gcal caml cdlatex centered-cursor-mode cl-format clips-mode cljdoc clojure-project-mode closure-lint-mode closure-template-html-mode cmake-mode col-highlight color-file-completion color-theme-active color-theme-actress color-theme-blackboard color-theme-cobalt color-theme-colorful-obsolescence color-theme-complexity color-theme-dawn-night color-theme-dg color-theme-dpaste color-theme-eclipse color-theme-emacs-revert-theme color-theme-github color-theme-gruber-darker color-theme-ir-black color-theme-library color-theme-molokai color-theme-monokai color-theme-railscasts color-theme-tango color-theme-tangotango color-theme-twilight color-theme-vim-insert-mode color-theme-wombat color-theme-wombat+ command-frequency concurrent confluence cppcheck creole crontab-mode crosshairs ctable ctags ctags-update ctypes cursor-chg cycbuf cygwin-mount d-mode dart-mode dedicated defaultcontent descbinds-anything desktop diminish dircmp dired-details dired-details+ dired-single dizzee django-theme dna-mode doc-mode dpaste dropdown-list drupal-mode dsvn dtrt-indent durendal ecb ecb_snap edbi eh-basic eh-functions eh-gnus eh-keybindings eieio el-autoyas el-swank-fuzzy elein elisp-cache elisp-depend elixir-mode elnode emacsd-tile emstar epc erc-hl-nicks erc-nick-notify erefactor ess-R-object-popup ess-smart-underscore etags-select evernote-mode expectations-mode fakir fancy-mode fastnav feature-mode fill-column-indicator find-file-in-git-repo find-things-fast flex-autopair fly-jshint-wsh flymake flymake-csslint flymake-d flymake-for-jslint-for-wsh flymake-jshint flymake-phpcs flymake-tuareg flyphpcs fold-dwim fold-dwim-org frame-tag fsvn furl fuzzy fuzzy-match gather gccsense geben ghc ghci-completion gimme git-auto-commit-mode git-commit gnugo google-translate gopher goto-last-change grails-mode graphviz-dot-mode grin gtags guess-offset handlebars-mode haxe-mode header2 hexrgb hideshowvis highlight-80+ highlight-indentation highlight-symbol highline hl-line+ hl-sexp htmlfontify http-twiddle httpcode httpd hungry-delete icomplete+ idle-highlight idle-require ido-better-flex ido-yes-or-no idomenu igrep image-dired+ imgur inf-groovy ioccur ipython j-mode jabber jasmin javadoc-help javap javap-mode jenkins-watch jira json jsshell jsshell-bundle jtags jtags-extras jump-char key-choices key-chord key-combo keyfreq keywiz lacarte langtool levenshtein lib-requires linear-undo lineno linum-off loccur lolcode-mode lorem-ipsum mac-key-mode macro-math macrostep mactag magit-gh-pulls magit-simple-keys mark-more-like-this marmalade maxframe member-function mic-paren midje-mode mldonkey mo-git-blame mocker mode-compile moinmoin-mode monokai-theme move-text multi-project mustache-mode mwe-log-commands n3-mode nginx-mode nlet nose notify nsis-mode ntcmd nyan-mode oddmuse offlineimap openwith org-blog org-cua-dwim org-email org-magit org-mime org-outlook org-table-comment org2blog otp oz p4 pager pastebin pc-mode pcsv peep-open peepopen pep8 perl-myvar perlcritic perspective phantomjs pivotal-tracker po-elscreen po.elscreen pointback pos-tip powershell pp-c-l predictive pretty-lambdada project project-mode prolog protobuf-mode puppet-mode pyflakes pylint pymacs pysmell pytest python-mode python-pep8 python-pylint quack r-autoyas rcirc-color rcirc-notify rcirc-ucomplete real-auto-save rect-mark recursive-narrow redo+ refheap regex-tool rfringe ruby-test-mode rudel rw-hunspell rw-ispell rw-language-and-country-codes scheme-complete scpaste scratch screen-lines sentence-highlight session shadchen shell-here simp slim-mode slime-clj slime-fuzzy slime-js slime-repl smart-operator smarter-compile smartrep sml-modeline smooth-scroll speck sr-speedbar ssh-config-mode sublime sumatra-forward suomalainen-kalenteri swank-cdt symbols-mode synonyms tabbar tabbar-ruler tabkey2 tabula-rasa-mode test-case-mode textmate-to-yas tfs thesaurus thumb-through tintin-mode track-closed-files tron-theme tuareg typing typopunct uci-mode ujelly-theme unbound vala-mode virtualenv vline w32-browser w32-registry watch-buffer wcheck-mode weather wget whole-line-or-region wiki-nav wikidoc win-switch window-number windsize winpoint workspaces xlicense xml-rpc yas-jit yascroll yasnippet-bundle znc)
Unique to melpa (104): (ac-dabbrev ansi ascope auto-complete-clang auto-shell-command bundler calfw cperl-mode csv-nav darcsum delim-kill disk duplicate-thing e2wm egg elscreen emacs-setup emms ergoemacs-keybindings escreen findr flex-isearch git-blame glsl-mode google-c-style google-maps helm helm-R helm-git helm-projectile icicles iedit inflections info+ initsplit inkpot-theme inlineR ir-black-theme ir_black-theme jabber-mode jinja2-mode js2-mode js3-mode jump latex-pretty-symbols linum-relative logalimacs markdown-mode+ melpa minimap mmm-mode molokai-theme multi-web-mode mysql2sqlite nav org-fstree org-jekyll org-toodledo outline-magic package-spec pandoc-mode php+-mode pkgbuild-mode prelude-c prelude-clojure prelude-coffee prelude-common-lisp prelude-css prelude-emacs-lisp prelude-erlang prelude-haskell prelude-js prelude-latex prelude-lisp prelude-mediawiki prelude-perl prelude-programming prelude-python prelude-ruby prelude-scheme prelude-scss prelude-xml pretty-mode pretty-symbols-mode pyregexp python-magic redshank revive rsense ruby-interpolation ruby-mode scratch-log shimbun smooth-scrolling starter-kit-perl sunrise-commander surround textile-mode todochiku underwater-theme w3m window-layout writegood-mode zlc)
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