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Last active June 21, 2024 07:25
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Birburner Hacknet Node upgrade script. I found and converted this script from .script to .js.
const MoneyFormat = '$0.0a';
const TimeFormat = '00:00:00';
/** @param {import(".").NS } ns */
export async function main(ns) {
ns.hacknet-auto.script for Bitburner v0.47.2
Winners don't use copyright
Latest version of this script should be at
Bitburner should be at
This script requires 5.70 GB of RAM to run for 1 thread(s)
This script will buy a ns.hacknet Node, fully upgrade it and then buy the next
one in an infinite loop. If the cost of the next upgrade is higher than
buying a new ns.hacknet Node, then a new one will be bought before the last one
is upgraded. There is an option to set the budget limit.
// We will not buy anything if there's less money than this ammount
var reserveMoney = 2000;
// Number of times to upgrade (shouldn't have to change this)
var n = 1;
ns.print('Waiting to purchase next upgrade...');
// Buy first ns.hacknetNode if there are none
if (
ns.hacknet.numNodes() === 0 &&
ns.getServerMoneyAvailable("home") >= reserveMoney
) {
// If there are no ns.hacknet Nodes, we can't do anything, so the script ends.
while (ns.hacknet.numNodes() > 0) {
// If there is not enough money, we wait for it instead of ending the loop.
while (ns.getServerMoneyAvailable("home") >= reserveMoney) {
for (var i = 0; i < ns.hacknet.numNodes(); i++) {
while (
ns.hacknet.getLevelUpgradeCost(i, n) < Infinity &&
ns.hacknet.upgradeLevel(i, n)
) {
await ns.sleep(100);
while (
ns.hacknet.getRamUpgradeCost(i, n) < Infinity &&
ns.hacknet.upgradeRam(i, n)
) {
await ns.sleep(100);
while (
ns.hacknet.getCoreUpgradeCost(i, n) < Infinity &&
ns.hacknet.upgradeCore(i, n)
) {
await ns.sleep(100);
} // END for (i = 0; i < ns.hacknet.numNodes(); i++)
Buy next ns.hacknet Node if the last one is already fully upgraded.
If for some reason the last ns.hacknet Node is fully upgraded and the
others don't, the loop above will still attempt to upgrade them all.
if (
ns.hacknet.getLevelUpgradeCost((ns.hacknet.numNodes() - 1), n) === Infinity &&
ns.hacknet.getRamUpgradeCost((ns.hacknet.numNodes() - 1), n) === Infinity &&
ns.hacknet.getCoreUpgradeCost((ns.hacknet.numNodes() - 1), n) === Infinity
) {
// Only buy nodes up to 23. Past that its not really worth it.
if (ns.hacknet.numNodes() < 23) {
} else if (
Or buy the next ns.hacknet Node if the next upgrade is more expensive
than buying a new ns.hacknet Node.
ns.hacknet.getLevelUpgradeCost((ns.hacknet.numNodes() - 1), n) > ns.hacknet.getPurchaseNodeCost() &&
ns.hacknet.getRamUpgradeCost((ns.hacknet.numNodes() - 1), n) > ns.hacknet.getPurchaseNodeCost() &&
ns.hacknet.getCoreUpgradeCost((ns.hacknet.numNodes() - 1), n) > ns.hacknet.getPurchaseNodeCost()
) {
await ns.sleep(100);
await ns.sleep(100);
/** @param {import(".").NS } ns */
function displayDashBoard(ns) {
let nodes = Array(ns.hacknet.numNodes()).fill(0);
let maxNodes = ns.hacknet.numNodes() < 23 ? 23 : Infinity
ns.print(`Nodes: ${nodes.length} of ${maxNodes}`);
ns.print(`Total Production: ${nodes.length === 0 ? "$0 /s" : ns.nFormat(, i) => ns.hacknet.getNodeStats(i).production).reduce((a, b) => a + b), MoneyFormat)} /s`)
ns.print(`Total Produced: ${nodes.length === 0 ? "$0" : ns.nFormat(, i) => ns.hacknet.getNodeStats(i).totalProduction).reduce((a, b) => a + b), MoneyFormat)}`)
["Node", "Produced", "Uptime", "Production", "Lv", "RAM", "Cores"],, i) => ns.hacknet.getNodeStats(i).name),, i) => ns.nFormat(ns.hacknet.getNodeStats(i).totalProduction, MoneyFormat)),, i) => ns.nFormat(ns.hacknet.getNodeStats(i).timeOnline, TimeFormat)),, i) => `${ns.nFormat(ns.hacknet.getNodeStats(i).production, MoneyFormat)} /s`),, i) => `${ns.hacknet.getNodeStats(i).level}`),, i) => `${ns.hacknet.getNodeStats(i).ram}`),, i) => `${ns.hacknet.getNodeStats(i).cores}`),
const MaxReducer = (a, b) => a > b ? a : b;
* Create a Table display of the provided data
* @param {string[]} headers Column Headers
* @param {...string[]} columns Column data
function table(headers, ...columns) {
// Calculate Column Widths
let widths = [];
// for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
// widths[i] = columns[i].concat([headers[i]]).map(s => s.length).reduce(MaxReducer);
// }
columns.forEach((c, i) => {
widths[i] = c.concat([headers[i]]).map(s => s.length).reduce(MaxReducer);
let output = "\n";
// Write Headers
headers.forEach((h, i) => {
output += ` ${h.padEnd(widths[i], " ")} |`;
output += "\n";
// Write Separator
headers.forEach((h, i) => {
output += `${"".padEnd(widths[i] + 2, "=")}|`;
output += "\n";
let rows = columns[0].length;
for (let row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
columns.forEach((c, i) => {
if (c[row] == "-") {
output += ` ${"".padEnd(widths[i], "-")} |`;
} else {
output += ` ${c[row].padEnd(widths[i], " ")} |`;
output += "\n";
return output;
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