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/* | |
12306 Auto Query => A javascript snippet to help you book tickets online. | |
Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Jingqin Lynn | |
Includes jQuery | |
Copyright 2011, John Resig | |
Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. | |
http://jquery.org/license | |
Includes Sizzle.js | |
http://sizzlejs.com/ | |
Copyright 2011, The Dojo Foundation | |
Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses. | |
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify | |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | |
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or | |
(at your option) any later version. | |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | |
GNU General Public License for more details. | |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | |
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. | |
*/ | |
// ==UserScript== | |
// @name 12306 Auto Query | |
// @namespace http://project.quietmusic.org/j/ | |
// @description A javascript snippet to help you book tickets online. | |
// @include *://dynamic.12306.cn/otsweb/order/querySingleAction.do* | |
// ==/UserScript== | |
function withjQuery(callback, safe){ | |
if(typeof(jQuery) == "undefined") { | |
var script = document.createElement("script"); | |
script.type = "text/javascript"; | |
script.src = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"; | |
if(safe) { | |
var cb = document.createElement("script"); | |
cb.type = "text/javascript"; | |
cb.textContent = "jQuery.noConflict();(" + callback.toString() + ")(jQuery);"; | |
script.addEventListener('load', function() { | |
document.head.appendChild(cb); | |
}); | |
} | |
else { | |
var dollar = undefined; | |
if(typeof($) != "undefined") dollar = $; | |
script.addEventListener('load', function() { | |
jQuery.noConflict(); | |
$ = dollar; | |
callback(jQuery); | |
}); | |
} | |
document.head.appendChild(script); | |
} else { | |
callback(jQuery); | |
} | |
} | |
withjQuery(function($){ | |
var isTicketAvailable = false; | |
//The table for displaying tickets | |
var tbl = $(".obj")[0]; | |
tbl.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", function() { | |
if(checkTickets(event.target)) | |
{ | |
isTicketAvailable = true; | |
highLightRow(event.target); | |
} | |
tbl.firstAppend=false; | |
}, true); | |
//Trigger the button | |
var doQuery = function() { | |
displayQueryTimes(queryTimes++); | |
tbl.firstAppend = true; | |
g.firstRemove = true; | |
document.getElementById(isStudentTicket ? "stu_submitQuery" : "submitQuery").click(); | |
} | |
var checkTickets = function(row) { | |
var hasTicket = false; | |
var canBook = true; | |
$("td input[type=button]", row).each(function(i, e) { | |
if(e.classList.contains("yuding_x")) { | |
canBook = false; | |
} | |
}); | |
if(!canBook) return false; | |
$("td", row).each(function(i, e) { | |
if(ticketType[i-1]) { | |
var info = e.innerText.trim(); | |
if(info != "" && info != "--" && info != "无") { | |
hasTicket = true; | |
highLightCell(e); | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
return hasTicket; | |
} | |
//The box into which the message is inserted. | |
var g = document.getElementById("gridbox"); | |
//When the message is removed, the query should be completed. | |
g.addEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved", function() { | |
if(g.firstRemove) { | |
g.firstRemove = false; | |
if (isTicketAvailable) { | |
if (isAutoQueryEnabled) | |
document.getElementById("refreshButton").click(); | |
onticketAvailable(); //report | |
} | |
else { | |
//wait for the button to become valid | |
} | |
} | |
