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export MY_USER_NAME_FOR_CERT=`whoami`
# This directory is optional, but will use it to keep the CA root key safe
mkdir keys certs
chmod og-rwx keys certs
# Set up a directory that will serve as the pgconf mount
mkdir pgconf
# Create a key-pair that will serve both as the root CA and the server key-pair
# the "ca.crt" name is used to match what it expects later
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out certs/ca.crt \
-keyout keys/ca.key -subj "/CN=root-ca"
cp certs/ca.crt pgconf/ca.crt
# Create the server key and CSR and sign with root key
openssl req -new -nodes -out server.csr \
-keyout pgconf/server.key -subj "/CN=localhost"
openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -days 365 \
-CA certs/ca.crt -CAkey keys/ca.key -CAcreateserial \
-out pgconf/server.crt
# remove the CSR as it is no longer needed
rm server.csr
# we will need to customize the postgresql.conf file to ensure SSL is turned on
cat << EOF > pgconf/postgresql.conf
# here are some sane defaults given we will be unable to use the container
# variables
# general connection
listen_addresses = '*'
port = 5432
max_connections = 20
# memory
shared_buffers = 128MB
temp_buffers = 8MB
work_mem = 4MB
# WAL / replication
wal_level = replica
max_wal_senders = 3
# these shared libraries are available in the Crunchy PostgreSQL container
shared_preload_libraries = ','
# this is here because SCRAM is awesome, but it's not needed for this setup
password_encryption = 'scram-sha-256'
# here are the SSL specific settings
ssl = on # this enables SSL
ssl_cert_file = '/pgconf/server.crt' # this specifies the server certificacte
ssl_key_file = '/pgconf/server.key' # this specifies the server private key
ssl_ca_file = '/pgconf/ca.crt' # this specific which CA certificate to trust
# create a pg_hba.conf file that will only accept certificate authentication
# requests, though allow the "postgres" superuser account to connect with peer
# auth
cat << EOF > pgconf/pg_hba.conf
local all postgres peer
# do not let the "postgres" superuser login via a certificate
hostssl all postgres ::/0 reject
hostssl all postgres reject
hostssl all all ::/0 cert
hostssl all all cert
# lock down all the files in the pgconf mount
# in particular key/cert files must be locked down otherwise PostgreSQL won't
# enable SSL
chmod og-rwx pgconf/*
# create the container configuration, including your desire username
# first, create a volume + network to run the container on
docker volume create --driver local --name=pgvolume
docker network create --driver bridge pgnetwork
# setup the environment file to build the container. substitute PG_USER with
# your desired username
# some of these are not needed based on the custom configuration
cat << EOF > pg-env.list
# get the container up and running
docker run --publish 5432:5432 \
--volume=pgvolume:/pgdata \
--volume=`pwd`/pgconf:/pgconf \
--env-file=pg-env.list \
--name="postgres" \
--hostname="postgres" \
--network="pgnetwork" \
--detach \
# create the client certificate
# by default, PostgreSQL will looks for these in the ~/.postgresql directory
# but we will do it a little differently in case you want to have certificates
# for logging into different PostgreSQL databases managed by different CAs
# NOTE: on a production system, you will not be storing your personal key next
# to the key of the CA. But on a production system, you would not be doing most
# of this setup ;-)
openssl req -new -nodes -out client.csr \
-keyout keys/client.key -subj "/CN=${MY_USER_NAME_FOR_CERT}"
chmod og-rwx keys/*
openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -days 365 \
-CA certs/ca.crt -CAkey keys/ca.key -CAcreateserial \
-out certs/client.crt
rm client.csr
# Success! Let's make a connection. First, set some helpful environmental
# variables.
# Set the PostgreSQL connection variables to point to these certs
# use "verify-full" mode, which will verify that the server certificate was
# signed by the trusted root CA AND that the hostname matches that on the server
# certificate
# export PGSSLMODE="verify-full"
# the following two parameters point to the client key/certificate
# export PGSSLCERT="`pwd`/certs/client.crt"
# export PGSSLKEY="`pwd`/keys/client.key"
# this parameter points to the trusted root CA certificate
# export PGSSLROOTCERT="`pwd`/certs/ca.crt"
# Lastly, run this command:
# psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U $MY_USER_NAME_FOR_CERT postgres
# So...if you need it all in one fell swoop:
# export PGSSLMODE="verify-full"
# export PGSSLCERT="`pwd`/certs/client.crt"
# export PGSSLKEY="`pwd`/keys/client.key"
# export PGSSLROOTCERT="`pwd`/certs/ca.crt"
# psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U $MY_USER_NAME_FOR_CERT postgres
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