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Forked from JacobFierro/
Created March 5, 2021 11:21
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Docker Cheatsheet

Docker Cheatsheet

Docker info:

docker info


List Images:

$ docker images
$ docker images -a

Get an Image:

$ docker pull <name>[:<tag>]
$ docker pull ubuntu:16.04

Run an Image:

$ docker run --name bob_the_container ubuntu /bin/bash

Create a new container with interactive shell:

docker run --name bob_the_container -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash

Create a daemonized container passing a command:

docker run --name daemon_dave -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"

Make container auto-restart:

# syntax
docker run --restart=[always|on-failure|on-failure:int]

# example
docker run --restart=on-failure:5 --name daemon_dave -d ubuntu /bin/bash

List Images

docker ps  # only shows running containers

List all, running or not

docker ps -a


docker start <name|id>


# with dockerfile present
$ docker build .


docker attach <name|id>


Stop by sending SIGTERM:

docker stop <name|id>

Or really mean in with SIGKILL:

docker kill <name|id>

Remove Image

$ docker rm [-f] <name>

View Logs

docker logs <name|id>

# monitor logs like tail
docker logs -f <name|id>

# limit logs
docker logs --tail 10 <name|id>

# follow logs starting now
docker logs --tail 0 -f <name|id>

# add a timestamp for easier debugging with -t
docker logs -f -t <name|id>

Inspecting Container

docker top <name|id>

# Stats
docker stats [<name>|id>]

# example
docker stats bob_the_container daemon_dave

Get a lot more info with inspect

docker inspect <name>

Running process inside containers

Run a background task with -d:

# example make a new file in the container
docker exec -d daemon_dave touch /etc/new_config_file

Run an interactive task with -i -t:

# example which opens a new shell
docker exec -i -t daemon_dave /bash/bin

Delete a container

While a container is not running:

docker rm <name|id>

Or you can delete a container that is running:

docker rm -f <name|id>


working with a network:

$ docker network create <name>
$ docker network inspect <name>
$ docker network ls

run a container with a network:

$ docker run -d --net=<network_name> --name <name> <image_name>
$ docker run -d --net=app --name db docker/redis

connect an existing container to a network:

$ docker network connect <network_name> <container_name>
$ docker network connect app db

disconnect a container:

$ docker network disconnect <network_name> <container_name>
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