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finscn / checkSequence
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
检测 两组任意(不限个数 不限花色) 的扑克牌, 混到一起后能否构成任意长度(大于1 小于15)的顺子.A代表1或14,小王代表1--5,大王代表1--14
检测 两组任意(不限个数 不限花色) 的扑克牌, 混到一起后能否构成任意长度(大于1 小于15)的顺子.
1 我微博里说 小王代表 1到9有误, 我这边实际遇到的场景是 小王代表 1--5 (当然 这个无所谓)
2 牌是可以有重复的 : 例如 可以 4个小王 9个大王 等等, 可以理解为是从无数副扑克牌当中随意抽取出两组
3 组成的顺子 可以不是5张 , 其实严格说 就是 等差为1的等差数列
4 能且只能组成一组顺子, 组成顺子后, 牌没有剩余
Ruby 2.1.0 in Production: known bugs and patches
Last week, we upgraded the rails app to ruby 2.1.0 in production.
While testing the new build for rollout, we ran into a number of bugs. Most of
these have been fixed on trunk already, but I've documented them below to help
anyone else who might be testing ruby 2.1 in production.
@naruse I think we should backport these patches to the ruby_2_1 branch and
release 2.1.1 sooner rather than later, as some of the bugs are quite critical.
I'm happy to offer any assistance I can to expedite this process.
burke /
Created January 27, 2012 13:44 — forked from funny-falcon/cumulative_performance.patch
ruby-1.9.3-p327 cumulative performance patch for rbenv

ruby-1.9.3-p327 cumulative performance patch for rbenv

This installs a patched ruby 1.9.3-p327 with various performance improvements and a backported COW-friendly GC, all courtesy of funny-falcon.


You will also need a C Compiler. If you're on Linux, you probably already have one or know how to install one. On OS X, you should install XCode, and brew install autoconf using homebrew.