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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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mat-273 final project
def dog():
"""Plot the word DOG using six parametric graphs"""
u, v = var('u, v')
# D
x(u, v) = u
y(u, v) = -5
z(u, v) = v
D_plane = parametric_plot3d( (x, y, z), (u, -7, 7), (v, -10, 10) )
y(u, v) = -(.1*(u^2))
D_parabola = parametric_plot3d( (x, y, z), (u, -7, 7), (v, -10, 10) )
# O
radius = 6
x(u, v) = radius * cos(v)
y(u, v) = 7 + radius * sin(v)
z(u, v) = u
O_cylinder = parametric_plot3d( (x, y, z), (u, -10, 10), (v, 0, 2*pi) )
# G
radius = 6
x(u, v) = radius * cos(v)
y(u, v) = 20 + (radius * sin(v))
z(u, v) = u
G_halfcyl = parametric_plot3d( (x, y, z), (u, -10, 10), (v, pi, 2*pi) )
G_quartercyl = parametric_plot3d( (x, y, z), (u, -10, 10), (v, 0, pi / 2) )
x(u, v) = 0
y(u, v) = u
z(u, v) = v
G_plane = parametric_plot3d( (x, y, z), (u, 20, 26), (v, -10, 10) )
# plot
dogplot = D_plane + D_parabola + O_cylinder + G_halfcyl + G_quartercyl + G_plane
print '\nThe plot of dog using six parametric equations is'
def vector_field():
"""Plot a vector field"""
x, y = var('x,y')
vfield = plot_vector_field((sin(x), cos(y)), (x,-5,5), (y,-5,5), color='blue')
print "\n\n2d vector field:"
def ice_cream():
Plot an 'ice cream cone' as the composite graph of a cone and a sphere and
calculate its volume and surface area
# cone
u, v = var('u, v')
height = 5
radius = 2
x(u, v) = ((height - u) / height) * radius * cos(v)
y(u, v) = ((height - u) / height) * radius * sin(v)
z(u, v) = -u
# plot of the cone
cone = parametric_plot3d( (x, y, z), (u, 0, height), (v, 0, 2*pi), color='brown')
# volume of the cone
cone_volume = pi * radius^2 * (height / 3)
# surface area of the cone
x_prime_u = derivative(x, u)
y_prime_u = derivative(y, u)
z_prime_u = derivative(z, u)
x_prime_v = derivative(x, v)
y_prime_v = derivative(y, v)
z_prime_v = derivative(z, v)
i = (y_prime_u * z_prime_v) - (z_prime_u * y_prime_v)
j = -(x_prime_u * z_prime_v) - (z_prime_u * x_prime_v)
k = (x_prime_u * y_prime_v) - (x_prime_v * y_prime_u)
integrand = sqrt(i^2 + j^2 + k^2)
cone_surface_area = integrate( integrate(integrand, (v, 0, 2*pi)), (u, 0, 5))
# sphere
phi, theta = var('phi, theta')
radius = 2
x(phi, theta) = radius * cos(theta) * sin(phi)
y(phi, theta) = radius * sin(theta) * sin(phi)
z(phi, theta) = .8 + radius * cos(phi)
# plot of sphere
sphere = parametric_plot3d( (x, y, z), (phi, 0, 2 * pi), (theta, 0, pi), color='gray')
# volume of sphere
sphere_volume = (4/3) * pi * radius^3
# surface area of sphere
sphere_surface_area = 4 * pi * radius^2
# print results
print "Plot of an ice cream cone:"
show(cone + sphere)
print "Volume of cone:"
print "Surface area of cone:"
print "Volume of sphere:"
print "Surface area of sphere:"
print "Volume of ice cream cone:"
show(cone_volume + sphere_volume)
print "Surface area of ice cream cone:"
show(cone_surface_area + (sphere_surface_area / 2))
def line_integral():
"""Plot a helical space curve and take the line integral of f(x, y, z) = xyz over it"""
# curve
t = var('t')
radius = 3
stretchiness = .5
x(t) = radius * cos(t)
y(t) = radius * sin(t)
z(t) = stretchiness * t
curve = parametric_plot3d( (x, y, z), (t, -10, 10) )
# function
function = x*y*z
# line integral of function over curve
x_prime = derivative(x, t)
y_prime = derivative(y, t)
z_prime = derivative(z, t)
ds = sqrt(x_prime ^ 2 + y_prime ^2 + z_prime ^2)
result = integrate(function * ds, t)
numeric_result = integrate(function * ds, (t, -10, 10))
# and print the results
print '\nThe line integral of the function'
show("f(x, y, z) = xyz")
print 'over the helical space curve defined by parametric equations'
show("x(t) = 3cos(t)")
show("y(t) = 3sin(t)")
show("z(t) = .5t")
print 'which looks like this'
print 'in the range'
show("-10 \leq t \leq 10")
print 'is'
print 'and its general form is'
# MAT-273 Final Project 0WN3D /)
print '\n' * 5 + '=' * 40 + "MAT 273 Final Project" + '=' * 40
# -plot the word 'dog'
# -create a vector field in sage
# -plot an 'ice cream cone'
# -find the area inside the ice cream cone
# -find the surface area of the ice cream cone
# -draw a 3D line and find the value of the line integral
print """
___ _____ ____
/ _ \ | ____| | _ \
| | | | | _| | | | |
| |_| |_ | |___ _ | |_| |
\__\_(_) |_____(_) |____/
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