}, true); | |
//hack into the validQueryButton function to detect query | |
var _validQueryButton = validQueryButton; | |
validQueryButton = function() { | |
_validQueryButton(); | |
if(isAutoQueryEnabled) doQuery(); | |
} | |
var queryTimes = 0; //counter | |
var isAutoQueryEnabled = false; //enable flag | |
//please DIY: | |
var audio = null; | |
var onticketAvailable = function() { | |
if(Audio) { | |
if(!audio) { | |
audio = new Audio("http://www.w3school.com.cn/i/song.ogg"); | |
audio.loop = true; | |
} | |
audio.play(); | |
} | |
else { | |
alert("可以订票了!"); | |
} | |
} | |
var highLightRow = function(row) { | |
$(row).css("background-color", "red"); | |
} | |
var highLightCell = function(cell) { | |
$(cell).css("background-color", "blue"); | |
} | |
var displayQueryTimes = function(n) { | |
document.getElementById("refreshTimes").innerText = n; | |
}; | |
var isStudentTicket = false; | |
//Control panel UI | |
$("<div/>").attr("style", "position:fixed;right:0;bottom:0;z-index:999;").append( | |
$("<input/>").attr("type", "checkBox").change(function(){ | |
isStudentTicket = this.checked; | |
}) | |
).append( | |
$("<span/>").text("学生") | |
).append( | |
$("<button/>").attr("id", "refreshButton").text("自动刷新").click(function() { | |
if(!isAutoQueryEnabled) { | |
isTicketAvailable = false; | |
if(audio && !audio.paused) audio.pause(); | |
isAutoQueryEnabled = true; | |
doQuery(); | |
this.innerText="停止刷新"; | |
} | |
else { | |
isAutoQueryEnabled = false; | |
this.innerText="自动刷新"; | |
} | |
}) | |
).append( | |
$("<p/>").text("尝试次数:").append( | |
$("<span/>").attr("id", "refreshTimes").text("0") | |
) | |
).appendTo(document.body); | |
//Ticket type selector & UI | |
var ticketType = new Array(); | |
$(".hdr tr:eq(2) td").each(function(i,e) { | |
ticketType.push(false); | |
if(i<3) return; | |
ticketType[i] = true; | |
var c = $("<input/>").attr("type", "checkBox").attr("checked", "true"); | |
c[0].ticketTypeId = i; | |
c.change(function() { | |
ticketType[this.ticketTypeId] = this.checked; | |
}).appendTo(e); | |
}); | |
}, true); |
昨天晚上已经发现了最新版本 非常完美了 在IE上面可以自动登录 自动刷票 自动提交 关键是还可以提前修改乘车日期 提前进入预定界面 而且增加了 自动提交频率控制(太快会被封IP的) 但是小小的问题是进去之后IE上面那个勾选特殊票种 默认为无 已经很不错了 非常完美了 谢谢各位大大 在此学习到了很多 虽然现在已经自己的票买到了 还在帮同事买 脚本已经很完美了 但是我会一直跟踪学习的 新年快乐!
@zzdhidden 可以转成UTF-16
刚刚用zzdhidden的程序,订上票了。特来感谢。一并感谢 quietlynn和 kevintop两位。谢啦。
人太多的情况下,登录页面都加载不出来,提示Access Denied拒绝访问,手动刷太费劲了。建议加一个自动刷新,登录页面出来后便停止的功能。
自动登陆可用,自动查询不可以。firefox下报tbl not defined,代码插不进去了。有人遇到相同情况么?
Error: tbl is undefined
Source File: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/terrencesun/Application%20Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/idju15g9.default/gm_scripts/12306_booking_assistant/12306_booking_assistant.user.js
Line: 113
Error: Permission denied for http://www.12306.cn to get property Window.iFrameHeight
Source File: http://www.12306.cn/mormhweb/ggxxfw/wbyyzj/201105/t20110529_1905.jsp?height=740
Line: 11
用这个吧, Chrome下, 没有问题
Chrome在公司不能安装 IE其实已经兼容了可以自动登录 自动刷票 修改购票日期提前进入订票界面 自动提交 已经做的很完美了 但是不知道为嘛突然又不能自动登录了 都自动登录了106次了郁闷ing
首先感谢各位大大, 我想提一个需求, 在提示有票的同时, 还可以继续刷票, 因为有的车并不是你想坐的, 但他提示有票后, 又要手动点击刷新!!!
@creazestone: 其实不妨做一个『忽略指定车次』的功能。不过我现在没有帐号,无法调试,欢迎各位 fork 实现。
好像已经被12306封杀了,使用后就会出现Access Denied。换个IP就能打开
确实,IE 的自动登录程序是不能用,GOOgle浏览器不能支付,还是不够完美
?IE上面已经可以兼容了啊 自动登录 自动刷票 修改日期 自动提交 可能是你的脚本不对吧
感觉GOOGLE 的脚本已经被封了
@bird2005fly 同样有这个问题,勾选了学生票之后无法自动刷新
请问一下代码什么意思?_validQueryButton 与 validQueryButton什么关系
//hack into the validQueryButton function to detect query
var _validQueryButton = validQueryButton;
validQueryButton = function() {
if(isAutoQueryEnabled) doQuery();
@Blog2012 测试一下 https://github.com/zzdhidden/12306 修了IE上的几个BUG... 那个脚本需要保存为utf-8编码才不会乱码...