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Almero Steyn puttyq

  • South Africa
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puttyq / Tester - Service Status.ps1
Created November 18, 2021 06:07
Multi-Domain Service Enumerator
Tester - Service Status.ps1 - Tester to check the status of all PCNSSVC services on all current domain context DCs.
The scripts will look for all current domain context DC and query the status of the PCNSSVC service.
Possible status messages include:
- running
- stopped
- starting
- unreachable (the server is not avaiable on the network)
puttyq / Resolve-DNS.ps1
Created January 24, 2020 15:26
PowerShell - Quick Domain Resolution (Resolve-DNSName)
$getdns = Get-Content .\dns.txt
$getdns | foreach {Resolve-DnsName -Type NS $_ | Where-Object -Property Type -EQ "NS" | Select Name, NameHost}
puttyq / ps-github-release-download.ps1
Created December 6, 2018 06:26
Simple script to download the latest GitHub release MSI file
$repo = "xxxx/xxxx"
$file = "xxxxx.msi"
$releases = "$repo/releases"
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$tag = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $releases -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json)[0].tag_name
$download = "$repo/releases/download/$tag/$file"
$msi = "$name-$tag.msi"
puttyq / ps-sap-integration-import.ps1
Created August 3, 2018 11:38
Importing data via New-WebServiceProxy from SAP ES with PowerShell
# Create function object
$getList = New-Object SAP.BAPI_USER_GETLIST
# Create a return object
# Execute function call
$getList = $proxyUser.BAPI_USER_GETLIST($getList)
puttyq / ps-sap-integration-structure.ps1
Last active September 18, 2020 13:23
Using New-WebServiceProxy to connect into SAP ES via PowerShell
# Proxy variables
$username = "xxxxxxx"
$password = "*******"
$uriUserManagement = "http://servername/sap/bc/srt/wsdl/../../../../zfimconnector_user?sap-client=100"
$uriUserManagementClass = "SAP_WSDL"
$uriUserManagementNamespace = "SAP"
# Create secure credential
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
puttyq / ps-import-multiple-dynamic-csv-files-to-sqlserver.ps1
Created August 3, 2018 11:06
Dynamic CSV file importer (many CSV's) to SQL Server
# database Details
$dbServer = "xxxxxxx"
$dbDatabaseName = "xxxxxxxx"
$dbTable = "xxxxxxxx"
# loading modules
Import-Module SQLPs
puttyq / ps-connect-l2tp-vpn.ps1
Created August 3, 2018 11:03
Creating and connecting to a Windows built-in L2TP VPN Connection
# Get All VPN Connections
# Create VPN Connection to Office L2TP
Add-VpnConnection -Name "Test" `
-ServerAddress "xxxxxxxxxx" `
-TunnelType L2TP `
-L2tpPsk "xxxxxxxxxxxx" `
-EncryptionLevel Optional `
-AuthenticationMethod MsChapv2 `
puttyq / ps-connect-to-sap-es.ps1
Created August 2, 2018 22:16
Connecting to SAP ES via PowerShell
# SAP proxy variables
$uriUserManagement = "http://sapserver/sap/bc/srt/wsdl/flv_10002A111AD1/bndg_url/sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap/zfimconnector/010/zfimconnector_user/zfimconnector_user?sap-client=010"
$uriUserManagementNamespace = "SAP"
$uriUserManagementClass = "SAP_WSDL"
# Create a secure credential to pass to the WS-Proxy
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $secpasswd)
# Create web services proxy object

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