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Last active March 25, 2021 14:50
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Version: 1
Name: lp2021a
- Id: brrainz.harmony
Name: Harmony
- Id: ludeon.rimworld
Name: Core
- Id: ludeon.rimworld.royalty
Name: Royalty
- Id: automatic.startupimpact
Name: Startup impact
- Id: unlimitedhugs.hugslib
Name: HugsLib
- Id: falconne.bwm
Name: Better Workbench Management
- Id: automatic.recipeicons
Name: Recipe icons
- Id:
Name: Blighted Alert
- Id: uuugggg.gearupandgo
Name: Gear Up And Go
- Id: hatti.qualitybuilder
Name: QualityBuilder
- Id: unlimitedhugs.allowtool
Name: Allow Tool
- Id: ogliss.toastehs.veinminer
Name: Veinminer R1.1
- Id: fyarn.priorityclean
Name: PriorityClean
- Id: uuugggg.replacestuff
Name: Replace Stuff
- Id: neceros.ninetyninepercent
Name: 99 Percent
- Id: doug.nojobauthors
Name: No Job Authors
- Id: brrainz.achtung
Name: Achtung!
- Id: crashm.colorcodedmoodbar.11
Name: CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+]
- Id: madeline.modmismatchformatter
Name: Better ModMismatch Window
- Id: fyarn.fixablemooddebuffsalert
Name: Fixable Mood Debuffs Alert
- Id: neceros.fastersmoothing
Name: Faster Smoothing
- Id: storm.rimworldfarming
Name: Rimworld Farming
- Id: krafs.levelup
Name: Level Up!
- Id: targhetti.showdrafteesweapon
Name: Show Draftees Weapon
- Id: hatti.qualitysurgeon
Name: QualitySurgeon
- Id: automatic.bionicicons
Name: Bionic icons
- Id: syrchalis.scarremoval
Name: '[SYR] Scar Removal Plus'
- Id: wastelandr.betterroads
Name: Better Roads
- Id: haplo.miscellaneous.core
Name: Miscellaneous 'CORE'
- Id:
Name: Misc. Training
- Id: crlsniper.realisticrooms
Name: Realistic Rooms
- Id: etrt.industrialtweaks
Name: 'ETRT: Industrial Tweaks'
- Id: dracoix.doormat.r12a
Name: Door Mat
- Id: ceteam.combatextended
Name: Combat Extended
- Id: voult.betterpawncontrol
Name: Better Pawn Control
- Id: oblitus.animalslogic
Name: Animals Logic
- Id: murmur.walllight
Name: Wall Light
- Id: haplo.miscellaneous.robots
Name: Misc. Robots
- Id: alaestor.miscrobots.plusplus
Name: Misc. Robots++
- Id: fluffy.modmanager
Name: Mod Manager
- Id: dubwise.dubsmintmenus
Name: Dubs Mint Menus
- Id: fluffy.pharmacist
Name: Pharmacist
- Id: fluffy.medicaltab
Name: Medical Tab
- Id: fluffy.colonymanager
Name: Colony Manager
- Id: weilbyte.snapout
Name: Snap Out!
- Id: community.psychology.unofficialupdate
Name: 'Psychology (unofficial 1.1/1.2) '
- Id: derekbickley.legacyterrainoverhaulfinal
Name: '[LTO] Terrain Overhaul'
- Id: thegoofyone.beerisalright
Name: Beer is Alright
- Id:
Name: '[KV] RimFridge'
- Id: roolo.almostthere
Name: Almost There!
- Id: mlie.roadsoftherim
Name: Roads of the Rim (Continued)
- Id: avilmask.grazinglands
Name: Grazing Lands
- Id: vinalx.researchpalforked
Name: ResearchPal - Forked
- Id: dubwise.dubsbadhygiene
Name: Dubs Bad Hygiene
- Id: jaxe.bubbles
Name: Interaction Bubbles
- Id: jaxe.rimhud
Name: RimHUD
- Id: avilmask.animalcontrols
Name: Animal Controls
- Id: neceros.lastingflowers
Name: Lasting Flowers
- Id: edb.preparecarefully
Name: EdB Prepare Carefully
- Id: avilmask.commonsense
Name: Common Sense
- Id: dhultgren.smarterconstruction
Name: Smarter Construction
- Id: frozensnowfox.filthvanisheswithrainandtime
Name: '[FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time'
- Id: uuugggg.usebedrolls
Name: Use Bedrolls
- Id: indeed.stackxxl
Name: Stack XXL
- Id: n7huntsman.combatextendedshields
Name: 'Combat Extended: Shields'
- Id: ceteam.combatextendedguns
Name: Combat Extended Guns
- Id: ceteam.combatextendedmelee
Name: Combat Extended Melee
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vcef
Name: Vanilla Fishing Expanded
- Id: mlie.lessarbitrarysurgery
Name: Less Arbitrary Surgery (Continued)
- Id: mlie.lessstupidromanceattempt
Name: Less Stupid Romance Attempt (Continued)
- Id: troopersmith1.deathrattle
Name: Death Rattle Continued [1.2]
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vbookse
Name: Vanilla Books Expanded
- Id: ogliss.thewhitecrayon.quarry
Name: Quarry 1.1
- Id: meltup.beautifuloutdoors
Name: Beautiful Outdoors
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vcooke
Name: Vanilla Cooking Expanded
- Id: oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.core
Name: Vanilla Expanded Framework
- Id: user19990313.runtimegc
Name: RuntimeGC
- Id: notfood.mendandrecycle
Name: MendAndRecycle
- Id: razor2.3.anotherrimworldmod.autocutblight
Name: Auto-Cut Blight
- Id: brrainz.cameraplus
Name: Camera+
- Id: tikubonn.dontblockdoor
Name: DontBlockDoor[1.0-1.2]
- Id: cocaine.electricstonecuttingtable
Name: Electric Stonecutting Table
- Id: jaschaephraim.endlessrimworld
Name: Endless Rimworld
- Id: neceros.morecomponents
Name: More Components
- Id: neceros.moresteel
Name: More Steel
- Id: pinochemicali.moretradeships
Name: More Trade Ships
- Id: roolo.searchanddestroy
Name: Search and Destroy
- Id: gguake.ui.simplesearchbar
Name: Simple Search Bar
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