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Optimise your code by caching!

Let's say you have a function that is a super-slow function. Now there is no way you can optimize the function, what you can do instead is that you can store results from a previous computation and reuse those results in a new computation to find solutions to other problem.

What we are gonna see in this article?

We'll implement finding n-th Fibonacci number problem We'll find out how much time it takes to compute the 40th Fibonacci number. and in the end, we'll make our code 400k times faster. (and yeah you are reading it right)

pushpak1300 / txt.txt
Created August 29, 2020 13:37
Project Resources
pushpak1300 / demo.txt
Last active August 9, 2020 04:57
Resources for Web Development Workshop
Resouces for HTML,CSS and Bootstrap
Resources for Git and Github (Github tutorials) (GitHub Student Developer Pack)
pushpak1300 / index.html
Created August 8, 2020 02:45
web development workshop
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